I Get to leave

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The doctor gave me a IV to get fluids to me through my surgery. I had another IV put in my hand to make me fall asleep and I was out in less than 3 minutes. The doctor was doing surgery and it took about 2 hours they said. After surgery was done I started to wake up and I looked out my window and it was morning. The doctor told me before my parents came that they gave me some extra medicine to make me sleep through the night. I got up and I eat my food. Today's breakfast was pancakes and watermelon.  My nurse said that I had physical training to get me back on my 2 own feet. I was just laying in my bed when my nurse said there is somebody here to see you.  

After I said ok I was waiting for whoever it was to come in. After a little while Katie and her family came, I was so happy, I have wanted to see her since I woke up. I talked to them for a little bit and my nurse peeked her head through and said you guys can walk around she has crutches. I grabbed my crutches  and we started to walk around. After visiting hours were done I went back to my room and my mom, dad, and Hayden were there.

Every thing was in boxes that belong to me and they said that I can leave now. I got really happy and I hugged everybody. I thanked my nurses and my doctors that believed in me that I could wake up. After I thanked everybody we walked out of the hospitable and went home and order some pizza. After the pizza came we watched some TV.

After my mom and dad fell asleep me and Hayden went up stairs to our bedrooms. I walked in to my bedroom and there was this cage and a box. I walked over to the box with my handy crutches and opened it. When I opened it, it was my favorite king of dog. I named her princess and hugged Hayden.

We both went to bed and I checked my social media and seen photos all over instagram that said, Don't believe Brooke she is a big fat liar that just want attention.  Hayden must of seen all of them cause he came running into my bedroom and taking my phone away. He said I'm taking this in till Serena can stop with all the negativity to have more popular than she is now.

After Hayden came and took my phone away I went to sleep cause I was happy that I was in my bed for over a month. 

                                                                              THE NEXT DAY

I woke up and grabbed my crutches and walked on to my balcony. When I walk on my balcony it feels so nice outside right now. I'm just sitting on my balcony when someone knocks on my door. It was my mom and dad.

" Hey mom and dad." I say

"good morning sweetheart, do you know were Hayden is." They ask me.

" In his bedroom, bathroom." I say and I make a grin cause I know what they are going to say next.

" Well we looked in all the bedroom and bathrooms and he not in there. Can you text him." They say making me look up and put my head down.

" Ummmmmmm............................ no I cant." I say looking back up at them.

" Why cant you text him." They say.

" Cause he took my phone after we came upstairs that I wouldn't see what, I know were he is now." I say grabbing my crutches.

" Brooke that you wouldn't see what." They say and just keep following me.

" Serena kept posting pictures when I was at school unconscious, and saying that Hayden cover for me to make me more popular. Nobody believed Hayden when they asked were I was and now they specially wont cause I'm right here. Lets go before Hayden turns out like me." I say grabbing my mom and dads car keys and we hope in.

We are driving to school and I see my car, and I know that Hayden here. I tell my parents to stay and I start to walk up to the school. I walk in the school and it is lunch time for the girls so lets go.

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