Chapter Eleven

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-Jinxx's POV-

I was sitting in the studio with the guys playing my piano when I started to think about Chantelle and her accident last night. When I saw her laying at the bottom of the steps everything in the world just stopped and I thought of every worst possibility that could've happened to her. Thankfully she was ok and only had a small bruise on her shoulder from when she hit the wall.

I felt bad about leaving Chantelle at the house this morning even though I begged for her to come along with me, but she insisted that she stay home and catch up on her reading. It scares me knowing she's by herself with no one around, well as long as she knows her limits and stays away from the stairs she should be fine? Right? Right!

''Earth to Jinxx!" CC yelled causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

''Yeah, it sounds good.'' I smiled, clearly not paying attention. They all looked at me like I was crazy and then all busted out in laughter.


''Dude! Where is your head?!'' CC laughed, ruffling up my hair.

''I can think of a place and it starts with a girl by the name of Chan-'' Ashley smirked but was slapped upside the head by Jake.

''Ashley, don't be an idiot.'' Andy warned.

''No, I am actually thinking about her.'' I said which caused the guys to errupt into one big ''Ohhh!" along with the occasional whistles.

''Not like that!"

''Well what about her? Let's hear it.'' Jake laughed, pulling his chair closer to me.

''She had a pretty bad accident last night. She got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and accidently fell down the steps.''

''Ouch! Is she ok?" Andy asked.

''Yeah, just a small bruise, but she was so heartbroken last night killed me. Chantelle wished she was dead.''

''No! Why would she say that?" Ashley asked and I looked over at him with an ''isn't it obvious?'' look.

''She can hardly see where she's going or what she's doing! I feel bad for leaving her at the house but she insisted she stay there. I just hope Chantelle isn't starting to isolate herself again.''

''If she's with you I doubt she wants to be isolated. You make her so happy.'' Andy smiled over at me. He was right, I did make Chantelle happy and she made me happy. The first time we met she barely smiled at me, now she smiles everyday and laughs! Andy was right, if Chantelle's with me there's no way she is isolating herself.

But then again last night was really tough on us, especially Chantelle. When I heard her say ''I wish I was dead'' it ripped a piece of my heart out. She's been living in a lonely world for fourteen years and I know Chantelle's happy, but there's just something off about her happiness.

''I just thought of something!" I smiled ear to ear.

''What's that?"

''I'm going to contact some optometrists and see if they can give Chantelle an appointment.'' I took my phone out of my pocket.

''For what?"

''To give her a corneal transplant.'' I smiled.

-Chantelle's POV-

I was reading my book that I've been on for nearly a month when I heard the front door open and footsteps coming closer to me.

''Chantelle!'' I screamed throwing my book and held up my fists if anyone tried coming after me. ''It's Jinxx!"

''You scared me! How was work at the studio?" I smiled.

''Good, but I got even better news.'' I felt him sit down next to me, taking my hands in his.


''I called around a few doctors' offices and there's one in San Francisco who'd like to meet you.''

''You mean like a check up because I'm new or something?"

''No, I want to get you the transplant.'' I yanked my hands out of Jinxx's and felt my jaw hit the floor when he said that. He wants to have the transplant? I knew it! I knew he couldn't take care of me like my mother could!


''Don't you want it?"

''You couldn't handle it, I knew it! My lifestyle is too difficult for you and you can't deal with it. Me constantly holding onto you like a three year old, walking at only five miles per hour, helping me get dressed and strapping me in the car! Was last night the final straw for you Jinxx?!"

''Chantelle, let me-''

''-I knew I shouldn't have moved in with you! You can't handle living with a blind girl!"

''Chantelle, I want you to have it so you can see the same things I do! I want to look into your eyes and have you look back in mine. I want you to see the world that you've been taken away from.'' I placed my hands over my face and started crying as I felt Jinxx wrap his arms around me and pull me into his lap.

''You-you want this to happen?" I sobbed.

''Yes!" I pulled back and stared at his blurry figure, reaching for his face. He took my hands, placing them on each side of his face and rested his forehead against mine.

''But the donors' list is too long of a wait and the surgery alone is too much money.''

''I don't care. Giving you the ability to see again is worth more.''

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