188 17 40

Wow, this is harder than I thought it would be. 

I know this might be a little hard to believe, but consistency isn't really my thing, and it's even harder when I know I need to be doing something, but don't really want to. I guess you could say I'm a real procrastiNATION. Ha!

Crappy jokes aside, I was having a pretty rough week in the capital, so I took it upon myself to catch a flight up to my place in New York City. I'm sitting around in the penthouse right now, waiting either to receive an angry call from the boss- I did sort of disappear without notice- or for the pizza delivery guy to get here.

You know what? I'm feeling kinda lonely. I should hit someone up! I'll bet England would be happy to hear from me, or maybe Canada!

I think I'll do that now!

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