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Arielle's POV

I was woken up by the sound of yelling and swords clashing against each other I jumped out of bed and put on one of Dante's shirts, I opened the door just a little and seen a warrior push Dante to his knees while another held a sword to the back of his neck, I seen sorcerer Zechariah walk over to him and he started speaking to Dante about me

Zechariah: surrender the princess and I'll set you free

Dante: I won't allow you to take her

Zechariah: you can't keep her safe forever Dante, I will find her and as for you well your be coming with you

Dante: you won't take me alive, Zechariah

Zechariah: I had a feeling you would say that

I continued to watch, Zechariah started using his magic on Dante and I watched in horror as he changed him into an evil dragon, his scales changed from red to black, his eyes had turned red from the yellow color, I watched as Zechariah and the others left with Dante, I felt my knees bend and I fell to the floor, my eyes started got filled with tears, I pulled off Dante's shirt and put my clothes on, I knew I was no longer safe in this place so I packed up my stuff and his and left, I went back to the city and told Lenia and Zackary about it and I stayed with them, Zackary told the king about it and he had a ship prepared for me, Lenia and Zackary would be coming with me to make sure I stayed safe, the ship finally sailed away from the kingdom, I stayed near the front of the boat replaying in my head what I saw happen to my beloved I only wished he was safe, I watched the waves crash against the ship when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder causing me to jump a little

Zackary: are you okay Princess?

Arielle: I'm fine, I guess I'm jumpy

Zackary: what happened before you come back to the castle?

He sat down a few boxes and I told him everything that seen

Arielle: he has Dante I should be going to rescue him but I'm being taken away for my safety

Zackary: it's too dangerous for you princess and now that they have Dante on their side he'll send him after you

Arielle: Dante would never hurt me

Zackary: he is one of them now princess and Zechariah won't stop you are taken to him or dead

Arielle: maybe you're right Zack

Zackary: tell me princess, did you and Dante mate with each other

Arielle: yes we did, why do you ask?

Zackary: we need to build an army and fast

Arielle: what's wrong Zackary?

Zackary: you mated with him, your covered in his scent, Zechariah will send Dante for you and he will find you by smelling his scent

The shipped finally reached an very huge fortress of 20,000 strong, I was hidden in the safety of a tower, I sat on the balcony and watched as the men prepared for war, I seen two dragons fly overhead, one was hovering near the balcony and staring at me, I ran out of the room and bumped into Zackary, he led me down to down to where the other women and children was hiding, I found Lenia and sat next to her, we listened to everything that was happening, I heard a dragon roar and all I could think about was Dante, I knew this wasn't him, I asked Lenia to take me to a meadow where nobody was, she got me out no problem, we reached a wide open space and I seen the dragon land in front of me, he was about to spit fire at me until I started talking to him

Arielle: Dante this isn't you, please stop this

He lend his head down and smelled me

Lenia: Arielle get out of there

He looked over at Lenia and started growling, I continued talking

Arielle: If that's you Dante come back to me, I need you please don't leave me, you're all I have left

I seen his eyes turn yellow and his scales turned back to the red color I got used to seeing, I could finally understand what he said

Dante: you're not safe here Arielle, Zechariah wants you dead, I need to get you to safety, climb on my foot

He held out his foot and I climbed on he curled it in a ball and he started flying, the other dragon was killed along Zechariah's army, Lenia went back to the safety of the fortress and told Zackary what happened, Dante had flew me to a kingdom that would help me, as he landed the guards was ready to fight him, I climbed off his foot and he laid down next to me while I spoke with the guards, they rushed me into the castle so I could speak with the king, while Dante waited outside where I left him, I finished speaking with the king and he said me and Dante could stay here, I walked back outside with clothes for him and he changed back into his normal self, we walked back in the castle and was escorted to the bed we would share while we was here

-later that night-  

I was standing on the balcony when Dante walked up behind me and pushed my clothes off my shoulder and started kissing my shoulder, he untied my top and pulled it off my body, he picked me up and carried me to the bed, he pushed his bottoms down and climbed on top of me, he kissed my neck while he slid himself inside of me, I let out a soft moan while he gently trusted inside of me, he picked up the pace and I let out another moan I begged him not to stop and he didnt, he went harder with every moan I made

Arielle: I love you Dante, don't stop

He continued to pick up the pace, I could feel the anger building inside of him, I grabbed his head and laid it down on my shoulder

Arielle: it's okay Dante, calm down

He thrusted slower making me moan softly in his ear, I felt something warm shoot inside of me, he laid down beside me and fell asleep, I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep while I listened to his heart beating

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