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So I have something to admit.

You know how little kids like to play House? That game where they get all dressed up, and pretend to be adults, doing adult things, living adult lives?

Of course you don't; you're a journal. But I'm going to pretend like you do.

Lately, I've started doing something kind of like that. Playing House, I mean. But instead of pretending to be an adult, I like to pretend that I'm just another person. One of the reasons I haven't written in you for so long is because I've been spending a lot of time at the beach, actually. (Oh, yeah. I'm in Santa Monica right now! Probably should have mentioned that.)

I like to pull my floatie out past all the people, past the breakers, and just float. I'll close my eyes, and imagine that I'm an average woman, maybe on vacation with my family. And that, as soon as I head back to shore, I'll be greeted by my sunburnt dad, or help my little brother finish off a wicked sand castle. And maybe we'll go find a restaurant to eat out at, or mosey on over to the pier...

Ugh. I sound like such a sap! I swear, I'm not trying to be like, "Oh, look at poor, little Me! So alone in the world! So sad!"

No way; I don't want or need anybody's sympathy. I just like to imagine what my life might have been like had I been born an ordinary person, with an ordinary family... Particularly in this day and age.

Don't get me wrong! I'm happy with my life, and all.

It's just... not always a cakewalk, you feel?

[ This chapter was lowkey inspired by the song 'Santa Monica' by Everclear. ]

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