Chapter Five

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A/N: Hey Bride and Dogs!! Sorry its been so long since I posted!! But Good News Everyone!! (any one catch that reference?) I got my new lap top so its much easier to write for all you loves!! Also, I found out today that I pregnant!! 

Okay my love bugs! Just a quick trigger warning for this chapter! We will be reading some of Songs abuse first person in this part. Im sorry if its too much for anyone....but remember, I did mark this book as mature from the very beginning..... 

Alright no more doom and, enjoy and vote!! and I love reading y'all's comments, they make my day!! <3 Me

A/N 2:  the above is kinda what Sang's Choir mark looks like, except her's will have hearts instead of stars and there will be one that stands for each of the boys

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A/N 2:  the above is kinda what Sang's Choir mark looks like, except her's will have hearts instead of stars and there will be one that stands for each of the boys. And FYI, the hearts don't just appear all at once, as each boy receives his mark, so shall his heart grow in Sang's mark. 


Luke's POV:

     It is now almost 10 o'clock at night and I am dressed in what I feel like must be some of North's clothes, (I don't do black! It's just not my color!). I had promised Kota that I would have a quick look around Sang's house tonight. Nathan is not the only one who had a bad feeling about what was going on around here. My talents may lay in pulling pranks and lifting wallets, but even I could feel the evil that was radiating from the two story log cabin that laid right behind a couple towering spruce trees. 

     We all knew it wasn't Sang that was the root of this evil. However, we still didn't know what was the cause. Which, brings me back to the whole reason I was traipsing around this dark yard on the edge of a forest. I skirted the edge of the forest, and headed towards the house. I mad sure to stay in the shadows. As I approached the back of the cabin, I could hear a raised voice. 

     "You horrid bitch! I know you were out there being a slut! How could you do that to me?! I spend my life trying to teach you to be a good girl. And yet you still manage to be a slut the moment you are away from me. Your good for nothing father let you hang around boys today didn't he?! I bet you let them touch you, did you like the way they looked at you? Did you like they way their hands felt on you?!" The woman who was doing all the screaming had her back to the window over the sink, the one from which I was witnessing this horrid scene. I felt like I had fallen head first into someones nightmare, with no way out.

    I looked over the older woman shoulder, and there with her back to me, was Sang. She had on only a simple white t-shirt. Her nose was pressed against the wall, and when she shifted on her knees, I noticed two things, first: she was kneeling in rice, and second: she ha no pants on. Her ass was red and raw. I looked back at what I was assuming her mother, and I realized that the woman was brandishing a fly swatter about as she continued to yell. Once more, I turned my attention to Sang, She was silent as her mother continued to scream obscenities at her. As she continued to kneel in the rice I saw a widening puddle glisten at her knees, she was bleeding. I knew that kneeling in the rice would cause her knees to bruise, but there was something more to what was happing here. I made a reasonable guess and decided that there must also be broken glass mixed in with the rice. 

     All these things came to me rapid fire, I was horrified for what Sang was going through. It was then that I final took another breath. I felt like I had been holding my breath for years and in truth, it had probably been 30 seconds since I had approached the kitchen window. I took a second breath and prepared to get away as quickly as possible, I had to report back to Owen and Kota, and I smelled it. Demon.


A/N: Please remember, that all Greek is from Google translate. It is probably horribly wrong and if it is than I am so humbly apologetic!

North's POV:

     It was killing me knowing that Luke was out there alone. I knew that his talents were what made him ideal for moments like this. Hell, his dad was the damn Angel of Tricksters. That made Luke damn near impossible to catch when he wanted to be unseen. But, still, he was my stepbrother, I was not the type to sit back and wait patiently as those I cared abut were in danger. 

     I was pacing the front porch of the ranch house, waiting on Luke to return, when Silas found me. "Χαλαρώστε τον αδελφό μου, ξέρετε ότι θα είναι ωραία. Ξέρεις τι σε ενοχλεί πραγματικά και δεν είναι ο αδελφός σου. Ανησυχείτε για τα σημάδια μας. Νομίζετε ότι θα μπορούσε να προορίζεται για όλους μας;" (Relax my brother, you know it will be alright. You know what is really bothering you and it's not your brother. You are worried about our marks. Do you think she could be meant for all of us?) I looked at Silas and sighed, "Ξέρω ότι προορίζεται για όλους μας. Το αισθάνομαι στην ψυχή μου Σίλα. Αυτό που με ανησυχεί είναι γιατί περιβάλλεται από ένα τέτοιο κακό. Ξέρετε τον Ναθάν, δεν αντιδράει έτσι σε κανένα κακό που είναι ο θεός βλασφημικός άγγελος του πολέμου για χάρη. Πρέπει να είναι μνημειώδες για να τον κάνει να αισθάνεται να ανησυχεί για μια κατάσταση. Πρόκειται να είναι το κέντρο του κόσμου μας Σίλα, και όμως, κινδυνεύει από έναν θανατηφόρο εχθρό και δεν υπάρχει τίποτα που μπορώ να κάνω για να τη σώσω." (I know she is meant for all of us. I can feel it in my soul Silas. What worries me is why is she surrounded by such evil. You know Nathan, he doesn't react like that to just any evil he's the god damn angel of war for fucks sakes. It has to be monumental to make him feel wrong about a situation. She is going to be the center of our world Silas, and yet, she is in danger from a deadly foe, and there is nothing I can do to save her.) 

     Just then, as Silas was preparing to answer me, Luke came sprinting down our drive. He had a look on his face that reminded me of when we were young and one of my brothers would awaken to a nightmare. It's not like our human fathers where good to us. Seeing as how almost all of our mothers had been raped by fallen angels and then left to explain to their husbands where we came from, most of us where treated to many beatings as young nephilim. And now, as Luke came towards us at top speed, I was once again terrified for my brothers. 

     "What is it?!" I bellowed. Which, of course brought the rest of my brothers out to the porch. Owen looked at all of us and, as usual, with just a glance silenced us all. I could feel my hands fisting up by my sides. I was the Angel of Death, or well as close as one could be without being an actual angel, and I didn't do well with letting threats to my family remain unhindered. But, I respected Owen, and so I silently glowered at my brothers, waiting for Luke to report what he found. And as usual, Luke needed only five words to through our world in to chaos, "Sang's mother is a demon..."


A/N:  Hey y'all!! I know I made you lovely readers wait way to long for chapter four so I figured I would through chapter five up for ya real quick. 

now I got a question for y'all, who's POV do you want next, do ya wanna go back to Sang and find out whats happening to her right now, or do you want another of the boys? OH! BTW, I hope I did alright getting into Luke and North's POV's. 


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