Chapter Fourteen: Halloween

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I groaned hearing the doorbell ring for what had to be the sixth thousandth time tonight and then felt Jinxx give me a small peck on the head, laughing as he walked over to the door, opening it.

''Trick or treat!" I heard a bunch of children say once the door was opened. Of course I'm a nice person and I would never intentionally be mean to a small child, but it just made me jealous that I couldn't do the things they did because of my damn eyes. Come to think of it my parents never took me out trick or treating even before my eyes went bad. I think I was the only kid on my block who didn't have the greatest childhood.

''Happy Halloween.'' Jinxx said as he closed the door. He plopped down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and laying his head on my chest. ''I swear that's the third bag of Kit-Kats we went through.''

''Hmm, you don't say.''

''What's the matter?"


''You got a witches' broom up your butt?'' He laughed, pinching my cheek. I swatted his hand away and folded my arms, huffing.

''Come on what's wrong pumpkin butt?"

''You're so lame with your Halloween puns.'' I slightly chuckled.

''But it got you to laugh, didn't it? Now tell me what's the matter?" I covered my face with my hand and started to laugh again.

''It's embarassing.''


''I'm a twenty three year old woman and I'm uberly jealous of the little kids trick or treating.''

''You never went trick or treating before?''

''Never.'' I laughed.

''But I thought your eyes didn't go bad until you were ten?"

''I didn't go before then either!" I shrugged. The next thing I knew I was picked up from the couch and thrown over Jinxx's shoulder. I heard him grab his car keys and open the front door, walking outside and unlocking the car. I was placed in and had my seatbelt strapped on and Jinxx got in shortly after, starting the car and driving to only god knows where.

''That's going to change.''

''Where in the world are we going?!"

''You'll see my love.'' I shook my head, laughing to myself and smiled the entire drive to where ever Jinxx was taking me. A couple minutes later the car stopped and Jinxx got out, opening my door and unbuckling me from the seat. Even though it was dark I could see brightly lit objects, but I couldn't tell what they were or if they said anything.

I heard the sound of a door opening and close and the many voices of people when I was lead inside an extremely bright place. I felt Jinxx tug my arm, pulling me across the floor and abruptly stopping in front of something.

''What are we doing?"

''I'm buying you and myself a Halloween costume.''


''So we can go trick or treating, silly! Ooh! I think I found the perfect one!"

''Jinxx! We can't go out and trick or treat! We're grown adults!"

''Come on you need to go trick or treating at some point in your life! I want to do this for you and we are going to have a good time and get hyped up on sugar! Woo!"

''To me it sounds like you don't need anymore sugar.'' I laughed as my arm was nearly pulled from the socket.

''This is perfect!" I heard Jinxx say as I heard him pick something up and place it on top of my head. ''Adorable!"

Jinxx got what we needed, paying for the costumes and walked out of the store getting into the car and driving us back home. The car came to a stop and Jinxx got out of the car, coming over to my side and opening the door, helping me out. We walked inside the house, shutting the door once inside, where I was picked off of my feet and carried up the steps.

''Don't peek at me.'' Jinxx laughed as I heard him take the costumes out of the bag. I smirked, placing my hands over my eyes and let out a small laugh.

''Not making any promises.''

''There! Now it's time to get you dressed and I'll throw some makeup on us and we'll be out the door.'' I felt Jinxx lift my arms over my head and take off my shirt, slipping a dress like outfit over my torso. He unzipped my jeans, helping me step out of them and slid on what I was assuming thigh high stockings.

''How do I look so far?"

''Amazing! Let's go into the bathroom and get dolled up.'' He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the room, turning on the light in the bathroom and grabbed a few things out of the medicine cabinet. I felt the soft strokes of a brush going across my cheeks and then a much finer tip gliding across my eyelids.

''Pucker up buttercup.'' I stuck out my lips and felt a smooth, but wet substance going over my lips. I rubbed my lips together and gave a small smile in Jinxx's direction.

''All ready?" I asked.

''Yep! Just let me slip our shoes on, grab our bags and we'll head out.'' I felt my legs being slightly lifted and felt my shoes getting strapped on my feet, making me feel a bit taller than usual.

''Are these heels?"

''Yeah, but not to worry they aren't eight inches or anything.'' He chuckled picking me up and carrying me back down the steps. Jinxx set me back on my feet and hooked a plastic handle around my wrist.


''Yes- wait one more thing!" I felt something being placed on my head and my hair being fixed around. ''Now we can go.''

''Finally!" Jinxx linked my arm with his, opening the door and lead me outside, walking down the streets. We stopped at our first house, ringing the doorbell and waited for the owner to fill our buckets with candy.

"Trick or treat!" We both greeted, smiling.

''Oh! Well aren't you two adorable! Here you go! Happy Halloween!" She lightly giggled, putting the treats into our buckets.

''I think that lady was surprised to see two adults at her doorstep begging for candy.'' Jinxx laughed leading me down the sidewalks.

''Told you.'' I laughed.

''So what? I'm having a good time and you're having a good time, right?''


''Well that's all that matters, so onward to more candy!"

Jinxx and Chantelle's costumes------------------------->>

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