Chapter 3

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Argh hello guys I'm so sorry I've been MIA for a while but I really needed a break from a lot of shit that's happening at the moment in my life, however, I decided to update because i miss writing this so much. I'm considering continuing my MIW story but I'm still unsure. Anyways enjoy this photo of Remington because it's adorable and I absolutely love that adorable smile! Anyways enjoy this chapter because I'm actually pretty proud of it and I've got some really good ideas for future chapters so stay tuned my dudes.

much love,

kitty xoxo


Madison's POV ~

after an excruciating long journey, we arrive at the club and its easy to say, I'm scared shitless...

I shoot Avery the dirtiest glare I can while she just give me a small, apologetic smile, bitch. After stepping out of the car, I realize how cold it is, considering that my bare back and legs are exposed, so. after slipping on my leather jacket, I follow the rest of the gang to the front door of this club, where a very large, scary looking man stands with a clipboard. Despite his looks, Avery strolls right up to him and gives him her name, he looks up form his clip board with a smirk on his face, while pulling aside the rope to let us in.

Once in the club, my ears are assaulted by the sound of the loud thumping music and my nose from the stench of the alcohol. a very professional looking woman comes out from behind the bar and leads us up to the VIP area, wait what the heck? How do we get to go up there? Without voicing my thoughts, I follow everyone up the stairs and to a table sitting in the middle of the VIP area and sit down.

"Madison? Why do you look so confused?", Avery asked and I finally voiced my thoughts, to which she explained that this is where the group normally came to on a Friday night. I simply nodded and looked down at the glass that was placed in front of me by  Hayden.

"Don't worry Hun, its not as bad as it smells. Just drink it and you'll loosen up", he replied with a small smile. Hayden was the gay one out of all of us, until Adam came along and now the two have this whole on and off thing going on. i smiled a genuine smile back and downed the drink. the taste burned my throat but after a few seconds, it was gone and then I felt amazing. The whole group cheered at me while another drink was placed in front of me.

10 minutes later, I'm at least 7 drinks in and completely wasted. However, Hayden was right, I feel amazing and confident now. So now the whole group was on the dance floor, us girls dancing and this platform above the rest of the crowd, while the boys stayed on the ground and either filmed us or cheered us on. Needless to say, we were bringing a lot of attention to us, but we all just laughed and kept dancing. 

we were still dancing and getting a lot of attention when the club got really quiet all of a sudden, all the girls whispering about something but we just kept dancing together, the music still blaring. I started to get extremely hot and since i was really drunk, I decided that it was a good idea to take off my leather jacket all sexy like and throw it at Hayden, to which we both just laughed at until he took another photo of me.

It had been at least half an hour since we've been dancing and we were all drunk, sweaty messes so we decided to go back to our table and get even more wasted. We drank and drank until I was desperate for the bathroom, so I excused myself and found my way to the ladies room. After I was finished doing my business, I washed my hands and was fixing up my makeup when some extremely beautiful woman walked in. She was wearing black shorts matched with a black crop top and leather jacket. she had on multiple bracelets and necklaces with a pair of high heeled ankle boots. Once i saw her face, my jaw hit the floor.

"Holy shit your Juliet Simms", I said, she looked in my direction with a smile in her face.

"Yes i am, and your the girl that was dancing on that platform with your friends", She said laughing and I couldn't help but laugh too, only mine was a nervous one.

"Yeah I guess I am. Did we really attract that much attention?" I asked.

"Oh honey, you had the whole club watching you, even my husband. You need to show me your moves because I could never do that!" She was still laughing and yet I felt bad that her husband was checking me out while with her..

"Speaking of your husband, I am huge fans of you both. What brings you to this club? I mean you guys are like super famous so wouldn't you go to a more fancy club?" I was genuinely interested as to why they came here, I mean, this club is pretty shitty.

"A friend from the tour suggested we come here and its not that bad. They have good booze" she smirked at me and I smirked back.

"Yeah I can agree with you on that one. It's where my confidence comes form", I laughed slightly as she nodded.

"Well I'll have to remember that but I should probably get back out there before a]Andy starts to worry, you know him", she winked and laughed yet again. "But you should definitely come and find me later, you should show me those moves you've got"

"Yeah for sure, well, you know where I'll be" and with that, she left the bathroom. I walked back to the table only to be dragged away from by Hayden.

"Girl i need help! Adam's ex showed up! what do i do?!" his worried voice had me look across the club to see Adam's ex making out with... MY EX?!


GUYS! I'm back! I'm so sorry for being away for like literally months! I actually started writing this chapter on Remmy's birthday but there's been so many things going on in my life right now. I recently got back from the UK to go see a sick family member so that was really sad and now I'm like really sick which is awful because I've got my semi formal this Thursday night which will hopefully be so fun if I can just get better! Anyways I'm going to start writing more now that I'm not at school for the next few days so enjoy a few chapters coming your way.

much love,

Kitty xoxo

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