Chapter One

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A/N: just to let y'all know, I'm writing this on my iPhone. So there is no editing, and I apologize immensely if there are spelling/grammar mistakes. I know how hard it is to read when there are a lot of errors. I will try my best to make sure there's not any. But we all know how some slip through those damn cracks lol. So anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed the prologue and now, on with our story....

Sang's POV:

     I escaped early this morning, before anyone else was even awake. I grabbed my backpack and threw a few foodstuffs into it. Along with the paperwork for school registration. The classes being offered were not extremely challenging but the were some potentially good ones. Japanese, AP History, AP English Literature, AP Biology, AP Calculus, Violin, AP English Composition, and of course PE. Yes, I know your wondering why Japanese right? I only know the characters, not how to speak it. And no I don't play the violin, but why not? If I can convince my parents to get me a used one....
     As I contemplate my hopeful schedule, I wonder the woods once more. I make it back to the tree line, and sit down beneath an ancient oak that is semi close to the stream I was following yesterday. I sit and day dream for a moment as I drink from my water bottle. The wind shifts and brings with it the smell of sun warmed horse, sweat and leather. I quickly get up and move so as I am no longer visible from outside of the forest.
     As I quietly watch from my hidden spot, a group of a boys... men... cowboys... rides the fence line. There are three of them and a large golden retriever runs between their horses. My first thought was I wonder what it would be like to ride? I have never seen a horse up close, but from what I've read they seem amazingly wonderful creatures. The men on the horse are talking and as I sit hidden behind my tree I listen to them joke and talk amongst themselves.
     "Oh come on North!! Chocolate chip pancakes are the best thing for breakfast! Quit being so mean and just let us have some today!! We ate your stupid healthy omelettes yesterday!!" The one with longish blonde hair says. He's wearing a light blue button up shirt and his smile shows that he's not really mad, just picking on the other guy.
     "Luke! You can't have sugar for breakfast! You need protein to keep you going!" Shouts the one in all black. He has a golden hoop earring in one ear and has a black Stetson hat pushed back on his head as he argues with the blonde.... I guess the blonde one is Luke, who's the third one? I ponder this question as they ride by me slowly. I can't see his face, but I'm surprised to see the third guy wearing a purple plaid shirt. I didn't realize guys would wear purple. Hmmmm.... I wonder if it's his favorite color?
     The third guy laughs at the antics of the other two as they continue their ride and pass by me without realizing I'm there. I relax as they ride away. I don't want to risk talking to them yet. My voice is still not better from my discipline the other night and I cannot tell them what happened. I'm hoping that by Friday I'll be able to speak above a whisper so I can register at school without any questions.
     Besides, even if I could speak, if my mother found out, I'd be glad for a glass of lemon juice and vinegar. She would use her yard stick on my back again more likely. Or maybe make me kneel on rice again. As long as it's not the stool in the shower ever again. I only had to do that once and I nearly drowned. The only thing that saved me that time was father need to used the bathroom and found me tied up and barely conscious. He just untied me and told me it was my fault as he sent me to my room.
As they ride away, I realize what time it is. I need to get home before they notice me missing. So I pack up my backpack and head home. As I walk, I think on the guys I've just watched. Their easy camaraderie with each other has me longing for things I don't have words to express. It has been so long since I've spoken to anyone outside of my family. I forget what it's like to joke and laugh.
I miss the only friend I ever had, Jannie, we were friends for 5 weeks in the second grade. But then my mother found out about her. We moved the next week. I learned after that, never get attached, never open up, and most of all, never speak of the things my mother did to me. I only tried to once. I told my fifth grade teacher that my back hurt, when she asked why I told her I was bad so I had to be punished with the yard stick. I never went back to that school. In the eleven years of school I have been through, we have moved nine times. Always small towns, always after someone started to pay more attention to me, and always without any notice.
By this point, I have made it back to the house and notice that my father is up and in his office. I quickly duck into the kitchen and begin to make chocolate chip pancakes. Those boys had me thinking of them. My mother barges into the kitchen, nearly knocking me over while I'm making the bacon.
"What is this?! Chocolate?! I wanted oatmeal and poached eggs!" She screams.
I wince at the tone of voice. If she's like this already, it's going to be a painful day for me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I can make you some still if you'd like?" I cringe as I await her response.
"Too late you worthless bitch! I'll eat this shameful crap and then you will kneel!" She screeches. As I plate up her and fathers breakfast, she proceeds to pour rice into the corner. My father walks in, sees what's happening and chuckles to himself.
"Already Astra? It's too damn early for this." He motions to me, now kneeling in the rice.
"Well, Richard, if your daughter was a better cook this wouldn't happen." Is all the response she gives him. As I kneel, I consider her words, your daughter....your daughter....your daughter.... they cricle my mind and cry out to me, but I can come to no conclusion as to what she means by them. Maybe, someday I'll understand but for now I just focus on making it until they both leave and forget about me. Then I'll be able to get up and leave again. Back to my peaceful spot beneath the ancient oak tree.

