Hanging with friends

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We got to the pier and it wasn't busy, but it was packed with a lot of teenagers. We got our tickets for the concert and fireworks. After we got our tickets we went on the farcie wheel, we got on the ride after waiting for like 10 minutes. We were going around and we were talking about what we were doing after we graduate high school.

" Brooke what are you thinking about doing after you graduate high school." Carson said and I was thinking

" I think I'm going to go to the army." I said

" Really why." Jayden, and Jojo said at the same time

" It has been a dream since my dad came home, and my brother never got to complete his dream, so I'm going to complete my dream." I said

" Have you told your parents yet." Maddie says

" They just had a baby, I'm not going to ruin it. Chloe will grow up with a good sister that completed stuff she was wanted to do and forgot about the past, or she will not go up with a good sister, I don't want that for her."   I said and we exited the ride.

" I get were your going, but what about al your friends." Jojo says

" Hold up guys have you seen Hayden." Carson says

" Yeah, I'll go talk to him, we'll met you at the concert." I say

" Ok." Carson says

I walk over to were Hayden was, and I probably knew why he walked away, but I just go sit by him on the bench and I took my phone out and texted him " You mad at me."

" Why would I be mad at you." He says

" Maybe cause I never told you about the army thing." I say a little annoyed

" Well yeah I'm mad at you for not telling me, but I kind of understand where your going with this." He says 

" Yeah, lets just go to the concert and solve this later." I say

" K" He says and we head to the concert. We give the doorman our tickets and went to find our friends.

We got to the concert and it got cold outside, but I was fine. Before the concert I went to get some food and drinks with the girls. I got a mountain dew and a hot dog,, some candy, and popcorn. We headed back and then the concert started, but the boys weren't there or Maddie. We sat down and the show started first was the Flair and I knew most of the people there, but we weren't friends anymore since I left Maryland. After they went it was Johnny and Maddie, that's were they went and Johnny was singing Friends are forever. Maddie was dancing and in the background it was a video of all of us through out our friend ship. When they were down we clapped our hands.

After them it was Carson and he sang one of his own songs. Friendship, Love, forever was his song and the background video of us again,  but this time it hade videos of us and I liked his song it was really about what we did this summer and I knew nobody wanted me to do this army thing but I'm doing it.if I can come baack

I was sitting there waiting for Hayden to come on, but the producer came by and asked  if I could go with him and I said yes. We went to his office, and he heard that I sang and I dance, it was really wired in the there but I just got my concert. I'm going to do a remix of  It's just a dream and without you. I had a little time to prepare, so I made a background of my friends, family, and what I have been through this year. I choose this remix because I cant live without my friends and family, but I'm going to complete another dream.

" Welcome to the stage Brooke Waterberry. She will be doing a remix of It's just a dream and  without you. Hit it off Brooke." Mike said the host of the concert

" Hi guys so I picked this remix because my friends and I were on the ferries wheel and we were talking about what we wanted to do, after we graduate high school. I said the army and I think these 2 songs reflect of my descion I have to make. Please enjoy." I said and I started to sing and people were really happy. I was done with my song and I was the closing act, but we weren't done just yet.

"Can I have the Flair people on stage, with Jojo and Maddie please. So guys we aren't done just yet. How wants to see us dance." I say and the crowd goes wild.

" So guys I know we can pull this off, ready, put your hands in the middle on 3. 1..... 2......3.... GO!!!!!!!" I say and we head to the stage

" Welcome we have a remix of old and ne dances, dancing to  "It's Everyday Bro By: Jake Paul, team 10"

We danced and when we were done I headed back to my seat next to Hayden, and he grabs my hand and we watch the fireworks. When the fireworks were done we headed back to our Uber and went to my house to drop off Hayden and I. We got home and everybody was sleeping, we entered the house and my dad was awake. I gave him a kiss and went up stairs to my bedroom. I changed into Caleb's baseball jersey, and sweat, and I edited my video I was secretly filming the hole night. 


Hi guys I'm thinking about to end this story and make the sequel to it, but I don't know were to leave this story off. Please just comment down below what you think and please put your input.

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