Chapter 3 A Wolf's Secret & Unexpected Guests (Re-written)

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****Analyia's P.O.V.****

     The sunlight streamed through the cabin's murky windows brightening the room and shining down right into my eyes.  It highlighted the dilapidated structure, making the failure of maintenance and upkeep abundantly clear, it actually looked as though it hadn't been inhabited in decades.

       With a yawn I stood up and stretched out, my entire body aching from the shocking course of events that had occurred the previous night. Rubbing my eyes I looked around the cabin confused as to why my wolf had brought me here of all places, we were supposed to be one, yet I couldn't seem to make sense of her thought process.

  "Come on Lia think. Isn't this cabin slightly familiar?" She spoke , urging me to remember. My eyes scanned the cabin once more and landed on a small drawing carved in the wood in the corner beneath the window, and that's when memories instantly flooded back.


    "Lia come on, me and Johnny wanna show you somehin'!"said a smiling younger version of Kara, her smile made that much sweeter by her missing front tooth. I ran after my big sister with sparkling eyes and a goofy smile playing at my lips. We stumbled into the cabin together and I saw Johnny in the back crouching down. "What are you doing?" I asked in a small voice, hoping that whatever it was  wouldn't get us into any trouble. "This is what we wanted to show you look Lia isn't it cool!" On the beneath the shortest window on the cabin wall carved in sloppy handwriting was "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER JONATHAN + KARA + ANALYIA" "Wow that's amazin' did you do that all by yourself Johnny?" I asked my goofy smile getting bigger. Johnny puffed out his chest and nodded, he looked ridiculous and it made me and Kara giggle. "See guys this just proves it we'll always be best friends! It'll be here forever and ever so we never forget!" Kara said pulling us into a big hug. "What are you kids up to?" Father's booming voice trailed from outside the cabin walls. "Umm nothing!" we chorused suspiciously laughing all the while. 


     A tear rolled down cheek as I remembered the time's when I was younger before Johnny shifted, before Kara failed to shift, and before I shifted into the awful monster I had become hated by everyone ,including the people who at one point loved me the most. I understood now,  why were here. Not only was it the site of one of the only good memories I had left, but it was also neutral land, meaning it fell in the space after the Bloodmoon Pack's lines ended but before the Immortal Dark pack lines began. I still had plenty of questions for my wolf, and also the Moon Goddess. I just couldn't even begin to understand how someone who had so much power and wisdom, who could put people together with who they were meant to be with for life and accurately find soulmates, could make my life so horrible.

     "Why did you show the pack our secret? Actually how on earth did you run all this way without tiring?" I questioned my wolf inside my head my confusion growing the more my head cleared. "Lia, your element it makes your emotions hard to tame, fire is supposed to be wild and it tends to destroy what is in its path, I did not choose to reveal what we had kept hidden for so long, and as for your other question you're a special wolf obviously your abilities will be increased." My wolf replied matter-of-factly. "I don't understand I'm sure I wasn't in control obviously I would know! I felt you take over so please explain. If you didn't choose to make the revelation then who did?" I questioned my confusion marked by an increasing sense of frustration.

    "Lia there are some questions I can't answer yet." She replied with a sigh.  "What the hell does that mean? We're supposed to be one isn't that the crap you're always preaching why do you know things I don't better yet how?"  I remarked back in anger.

    "Analyia, I receive direct orders from the Moon Goddess because I'm a wolf.  I am one of her children! She's the creator of werewolves,she was the one who intertwined our spirits, do you think I could just refuse her wishes? " My wolf replied in an exasperated tone. "Fuck you and the Moon Goddess. What has being a werewolf ever done for me besides ruin my family? I wish you could go away but you're in my head so please just leave me alone. I never asked for any of this and I would like to die in this cabin in silence."  I retorted in anger and resignation. I knew my wolf was right but I couldn't give her the satisfaction, I was angry and upset and her keeping things from me, did absolutely nothing to soothe that feeling. 

    I felt my wolf retreat further into my mind and I let out a sigh. Life truly sucked and I honestly didn't see it getting better any time soon, honestly it was very possible that I could die right here in this cabin, not only was it poorly insulated but there was no sign of any food, and I had been denied the privilege of learning to hunt, on account of my being a pathetic excuse for a wolf and all.  Sure there was the possibility that I could venture into town but I had no money and begging wouldn't make anyone want to help someone as disgusting as me. At this point the question was did I even want to live anymore? Did I deserve to live anymore? I think we all know the answer to that one. Just as I was contemplating my very likely death the cabin door swung open suddenly.

   "What are you doing here? Explain yourself at once!" shouted a teenage boy with a menacing look. Behind him shying away I could see a little girl and another boy who looked a lot like him in visage,  but less scary in manner. All 3 of them were werewolves, I could sense it when they walked in and I most likely would've been able to discover their presence more quickly if I hadn't suppressed my wolf. The boys were probably Jonathan's age or maybe Kara's, it was a little hard to tell under the circumstances. I was so stuck in my observation's I had yet to answer the boy's question.

      I was suddenly slammed into a wall, my back getting scratched and scraped along the rough wood jagged wood of the old cabin. It didn't hurt much but the action in and of itself was enough to make me cower against the wall. I should be used to this treatment though, the few times that I didn't respond to Kara's whims immediately Johnny and Father would do things way worse than slamming me against a wall to make sure I had learned my lesson. 

     My wolf was itching to get out and fight back but I held on to control. I really didn't want to deal with my wolf right now, let alone these wolves."I'll ask one more time tell me what you are doing here or I'll make you wish you had sooner!"He shouted once more. I looked up into the boy's eyes and I was sure he could see pure fear radiating in mine.

   "If you are planning on killing me go right ahead I have no intentions of stopping you." I said in a very quiet yet firm voice. I had nothing to live for, so there was no reason to fear death. The boy looked at me  extremely confused and then suddenly  he began to rant, "There's no way they would've sent a spy that was so willing to die without a fight at all. Honestly this is insulting! I know that Xavier isn't this stupid. Surely he would've sent someone more qualified?" Then he paused with a pensive look on his face. "You aren't from the Immortal Dark Pack are you?" He said losing his menacing look an apology on the tip of his tongue. I shook my head 'no' and backed closer to the wall. "Well I'm Darren, that's Jeremy and Bianca and not only do I owe you an apology but an explanation." He finished. I tried to stand but this whole encounter, the memories of my family and the fight with my wolf was just simply too much for me to handle. I felt my body hit the ground and then I was engulfed by darkness and pitch black.


Okay so  there is a lot of info & some new characters in this chapter so if you have any questions just ask , other than that VOTE, COMMENT & FAN PLEASE!! Peace and Love

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