I rememder

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When the door opened I saw a strange nurse. She had brown long hair, stitches on her legs and arms, long gloves, and a black and red nurse outfit. "Who are you and what did you do to my team" I said. "You don't remember me? Well I'm Nurse Ann and your 'team' will be back to normal, if you live" she said sadly. "Where am I and what do you mean 'if I live" I said. "You are in the Slender Mansion, and-" she posed. "And you were brainwashed and the only why to fix you is to....... kill you" she said sadly. "But your Creepypasta might have came in aready so you might live. We are just trying to save you" she said. "Well that's all everyone ever wanted of me, dead. And why do you care you work for SlenderMan and he hates me. He told me to never come back in his woods, now he wants me to forget my past and live with him, after all of the suffering he did to me" I yelled. "No thats not true. Zalgo brainwashed you, so you would forget your past and not try to leave his hands. So have them, they were taken and brainwashed so they would forget us, there friends" she said. My head started to hurt. I broke the rope and held my head. "Stop. Stop. Plz! Make it stop!" I said holding my head.
I remember everything. The Creepypastas are my home. Zalgo isn't my master. Nurse Ann helped me. Sally, Smile and I would play games. BEN and I would play video games which I would beat him at and all the boys would watch. My family hurt me.... so I returned the favor and they are not my family anymore. The Creepypastas are my family now.
I pulled my hands of my head and started to cry. "N-nurse A-nn" I said smiling with tears of joy. "Hello Y/N" she said as I ran and hugged her. "Thank you" I said hugging her. "No problem" she said hugging back. I let go and looked at Dark Link and Scarecrow. "You TRADER!!!" They both yelled. "No im not in helping you" I said walking at them. "Here Y/N take this" Ann said giving me a knife. "Don't worry they will wake up" she smiled. "See you guys soon" I said as I stabbed Darks gut and cut Scarecrows through. Scarecrows don't have blood only she has lungs. Me and Ann stitched them up so they wouldn't be DEAD. I hid behind Anns back as we walked upstairs. As soon as Nurse Ann opened the door we both tripped, and fell, while Puppeteer was laughing his ass off. Everyone looked at me and my eyes where GLOWING red. I was flouting, again. "PUPPETEER" I yelled angrily. "Shit" he said and ran away. I chased him. Then something weird happened. I stopped as I looked at Puppeteer and the others. I felt my teeth change into sharp teeth. I felt blood in my mouth and I loved it. I flow out the window because I felt as if I needed to kill. I killed 50 people in one night. Sucking all of there blood out of them. As I was flying home I saw a group of teenaged boys. I flew down and looked at them. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" One of the boys yelled. I snapped my fingers and then the boys were tied up and had duck tape on there mouths. I laughed as my teeth showed. I was like a vampire. I looked at the first boy. Athletic hu. Not anymore with no blood. I bit his neck and sucked blood. I did that with the other 4 boys. Then I had to end my killing spree with some fun. I slit one of the boys necked. Ripped out one of the boys eyes. Cut of one of the boys heads. Cut open one of them. A lit one on fire. I walked back to the mansion covered in blood. I flew throw my window knowing that others are asleep. I changed clothes and lad on my bed. Well that was one hell of a night. And then my tv turned on. Great here comes BEN. But it wasnt him. It was Dark Link. "Umm...Hello?" I said not knowing if he remembers me. "Hey Y/N" he said. "So you can do what BEN does" I said. "Ya so can Link but not often. I wanted to tell you that you in danger. Now that Zalgo knows about your powers, he wants them. You need to be careful ok?" I said worried. I nodded. Then Zalgo appeared and we teleported to a dark room. Everyone was tied up and passed out. Oh no plz not my family.
I woke up sweating. It was only a dream, only a dream. But what if Zalgo is after me. He will try to hurt my family. And take me away from them.

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