The Other Side

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No one would notice him. No one could notice him. They were trying to make the place indistinguishable, but little did they know one of their own had already achieved the feat. He slipped around, unnoticed. He walked past many of his own kind, and not once did they acknowledge him at all.  

He waited as their leader explained the task they were about to put forth, and laughed quietly to himself. They knew so little. They didn't understand true domination at all. They thought making themselves invisible would confuse the humans, but he knew how they worked. He knew their tricky ways. Humans didn't get confused by change from the norm, as Fuzzy Guys did. Humans didn't immediately trust whoever came up to them with a plan, as Fuzzy Guys did. Humans didn't mindlessly go forward with a task, as Fuzzy Guys did.  

He knew how they worked by now. He had spent enough time around them, capturing them, dealing with them, making acquaintances with them, even, to know their behaviors; how they handled things; what they believed in, and what they didn't.  He had had a lot of practice with improving that knowledge, that technique that allowed him to know just how they tick.  

Ultimately, he had had one man to blame for all of this. He had become something of a legend nowadays; all throughout the planet of Fuzzonia they spoke of the one man who had somehow technically defeated the Fuzzy Guys singlehandedly. This man came in many forms; sometimes he was a mature adult, sometimes he was a young boy. He was unpredictable, fickle, even. You never knew what to expect when you came across this man.  

The Fuzzy Guy, this Fuzzy Guy in particular, considered himself the most experienced in dealing with this man. It was all due to a series of unfortunate and totally unnecessary mishaps that were all because of the biggest, most unfortunate and unnecessary mishap ever.  

It had all started when he had taken that class back when he was a young Fuzzy Guy living happily on the planet, back when it hadn't been so divided. The class was, as it was often described, the opposite of a self-defense class. It was comprised of about fifty young Fuzzy Guys, and the main objective was to learn the true Fuzzy Guy way. That is, to fight, to learn from their enemies, and to conquer. There were also the more negative aspects, such as the art of threats, torture, and interrogation, but those were mostly glossed over. Those came naturally.  

The Fuzzy Guy hadn't initially wanted to join the class, but was eventually pushed into it by a friend as a 'learning experience.' Begrudgingly he went to the class a week later, expecting the worst.  

However, he was surprised to find that the class was invigorating and even fascinating. There were so many techniques that he had not been aware of, and he learned quickly. The class only lasted a week, and despite his original expectations he found himself sad to leave.  

The same friend had also taken the class, and had been impressed by his success. It was at this time that he informed him of a special program that was being offered to a select few; a program that he assured him would be like no other and was the opportunity of a lifetime.  

He looked into it and was, quite frankly, stunned by the description. It offered to take one lucky young Fuzzy Guy through time and space to a completely different planet, where he would stay for years - a sort of long-term foreign exchange student. The description warned that the ability to travel back was not perfected yet and might not be able to occur at all, but it emphasized again the magnitude of it all and what it could mean for the future of the entire Fuzzy Guy nation.  

The Fuzzy Guy was ecstatic. He immediately called the phone number listed and was told there would be auditions for the part. The play to end all plays, he thought. The auditions came and went, and a couple of weeks later he was called and informed that he would be chosen for this oh so special mission.  

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