Later that afternoon, my father comes into my room, where I've been since the kitchen incident. I've got my paperwork for registration all filled out even though it's only Wednesday. I look up from my window seat and look at him as I wait for him to speak. It unusual for him to seek me out.
"What classes are you requesting?" He probes.
I respond with my list of classes and he looks at me silently for a moment. Then he replies with, "If you wish to take violin, fine, I'll take you to the Goodwill tomorrow afternoon to get a cheap violin. If it breaks don't expect a new one." And then he stalks out and slams my bedroom door. I simply sit there, stupefied. He agreed? He will do what? Something is up and I'm determined to figure it out.

It's now time to head to the school to register for classes. I am so excited. School is where, for a few hours, I can pretend. Pretend to be normal, pretend to be wanted.
As we pull into the parking lot my father tells me he will wait in the car for me, to bring him anything that needs signing and to be quick about it. He has a meeting later this afternoon and I am not to make him late. I just nod my head, eager to get away.
As I walk up to the school, I take note in how those around me are dressed and compare it to my own second hand clothes. The guys are all in jeans, button up shirts, boots and the occasional bolo tie. The girls are in jeans too. But for the most part they are designer and have been pared with baby doll tees and strappy sandals. I look down at myself, I too am wearing jeans (not designer), but that's where the similarities end. I have on a pink tank top with a gray and white plaid button up over it. Instead of sandals with five inch heels, I have black knee high boots that lace up the front with scuff marks on the toes. The other girls have there hair curled and waving down their backs with blonde highlights, yes every girl here has blonde highlights. My own hair is short and dark compared to theirs, not even reaching my shoulders, and a deep burgundy. I feel completely out of place and alone.
I'm used to being alone, but I'm disappointed that my bubble of pretend didn't even last through the front doors. As I look at my feet as I walk and contemplate how lonely this last year of high school will truly be, I seem to walk straight into a wall. I fall back with a muffled yelp and land on my ass. No, I never claimed to be graceful did I?
As pain radiates from the bottom of my spine, I look up to see what I walked into. Oh boy.... not what but whom I walked into...
Nathan's POV:

     I feel the bump and head a muffled yell. I look around and frown, who was that? I wonder. Then I look down and the breath in my lungs freezes. I feel a burn begin over my heart and wrap around my shoulder. As my heart rate triples, I gasp for air. She's beautiful.... and mine....
Kota's POV:

     I hear Nathan gasp and so I turn to see the problem. Sitting at his feet, is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and as I stare at her her emerald eyes turn to meet mine I feel a burning start over my heart and wrap around my shoulder. I too gasp for air as one thought circles my mind. Mine!
Gabriel's POV:

     As I walk back from turning in our registration forms I look over and see both Kota and Nathan standing frozen and staring at something at Nathan's feet. Curious to see what's happening I turn to Luke,
      "Oy shithead, what's got their attention? Can you see?" I jab him with my elbow and point. At that point in time, the crowd shifts and I see her. As if she could feel my gaze she looks at me and Luke. Time stops and a burning over my heart and around my shoulder begins. I freeze and grab Luke's arm. As I do, he too freezes and gasps as he clutches his chest, in the same place as mine burns.
     "She's mine." The both of us say in unison. I look at him, it can't be... can it? There's only one way to find out. We have got to get this gorgeous creature to the ranch. Owen will know. Plus I'm curious to see if my other brothers have the same reaction. This could get complicated. I grin as I begin to walk forward again. This could be fun!

Hey y'all!! So sorry it's kinda long but I feel that the three boys had to have a moment to express their meetings. Thanks for all the comments and votes and just everything!! Y'all are amazing and I appreciate everything you say!!! It's now 5:40 in the morning and I think this will be the last post for today. Maybe.... enjoy!!

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