Update on Dance Exam

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I think it went okay, it was for an examiner that we've never had before, so I was literally nervous as hECK

Reasons why I was pretty stressed:

-Everyone was meant to be in a set of 3. But someone dropped out, and guess which set it was? You guessed it, mine. So, I was in a set of two. It was me and my friend (I'm lucky I was with her, I could've been with someone I don't talk to), meaning the pressure was on us as she'd be able to spot more mistakes since there's less of us. sO That got me a little stressed.

-Me and my friend were last. Normally, people would think that was an advantage, since you're able to see what happens to the other's and see what it's like before you go in. Welp, I can now tell you that it's definitely NOT an advantage. We're the last ones she sees. Last impression. Pressure much?

-Ballet isn't my strong point. Modern / Jazz (Pastel__Dreams heheh)? I'm good. Tap? Probably what I'm best at. Contemporary? Pretty good. Ballet? nOPE. So that got me a little nervous, as my arms aren't perfect and I'm not exactly graceful.

But although all that was on my mind, I pushed it away and just got on with it. It was okay, I was good. No need to worry about me! Now I just gotta wait for the results... Oh god aNXIETY LEVELS.

~A slightly calmer Cinnam than before

(Also, updates will be slow. I'll be gone for a while. Internet's down. ;-;)

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