Chapter 5

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*Madison's POV*

MY EX?!  

You've got to be kidding me. Adam looked absolutely crushed and Hayden was quick to rush over and comfort him. Me on the other hand? I had kept my emotions hidden but I was just as crushed as Adam. It felt as if our whole relationship had meant nothing to him. Did it actually mean anything to him? or was it just something to try and make him straight again?

Avery was staring at me and, without using any words, asked me if I was okay. To which I replied with a small, fake smile and a small nod of my head. I walked away from the group and towards the bar, where I drowned my sad thoughts with many shots of tequila, until a familiar face came and sat next to me.

"Now that's no way to party" said Juliet as she sat down next to me, Andy taking a seat on the other side of me.

"Yeah, well I'm not really in a partying mood anymore" I replied as I downed another shot. Andy chuckled as he took the next shot out of my hand and took it himself, Juliet doing the same with the last shot that was sitting on the bar.

"Hey we were just about to head out actually, go and grab some food and head back to the hotel, you in?" asked Andy, "I'm sure everyone else is gonna love you, I mean, they were all watching you do your thing before", Juliet added with a cheeky wink, causing me to let out a small chuckle. I agreed to go with them and they went to go grab their things while I headed towards the door to wait for them there. Once the fresh, cold night air hit my face, I let out a sigh, before pulling out my phone and sending a quick text to the group:

So sorry but I had to get out of their. Going with some friends I met but I'll meet up with you guys tomorrow. Adam, I hope you're okay. I love you guys, sorry for ditching xo

I sent the text and put my phone back into the pocket of my leather jacket after turning it off. I just needed some time to disconnect and tonight felt like the perfect time. Juliet and Andy walked out of the club with a few others. 

"So the boys of Palaye are doing something, who knows what, but said they'll meet us at the hotel" Juliet said, pulling on her leather jacket and linking her arm with mine, as we all started the walk to a pizza place down the road from the club. I let out a small giggle at her comment, while simultaneously fangirling in my head that I'll meet the guys of Palaye Royale later, Remington specifically.

After stuffing our faces with pepperoni pizza and sodas, we made out way back to the hotel, laughing about almost anything that we found funny. Once back at the hotel, we sat on the floor of the hotel room talking about almost anything: relationships, music, movies and food. We were laughing at a joke Andy had made that none of us had noticed that three boys that entered the hotel room.

immediately, my eyes met his. Remington's. And he was staring right back at me, as if I were the celebrity in this situation and couldn't believe that I was sitting on the floor of Juliet and Andy's hotel room.

"Hey guys! You finally made it. This is Madison, we met her at the club earlier. Madison, this is Palaye Royale, Remington, Emerson and Sebastian", Andy made the introductions, although I already knew who they were and I was trying to control myself, but couldn't stop the huge smile that was on my face. Remington's eyes never left me, as if he really couldn't believe that I was here and I couldn't help but blush.

"Yeah I listen to you guys all the time. Huge fan" I say nervously, finding it almost impossible to not stare at Remington. However, he never said a word and it was Emerson who had replied to my comment on the band.

"Oh that's so sweet. We saw you dancing in the club actually and girl I gotta say, you got moves girl!" he came and sat down next to me and threw his arm around my shoulders. I blushed at the thought that they were all watching me dance. Sebastian and Remington eventually joined the group and we all kept talking, until Juliet pulled me away from the group and into the bedroom of the hotel room, which was more like a small apartment.

"Girl, Remington so likes you" she spoke in a hushed voice, as if she was worried the others could hear, I did the same thing when I spoke back.

"There's no way. I'm just me and he's Remington Freaking Leith. There's no way he's into me at all"

"Just trust me when I say that he does! And you guys would be so cute together, don't you agree?"

"I mean..." instead of finishing my sentence I just smiled, which to Juliet said more than words could.

"Yes! I knew it. It is now my mission to get you two together as soon as possible"

I rolled my eyes as she dragged me back out to the "living room" to where everyone else was sitting, my smile never fading.

"What was that all about?" Andy asked as we sat down with the rest of the group. Emerson looked at both be and Juliet with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh you know, just girly stuff. Nothing for you to worry about" Juliet replied while giving Andy a quick kiss.

the conversations continued until Juliet and Andy had said that they were heading to bed, the roadies and assistants agreed and left and the Palaye boys got up and ready to leave, until Emerson stopped and invited me to stay with them for the night. To which Juliet gave me and encouraging look and I eventually agreed. We all said goodnight and left to the boys' room. When we got there, we decided to watch a movie and as Sebastian was choosing a movie, Emerson was getting heaps of blankets and pillows and Remington was getting snacks, I turned my phone back on, not being able to go completely without it and seeing hundreds of texts from everyone in the group.. 

A Poisonous Love // Remington LeithWhere stories live. Discover now