Chuunin exams the preliminaries

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While all of us were waiting for the next battle all of us looked at the screen

Ino yamanaka vs Ayame Hatake

"So I had to fight ino Huh" ayame though while we heard to start ino throw three kunai at me but I dodge it so I had to use water style from her "water style water wall" I exclaimed while I done that jutsu I lean to get closer to ino she punched me in the stomach but she saw that it was a shadow clone I put my hands on left leg I smirked "you didn't even know I was underneath the floor" I use earth style on her "earth style headhunter jutsu" I pulled her on the ground but it was a shadow clone enough with "I'm getting it all down once in for all" ino said while she was frustrated she
was doing the mind transfer jutsu I smirked "you though that you can beat me with that" I said to make her angry while she was doing a handsign I was a shadow clone and I landed a kunai on her neck so she gave up "the winner is Ayame Hatake" I got up in the balcony next to tenzo sensei

"You did a great job out there" tenzo sensei complement me "wait you didn't tell us that you know water style and earth style Jutsu you copied us didnt you" matsuko yelled at me "your not the only one ya know" I said then 'who is it" matsuko said with a furious face "dad" I said "AYAME!!"
matsuko yelled "you should look at the screen" I said then matsuko look and he was the next one

Matsyuko hayashi vs Yuri kawaguchi

"Matsuko remember what I told you" matsuyo said" you should use earth style because that will be affected on her got it" matsuko said while they'll wait Yuri put her hands in her bag behind her when they heard to start Yuri uses water style "water style
water shock waves "she exclaimed but it hit matsuko it was a shadow clone and he hit her at the back matsuko was doing a earth style Earth style pillar of death pillars were surrounding Yuri and he attacked her with his kunai but it failed so he used another jutsu while making a handseal matsuyo was shocked dont tell me that his gonna use that jutsu matsuyo said earth style earth dragon bomb but he stopped Yuri used her jutsu to stop him

wait I know that jutsu youku the one who used that on me when we meet no one can even avoid that jutsu tenzo though but suddenly she notice that she trapped in her jutsu was a shadow clone she turned around and he did his jutsu again earth style earth dragon bomb it hit her and fell unconscious the winner is matsuko hayashi after he said his name matsuko fainted I guess he used to much chakra I said while walking towards matsuko he already miss the fight of naruto and kiba after that it was matsuyo

Sora Inoue vs Matsuyo Hayashi

The match begin sora uses water style on matsuyo water style raging waves shit so I dont need to use water style on him I guess I had to use my fire style I though fire style dragon flame jutsu it hit his arm

Hey I though the three of you possess only one chakra nature I smirked well you see tenzo sensei matsuyo possesses fire, water and wind

matsuko had water,fire and earth And me earth,water,fire and lightning I explained to tenzo sensei

so the three of them possesses two kekkei genkai tenzo though so the three of you possesses three he asked right I told him

hn your a lot more tougher kid he said OK now I got a plan I'll go straight to him and use my water shock jutsu and next up fireball jutsu he though matsuyo stick to the plan so he run toward sora water style water wave sora dodge it and next up fire style fireball jutsu and it finally hit sora at the back and he passed out the winner is matsuyo hayashi

Kakashi Pov

Hnn ayames team got passed all of them and the three of them were quite stronger and there bonds never broke thats my daughter alright I though

Ayame Pov

Come on let's visit matsuko I whispered to matsuyo sure he whispered back the two of us walk down straight to matsuko room and he was awake hey I said hey guys matsuko said did you pass matsuko questioned to matsuyo yeah matsuyo said suddenly we heard a knock to the door we saw tenzo sensei and you did a great job out there tenzo compliment us while kakashi patted my head I'm proud of you he said with a smile on his face suddenly my neck was starting to numb and I screamed in pain eventually kakashi saw the curse mark

That bastart he done this to my student and now even my owe daughter he though but the curse mark crawl into my face but Dad sealed it but and I starting to faint

You need to tell me what happened in the forest of death tenzo asked matsuyo it started when we receive the earth scroll but he suddenly show up and attacked us and thats when ayame got the curse mark and his name was orochimaru I said that to tenzo orochimaru he said

*timeskip no jutsu*

I woke up in the hospital and I saw tenzo sensei,matsuko, matsuyo and dad Ayame matsuko said and relief are you OK dad said I'm fine I said softly why didn't you tell me that you had a curse mark he said I didn't answered will give you some space tenzo said leaving the room with matsuyo and matsuko

Ayame he said its because if I tell you would probably didn't want me to entered the exams anymore I said softly while tears run through my cheeks dad hugged he tightly why would I do that its your dicision he said with a smile on his face I smiled back and he wipe my tears thanks dad I said

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