Chapter 8 A Whole New World...Minus the Magic Carpet

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****Analyia's P.O.V.****

     "Lia, babe, you're going to need to keep up if you want to learn from me. I will not be going as easy on you as your softie boyfriend." James said with a snicker as the wind whipped back and forth between us. Gavenlaw Manor had a room designed for each of the Elementals, and I currently found myself in James' training room, attempting and failing to control the gusts of wind he kept sending my way. "Okay James, 1) Jeremy does not go easy on me, spirits just happen to be terrifying, and 2) He is not my boyfriend!" I remarked the last bit with a huff. James just smirked and let out a small chuckle before rolling his eyes, "Yeah okay, and I'm the Queen of England! Anyways, let's just move on, you need to start wielding wind, it will be the easiest to master alongside the fire that you have already have a natural affinity for." He responded.

    "Now when it comes to wind you need to let if flow naturally through your body. You have to think light." James said with certainty.  I took a deep breath and tried my best to follow all of James' instructions perfectly. I slowly lifted my arms and pushed the air in front of me waiting for a nice whirling gust of wind to appear as I had pictured it in my mind. As I waited, I saw a big fat gust of...nothing at all in front of me. Rolling my eyes I huffed, "James your stupid plan isn't working! What does '"think light" even mean?" I cried out frustrated with everything. 

    Benjamin laughed at my frustration as he watched my training with James take place. "Lia, calm down and take another deep breath. You need to focus if you're ever going to learn to control any of these elements. If not for yourself, then do it for the Dark's. They have an enemy and they're going to need a strong team right?" Ben tried, attempting to narrow my focus. While I always believed that I had nothing to live for and even just until recently felt this way, I couldn't ignore the fact that I had grown to care deeply for each member of the Dark family as our time at Gavenlaw Manor went on. Darren, Bianca, and Jeremy had invited me to be a member of their family when I was  just a worthless wolf with absolutely nothing, no Spirit Guide or word from the Goddess. I knew that there was no way that I could let them down.

     Gathering everything that I had learned from James to the forefront of my mind, I breathed deeply, raised my arms and watched with a small smirk as a whirling gust of wind nearly knocked James off of his feet. James maintained his balance and raised a single eyebrow, "Don't get too excited Lia we have quite a ways to go that little gust won't take down any bad guys. Nice pep talk Benji, but I'm going to need you to take your little ghosty butt out of my sparring room. Now that my pupil can wield wind, we're going to teach her how to use it!" James said the last bit with a small devious gleam in his eyes.

    Benjamin gave a hearty laugh and small wave of his fingers, "Good luck Analyia, you sure are going to need it!" and with those parting words he exited the wind wielder's domain.

   "Now my love, let's get to work!" James exclaimed all the while rushing at me with winds so strong they had me on the ground in no time flat. I groaned to myself, this was going to be one long afternoon.

    And after about three grueling hours that seemed and felt a lot more like three grueling months, it became clear that I was correct in my thoughts that it would be one long afternoon. Being an elemental wolf was tough work, and it was definitely not something that I was used to. I was not a stranger to hard work, seeing as I did absolutely all of it in the Bloodmoon Pack, but the work that I was doing here at Gavenlaw wasn't mindless or fit for a slave, on the contrary, it was the kind of physical and mental training and focus necessary for a warrior which was what I know I would become. I would protect my new friends from ever getting hurt in the way that I had. Although my muscles ached and my body felt as if it would cave in on itself, I felt a strange sort of calm and comfort wash over my mind.

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