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I ran upstairs after my mom and dad told me. I went in my room and shut the door and locked it, my mom and dad were yelling again.

" Thanks mom." My mom say

" You had to tell her at some time." Grandma said

" Mom, we were going to tell her after my doctor appointment tomorrow, now we probably lost our daughter, Thanks mom." Mom says and sits down

" Guys you need to stop fighting, Brooke is happy about having a brother/ sister, but she wont be able to watch it grow up and it probably reminds her of Caleb. She's just has to think about it." Hayden says getting up and getting something to drink

" That's not right, you don't know anything about her or Caleb." Grandma says

" Grandma, stop you might not like him, but I do and he does know me and Caleb pretty well, you didn't know us." I say sitting down next to him and took the remote from him

" Hey give that back." He says and I turn the channel

" No." I say and he rolled his eyes

" She is right mom, you were barley here, you only came cause Brooke was in the hosibatle and she was close to dying ." Mom says and I turn my head to them

" WHAT!!!" I yell

" Brooke calm down." Mom and dad say at the same time

" You guys didn't tell me that I was close to dying." I say sitting back on the couch

" Sweetheart that's why nobody came to see you, Hayden did after you died on us and then when he started to talk to you, you woke up so he came every day to talk to you. We didn't want to tell you because it would ruin more thing's that we couldn't handle. Katie was never mad at you for something you did, it was when you were in the hospitable lying there it reminded her of Caleb, so she just backed off and when you woke up and stable she whished Caleb would of been there." Mom says and I just sake my head


So I wake up to my grandma in my bedroom. I see her turn around and I close my eyes, I hear a rip and I open my eyes really quickly and she ripped pictures of me and Caleb, or me and Hayden.

" Grandma stop." I say and she goes towards the box Dillon gave me

" OH, what's in here." She says and I get out of bed really quickly

" Nothing for you to see, and I think you should leave and not come back unless its for a reason. You know me and Caleb really never liked you, our mom and dad just told us to be nice to you." I say and she leaves

I put the box down and I go clean up the pictures and I found something I didn't want to see. I looks at it again and it was a bomb, it was going to blow up the house in about 5 minutes. I grab my clothes bag and backpack. I put my stuff down and I run to Hayden room and wake him up.

" Hayden, wake up now grab your stuff that you need really, and grab your school stuff." I say and Hayden grabs my wrist

" Brooke, what's going on." He says letting go of my wrist

" My grandma put a bomb in my bedroom and it going to go off in about 3 minutes so hurry." I say and he grabs his stuff and I run out of his room and I grab princess and her cage. I run down stairs and my mom and dad are still here.

" Brooke were we going." My mom and dad saying

" No time to explain, just make sure you have stuff for us to buy food, and a place to live." I say and grab my drink and my car keys.

" Brooke what is going on." They say and they are about to freak out

" Grandma put a bomb in my bedroom and its going to explode in like 2 minutes, lets go." I say making them get up and dad go to the safe and mom pack food and medicine.

Hayden comes down and we go outside, and Hayden grabs Pipers lease and hooks it on her. We go out and we get to the road and we all turn around and see it blow up. My mom started to cry, I put my stuff in my car and my mom and dad hopped in there car.

" Guys we have the doctors appointment, just bring Piper to MK, and Princess to Katie's house . After all this we will see if Katie and her family will let us stay with them for a little while." My dad says, mom still crying

" Ok dad, love you, good luck."

They hop in there car and drive to the doctor appointment and we went to MK house. When we got to MKs house I grabbed Piper and went to knock on the door. I knocked on the door and Dianna opened the door. " Hey Brooke." Dianna says

" Hey is Mk home our your mom." I say while Piper jumps on her

" Yeah there in the back why." She says

" I'll explain when we get there." I say and we go to the backyard

" Hey MK, and aunt Sarah." I say

" Hey guys, were your mom." She asks me and Hayden

" Doctors appointment." I say

" Don't you guys have a photo shoot today." She asks us

" Yes we do, but can you watch Piper till we come back."  I ask

" Why cant she just stay home." She says

" You wont believe me, cause my mom and dad didn't believe me till they seen the house blow up." I say making Hayden hit me

" What the house blew up. How. Why, Who." She says

" Grandma came over and she got mad cause she doesn't like Hayden, and when they told me that my mom was pregnant, I freaked out and Hayden stood up for me and she didn't like it so when she was talking to me this morning she put a bomb in my bedroom. So can you just watch her for us." I say giving Piper to them

" Ok, where will you be staying." They ask me

" I think my dad said we will probably stay at Katie's house for a little while." I say hugging them  bye

" Ok, good luck today." They say and we leave to go to Katie house. We hop in the car and go to Katie's house. I go and grab Princess and tell Hayden to stay here. I go knock on the door and Brennan answers it.

" Hey" Brennan says

" Hey is Katie home." I ask making him grin

" Yeah she's in her bedroom doing homework." He says and I walk in

" Thank you." I say going to knock on Katie's door. I knock and Katie opens it and she hugs me

" Hey long story, tell you later, but we are running late, can you please watch her for me till like 5 or 6." I ask

" Sure, did something happen between you and your parents." Katie asked me

" No but I will explain the hole story later." I say walking out the door and hoping in the car.  I get in the car and I back up and head to the photo shoot. All our friends are supposed to be there to take group pictures. We get there and we check in and I see Jojo.

" Hey just on time. Oh hold up your an hour LATE." Jojo say and starts to scream

" Guys, were sorry but my grandma got mad at us and put a bomb in our house and just blew up when we were supposed to leave. We had to drop off my dogs and then I talk to my parents to see were we are going to live for now. You guys happy now lets get going." I say and we get on with the photo shoot.

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