I will kill them

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I walked outside to see some people there was Scarecrow, Dark, The Rake, Lulu, and a demon. "Hello child I'm Zalgo your master" he said and I nodded. "So as you all know, we are planing on attacking the Creepypastas tonight. So we will have to be prepared. Dark Link I want you to train with C/N. Rake you will scan the woods. Scarecrow you will get people to help C/N kill. And Lulu you will get eyes or whatever you do" he said as everyone nodded. Me and Dark walked to the training room. "Here we are" he said smiling. "Ok let's do this" I said as we walked in. "Grab a weapon" Dark said pointing to a wall full of weapons. I chose F/W (no guns). A person appeared and Dark said "Go on." I walked up to the person tide up and laughed. I stabbed the F/W into there gut and slid it down. Then stabbed them in the head. "Done" I said smiling. "How on hell did you learn to do that" he said a little surprised. "Well I though of him as Masky. He isn't that strong" I said. "Well how about a Jeff" he said. "Perfect" I laughed then an untied person appeared standing. I ran at them, they dogged. Then they had a knife and ran at me. I grabbed there hand and put it behind there back which made a crack noise. The knife went though there back. Then I stabbed them in the head. "Nice work" Dark said smiling. "Ya whatever" I rolled my eyes.
At night
It was time to face our enemies.
We all walked around in the woods. Me and Scarecrow walked together looking for those bitches. "Where are those fuckers" I said. "There out here somewhere" Scare said. Then I saw three people, the proxies. "Well hello Slenders proxies" I laughed. "OMG Y/N your alright" Toby said. "Who is Y/N, I'm C/N and your my enemies. So we are here to kill you guys" I laughed as I attacked Toby with my knife. "WHAT THE HELL Y/N WE ARE FRIENDS" Toby yelled. "WE ARE THE OPPOSITE OF FRIENDS. YOU MOTHERFUCKER" I yelled as Toby pushed me off him. "We are friends. Whatever Zalgo did to you we are still friends" he said. I just laughed "We are not friends. And his name is Master." Scarecrow was fighting Masky and Hoodie. "So I get the little bitchy one" I laughed as I ran at him. He grabbed my arm and said "Where is Y/N?! I know she's there." "I don't know who she is and again, MY.NAME.IS.C/N!!!!! I yelled and cut my arm out of his grip. I felt nothing. I laughed as blood spilled out of my arm. I couldn't cut all the way, it was a knife, they can't cut though bones. Scarecrow was able to knock Masky and Hoodie out. We want them alive to do what I did. Slave. I kicked Toby on the ground and he hit a tree caughing him to pass out. I saw Lulu and Dark and ran at them. "Hey" I said as Scare appeared. "So who did you knock out" I said looking at Dark. "Clockwork, Jane, and Jeff" Dark said. "We got the proxies Masky Hoodie and Toby" Scare said. "So that leaves Puppeteer, Blood Painter, Slender, LJ, EJ, BEN, Lost Silver, Liu, and Smile Dog" I said. Lulu and Dark walked off and so did we. I saw two people it was BEN and Lost Silver. But I saw two other people, it was Dark and Lulu. Well off again. Then we saw two people, EJ and LJ. I ran at EJ which made him fall onto a tree which made him pass out, To easy.

Puppeteers POV

I kept seeing passed out friends so I grabbed them and took them to the mansion. Nurse Ann, Slender, and Sally where there. I dropped them inside and ran off to get more. So far it was Lost Silver,BEN,Masky,Hoodie, Toby,EJ,LJ,Clockwork,Jane and Jeff. God that means there's only 4 left. Me, Painter, Liu, and Smile.


We walked and walked forever. Then we saw Painter and Puppet. Always working together. I attacked Painter whiched made him fall and pass out. Then I blacked out. 'Scarecrow what did you do' I though.
I woke up in a black room tied to a chair. I saw Dark, and Scarecrow tied up too. "You assholes" I said as a door opened.

Puppeteers POV again

Me and Painter where walking around when I saw Y/N attack Painter. I saw Scarecrow ran at me until I grabbed her with my strings. I knocked her and Y/N out and grabbed Y/N and Painter.
I walked back to the mansion running into Dark Link and Lulu. "What are you doing with our friends" Dark Link smirked. "They are all our friends so are you" I said as Lulu hit Dark unconscious. "What the-" I said as Lulu hugged me. "Thank you for helping me" she said as I grabbed Dark Link. "So you were alive and had your memory all this time, for like 7 years" I said looking at Lulu. "Yes. Every time we fight you guys I never fight and when I'm forst to I never try to hurt you guys. I pretended to be brainwashed but it was so we could defeat Zalgo and get the others back" she said. "Well at least I was here to take these guys back" I said. "You are a lot of help with those strings of yours" she said laughing. "At least we are all safe" I smiled. "What about Y/N,Scarecrow, and Dark Link, they are still brainwashed" she said. "Don't worry, Nurse Ann is going to help them" I said. "But she can't, well Y/N" she said sadly. "What do you mean that Ann cant help them" I said stoping. "She can't help Y/N. The only way to fix them is to.......... kill them" she said. "We can't kill Y/N she's human" I yelled a little. "Maybe we will be lucky and she will already be a Creepypasta" she said still a little worried. "That's a good point" I said walking again. We walked to the mansion and knock on the door. The door opened and I saw Jeff, fucking great. He likes Lulu and she is right here. "Hey" Jeff said. "Hi Jeffery" Lulu said smiling. "Hey Lulu" Jeff said as I walked away.

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