Crack of Dawn

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I yawned quickly as I struggled to keep up with Spock. Today Kirk assigned him to teach me while he resumed monitoring the conflicting settlement that was never resolved the day before.

Spock walked quickly down the halls of the ship, having some unneeded sense of urgency to begin our session together. He stopped and turned into a small room with some computers and books.

"As you had a library database at the Academy, there is one on the ship as well that functions the same way," he started to explain but then raised his eyebrows when he saw I was out of breath. "Why are you struggling for breath?"

"You walk fast, Mr. Spock," I said after a wheeze. "You should enter the Olympics or something as a speed walker."

He seemed like he was amused, but didn't crack a smile. "You must not be a "morning person", Lt. Whitman."

"Who said that I wasn't?" I lightly questioned with a smirk.

"I can tell by your sarcastic behavior."

I stood up straight and crossed my arms. "How so?"

Spock smirked faintly. "You have seemed very serious and shy the past two days on the ship when you have been working. It seems that you only get a change of attitude when you are bothered and uncomfortable. Since it is early in the morning and you are overworked, you feel the need to warn others of your feelings through emotional and vocal expressions."

I stood there for a moment, blinking in confusion. "I see what you did there. It might be true but you are only going off two days worth of observation. It cannot be justified." I smiled. "I could just be opening up more to everyone."

He nodded in agreement. "That is a true statement. Although I am certain that my predictions are correct."

He then proceeded to tell me more information about the protocol of Starfleet. I tried to explain that Kirk had covered most of it yesterday but then I realized that it was pointless to argue with a Vulcan. So I nodded and occasionally gave him a smile, not really listening to what he was saying. Spock must have sensed my boredom because he then gave me a few situational tests and observed how I responded.

"I feel like you low key throwing the Kobayashi Maru at me," I said as he began the third test.

"I was the creator of the Kobayashi Maru."

I laughed. "How could I forget that? I was at that trial last year when Kirk cheated it and you chewed him out. That was funny."

The Vulcan smiled slightly. "I believe you would have performed well on the test if you had chosen a command path."

My eyes widened. "What? No way."

"Yes. You are an exceptional student and addition to Starfleet."

"But isn't the Kobayashi Maru unbeatable?" I asked, giving him a look.

Spock's face gave nothing away. "Maybe the test is not about the outcome but the situation itself."

I sighed. "I can't solve a riddle of deep philosophy right now. I have a headache." The throbbing sensation increased suddenly as if proving my point.

"This is normal after your first few days in space. You should take a break and eat. Go to the Sickbay and get some relievers from Dr. McCoy." Spock stood up suddenly before leaving the room without another word.

I grumbled and walked towards the Sickbay, squinting to block out the lights in the hallway. When I got there I saw a few nurses and Bones doing some light research. Bones looked up as the floor echoed my steps in the empty room.

"Back so soon Sparky?"

"No," I said with a wince.

"Ahh, the headache. I knew it was a matter of time." He pulled out a small hypo and walked to me. He inserted it into my neck and I flinched.

"It should go away soon," Bones assured me. "Now go eat some lunch. If it doesn't stop then come back afterward."

I grumbled a reply and then sulked my way to the Mess Hall. After a painstaking meal, I still hadn't been relieved of my headache. I dragged myself back to the Sickbay.

One Nurse greeted me at the door. "Still hasn't left huh?"

"It's like a never-ending nightmare."

She giggled and led me to a table. "Let me get Doctor McCoy for you."

I fell back and groaned in misery, shielding my eyes from all the light I could with my arms. Some icy hands lightly grabbed my arm.

"That bad huh?" Bone's voice sounded above me.

"Please make it stop," I begged, my arms still covering my face.

"I am. I'm going to put you under for a few hours. Resting your mind will help a lot," he told me, sticking me with what I could assume was another hypo. "Sweet dreams, Galia."

I blacked out.

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