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The stars never seemed so close yet so far. I smiled to myself as I stared at the mock starmap I had tapped to my ceiling.

"Galia!" my roommate shouted, bursting into our room. "Up up up!"

"I'm awake," I laughed. "I could barely sleep."

"Nervous?" Rella asked, slipping off the towel she had wrapped around herself and dressing into her uniform. "I am. So so nervous."

"We will be fine." I sat up and got out of bed. "Just breathe okay."

"Admiral Marcus himself will be there!" Rella gasped. "And all the cute captains and CMOs and soldiers."

I laughed. "Please try and contain yourself." I put my own uniform on and started fixing my hair. "If you want one of them to like you, you have to seem sane."

"We need to find you a man, Galia."

"Whoa now," I chuckled. I put my cap on my head and adjusted my engineering pins and other badges. "In time my dear friend."

"How do I look?" Rella spun around to face me. Her blonde hair was pulled into a bun and covered by her cap. On her uniform was her medical pins.

"Like a medical officer." I smiled.

"Come on, we are going to be late for pictures." Rella waited at the door.

I shook my head with a smirk and followed her out of our room and down the hall. Several people greeted us and many congradulated us. The younger students gawked at our uniforms. Rella and I giggled. We walked towards the room where pictures were being taken in a white room. Standing near the door was one of my teachers, Dr. Coldson, talking to a man in a uniform with his back to me.

"Galia, best of luck," my old teacher said, dipping his head once he noticed me.

"Thank you doctor," I said and dipped my head in response.

Rella and I entered the room and were ordered to stand side by side next to the other graduates.

"Did you see that captain your professor was talking to?" Rella asked me.

"Captain?" I repeated in confusion.

"Yes. He was hot."

I sighed.

"No talking," the photographer suddenly ordered. "Stand up straight. Arms by your side. No expressions. Do not smile." One by one, he took portrait shots of the students, finally ending with Rella.

I looked towards the window of the room and saw that Dr. Coldson was still standing there talking to the man. Turns out the man was a captain, as expressed by the badges on his uniform. I had to admit Rella was right, his face was so handsome. When I met the captain's gaze he smiled at me for a moment before looking back at the doctor.

"He looks familiar," I said quietly.

Rella gleamed. "See, isn't he hot?!"

"Let's go. We don't want to be late to graduation." I started forward walking towards the door. As I passed the two men again, I once again exchanged glances with the captain. He smiled again. I returned the smile and continued walking.

"He smiled at you," Rella exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

"Oh hush!" I kept my composure but blushed slightly.


Rella and I were sitting in chairs close to the stage, watching in admiration as Admiral Marcus finished he speech.

"It's a wonderful accomplishment to get this far. We know that you all will be a wonderful addition to our Starfleet personnel." He smiled. "Now the moment you all have been waiting for. Let's begin our graduation procedure."

Slowly all the students were called up and presented a badge.

"Next is Rella F. Hart. Medical officer. Assigned to U.S.S. Messenger as a nurse."

Rella could barely hold in her excitement as she walked up to the podium and accepted her badge.

"I'm a nurse! I'm a nurse!" she squealed to me.

Impatiently, I sat in my seat as everyone else was called up. Rella kept reassuring me that I was next. I was about to think they had forgotten about me when Marcus spoke over the applause.

"Now our last graduate has been saved for last due to a rare occasion here at the Academy."

I stiffened up. Was this me? Rella was elbowing my ribs excitedly.

"Galia B. Whitman would you please join me at the podium?"

With shaky legs I stood up and walked over to the podium. I swallowed nervously and went to stand by Marcus's side.

"It is rare that we have a graduate immediately advance to such a high position, but we are all aware of how dangerous missions can be on board a ship. That is why Ms. Whitman has been chosen to fulfill this role." He paused. "Captain James T. Kirk has selected Ms. Whitman to join the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise as an engineer and an understudy to him and his first officer."

I froze and everyone clapped.

"Your badge," Marcus said with a smile, handing it to me.

I took and it and looked at the crowd. Standing near the other captain was the one who had smiled at me earlier. He was standing with his hands behind his back, smirking as I met his gaze. He gave me a small nod.

I blinked in shock. He was Jim Kirk.

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