I looked at the knife and back at the ghosts, they were gone.
I woke up to a bright light. "Shit" I said covering my eyes. I looked around and saw the full white room. "Come on" I said facepalming. I was in the medical room. I looked at my leg and saw it was rapped up, so was my arm and hand. I finally remembered, Jeff. Ugh whatever I can't feel it anyway, so there's no point in complaining. I still will beat up Jeff and Toby. Toby had to start all of this and Jeff had to go with his killer insticked and stab me and almost broke my leg. Then Nurse Ann walked in. "Hello again Y/N" she said. "Hey Ann" I said as I laid down. "So how's your leg and arm" she asked. "I don't know I can't feel it" I said. "Well that makes sense. So a better question, can you stand or use your powers" I asked. I stood up and was fine as if my leg wasn't half broken. Then I started flouting. "Wow, I've never seen someone recover so quickly" she said amazed. "Well for me it's a good thing" I said and flouted down. "Um... Ann can I tell you something" I said looking at her. "What is it" she asked. "I don't think we're save. I had a dream yesterday that all of you were dead and Zalgo told me that if I joined him he would save them. Then if I didn't join him you all would stay dead and I would loose my powers. Then I.... changed. I went insane and killed him. Then I saw all of you in your sane forms. I knew you guys were normal but..... I don't think Zalgo is dead" I explained. "No one thinks we're save. After everything Zalgo had done, it's not over" she said looking down. "Oh and by the way, Dark Link and Scarecrow are awake and back to there normal selfs. They might not remember you but there brains will snap back" she said looking a little happy. I nodded and I we walked out of the medical room. I asked Ann where DL and SC (Dark Link, Scarecrow) were and she told me that they were in there rooms. To easy. I walked down the hall and saw a door with stitches and crows, SC. I knocked on the door to were SC opened it. She looked at me and smiled. "Hello Y/N" she said hugging me as I hugged back. "Hey SC" I said letting go. "Hey I'm sorry for what happened, you know. I never wanted to nether did anyone else. We didn't want to hurt you or make you hurt your family" she said looking down. I put my hand on her shoulder and said "I know you never wanted to hurt us and you shouldn't blame yourself on this. It was Zalgos fault. Not yours." She looked up at me and smiled. "Ya" she said. "Well I'm going to find DL" I said. "Oh his right there" she said pointing to the boor next to hers. "Thanks" I said walking away as she closed the door. I knock on the door and DL answered. "Hey DL" I said as he hugged me. "Hey Y/N" he said as we let go. "Hey I heard your and SCs conversation and I walked to say I know it's not my fault but I'm sorry" he said. "Heh glad you knew that it wasn't your fault" I said waving good bye and walked downstairs. No one saw me which was weird because they were all in the living room while I went upstairs. "Hey guys" I said as they all turned around. Everyone group hugged me. I then felt something on my head. I looked up to see SMILE on my head!! I climbed up everyone and hugged me head. Then I laughed when he started to lick my face. "Hahaha it's nice to see you too" I said laughing and grabbed him off my head. He licked my face more. I put him on the ground and stood up. Then I saw Sally start to cry. She ran at me and gave me a big bear hug. "I missed you too Sally" I said as she cried on my shoulder. She let go and smiled at me. I knew what that meant. I picked her up and swung her around then hugged her. Her smile was happy and she was crying tears of joy. I put her down as she looked at Smile and nodded. Smile ran on my and I fell backwards. He licked my face and I laughed. Then Sally jumped on my hugging me. Wow they really missed me. Then BEN grabbed Sally, Jeff grabbed Smile off my face and Clockwork helped me up. "Thanks" I said. Then I looked at Jeff and Toby. "Hey guys" I said as they looked sorry. "I'm sorry I stabbed you and broke your leg" Jeff said. "And I'm sorry I started this whole thing" Toby said smiling a little. I walked over and hugged them. "You guys are corny" I said laughing. "Not my fault" Jeff said looking at Toby. Then I heard laughing. We let go and I saw Jane and Clockwork laughing a little. And Hoodie was holding a camera. "Did you get that" Jane asked laughing. "Yep" Hoodie said. "I hate you guys" Jeff said glaring at Jane,Clocky, and Hoodie. "We hate you too Jeffery" Jane said smiling. Then Jeff got mad again. "Jeff" I said going in front of him. "What" he said. "Just because you hate her doesn't mean you guys always have to fight" I said. "BUT SHE CALLED ME BY MY REAL NAME AND EVERYONE KNOWS I HATE THAT" Jeff yelled at me. "First thing stop yelling second thing, your whole live isn't about you hating Jane. Do something else other than fighting with Jane. I don't care if you to fight every once in a while but you to fight ALL THE TIME. Which causes things like last time to happen. People get hurt because of your guys past being messed up. Nothing in the past matters anymore. Those day were pain and I beat no one likes there past. I know I don't. Being beaten by your WHOLE family and classmates isn't fun. So just stop all ready" I said and walked to my room. I closed the door and yelled into my pillow. Did I really tell them about my past?! I did. I started to cry into my pillow. Why couldn't I have a normal not abuseve family? Wait, What am I saying?! If my family was normal I wouldn't have been able to meet my true family.
Living with the Creepypastas