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Time skip 5 months later.

I woke up feeling really ill, I had a horrible headache and stomach cramps. I turned to my side and picked up my phone, I checked the time '10:37' wow I slept in late at least it was a Saturday.

I got up out my bed and slowly trotted down stairs coughing, to see Matt with a worried expression on his face.
"Are you okay y/n? Do you need anything" Matt said to me as I walked over to him. "Well I have a headache and my stomach hurts" I said rubbing my stomach. He went over to the cupboard and opened it.
"We don't have any paracetamol so I'm going to nip out to get some, go to bed and rest" he said pecking me on the lips. He got his keys and went out,

I trotted back upstairs and walked over to my door and opened it.
I walked and sat onto my bed as I picked up my phone to check my media.
I then fell asleep,

One hour later.

I woke up to see my phone lit up, there was a text from Matt I opened it 'hey y/n I went to the shops to get our shopping, I figured you won't be doing it so I'm going to be about an hour, I think there is paracetamol in my top cupboard' I got up out of bed to hear a car drive into our driveway.

That must be Matt I thought walking down the stairs to see Harley... just standing in the doorway with something in his hand.

"Hello y/n, how have you been?" he said with an evil grin plastered across his pale face.

"G-go away" I said with a tear rolling down my cheek.
Saying that only made him walk closer to me. I wish Matt was here, he would protect me.

He walks closer to me and I can now see what's in his hand, it's a knife,

A small pocket knife.

He keeps walking closer to me and I backed away. I was moving backwards until I hit a wall, I started panicking as he raised his hand.

"Oh no little Matty isn't here to save you is he?"

I curled up into a little ball as he yanked my arm, he dragged me outside behind the bushed and started cutting my arms, just making random scars in me. I winced at the pain as he lifted something to the temple of my head.

It was a gun

"Move or make a sound and ill blow your brains out" he said kissing my neck. I felt disgusted and as if I was betraying Matt.

"I'd rather die" I mutter but he didn't hear.

He carried on cutting my arms and I started to feel queasy, probably from the blood loss.

I heard a car pull up in our drive way

"MATT" I yelled trying to get out of Harley's grip but he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the road and tried to put me in his car. Matt was calling the police as he ran over to me, Harley got in his car and started to go fast and driving to me.

I was waiting to feel the impact but it never came.

Suddenly Matt jumped and pushed me out of the way causing him to get hit by the car.

"MATTHEW" I screamed his name, I never called him that.
Tears rolled down my face rapidly as Harley drove of. I ran as fast as I could to Matt to see him laying there....


I was crying and I was dizzy so I wasn't in the best state.
I quickly picked up matts hand and kissed it I pulled him up on to my lap hugging onto him repeating,
"Don't go, don't leave me, I love you so much"

I had matts phone in my hand and the police and ambulance were on there way.

2 minutes later~~

I heard sirens but couldn't see them. I heard people talking but didn't know who they were. I felt myself getting moved but didn't know where I was going.

And then I blacked out.....

Hey everyone.
I just want to say I'm sorry for not updating for so long, if you want to know why it's in my profile about.

Thanks for the support and understanding. Love you all so much.

742 words

Matthias {Matthias x reader} ---Matthias and me---Where stories live. Discover now