Chapter 8

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Casey's POV

"I'm home" I shouted once I opened the door to my house. I don't hear anyone, not even Grace. That's a little odd.

I take my phone out my pocket and started looking for my mother on my contact list, and dial it. It starts ringing and goes starts to voicemail. I furrow my brows and redial the number. After a few seconds, i get through and I hear a faint laugh in the background.

"Oh my gosh, I cant" I hear my mother's laugh.

"Mom" I question, waiting for a response.

"Oh my gosh, hey sweetie" she said while regaining herself from laughing.

"Where are you mom" I asked calmly.

Oh, I'm just out with ur father and Gra-" she paused. "Oh, babe, I know how this looks but don't think that" she explained herself.

"Daddy can I have more ice cream" I hear Grace ask faintly in the background.

"So you guys went out without me" I asked with tears in my eyes. Of course they would go out with out me, my dad hates me that much.

"It's nothing personal, it's just that Grace wasn't feeling well at school so she called your father and I was already on my way out of work so, he called me after he left so we just met up at home when Grace decided she wanted ice cream so we went to get, so don't think to much into it ba-" I cut her off, I can't believe this.

"I can't believe you, so your telling me that you couldn't at least wait for me, or something" I said with a few tears waiting to break out.

"Honey it's just ice cream, well bring you some if u want" she said calmly, probably thinking I'm over reacting about ice cream.

"It's not about the freakin' ice cream mom" I shouted. "Its about the fact that you left me behind like I don't exist anymore, you know what's going on with me and dad and it's like your encouraging it even more".

"Watch your tone" she said with a serious tone.

"What happen" I hear my dad said in the background.

"No, no, I'm done, I cant do this anymore, if dad doesn't want to forgive me, that I won't forgive him" I said wiping my tears.

"What do u need to forgive him for" she questioned.

"For being a horrible father, just like I'm dead to him, he's dead to me" I simply said and hung up.

-few hours later-

I was in the middle of texting Andrew when I hear the front door shut all the way from my room, well isn't it nice of my family to finally remember I exist.

"Cassandra" I hear my mom shout from the bottom of the stairs.

As I make my way downstairs I saw Grace with my dad. I never realized until now but, my dad has always been distant with me.

"Casey, I brung u back ice cream" Grace said with such joy. I look at my dad and see no emotion written on his face.

"Thanks babe" I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Ok Grace go upstair" my mom said sith a stern look.

"Why" my little sister questioned.

"Because I'm about to yell at your sister and I don't want u to hear it, now go to your room"  she says bluntly.

As my sister goes upstairs my dad follows after.

"Not so fast Alex, I want you to see what you created" she says abouts she points to the couch, signaling for him to take a seat. Everyone should know not to disobey my mom in this state of hers.

"Ok, for starters, who do you think you are hanging up on me like that" she asked aggressively. "And on top of that, I don't know who you started shouting at, or cutting off either" she added.

"I'm sorry, I was just upset" I said in shame, I knew I shouldn't have shouted at her like that. I knew better than that.

"I don't care the situation, you don't talk to your mother like that" she said sternly "and this all started because of you, I hope u know that" she added, directing it to my father.

"I didn't do anything I don't know what your talking about" my dad said.

"Of course you'd say that, you never know anything that's going on" I jumped in.

"Aye, watch yourself" he said glaring at me while standing up.

"You know what, I was right when I said you were a horrible father" I said with tears in my eyes, putting emphasis on 'horrible'.

Next thing I know I felt a hand connect with my face.

"Alex" my mom shouted.

"What the hell Alex, we don't hit the kids" my mom said as she ran to my aid.

"Never speak to me like that again, do you hear me" he said with anger in his voice. "And if u didn't already know, your grounded and little friends aren't allowed over until i say otherwise" and he left at that.

"This is all your fault, if you would have just let him go upstairs" I cried.

"Oh my god sweetie, I'm so sorry" my mom said with in her eyes.

I got up and ran to my room locking the door and sliding down it to cry. How could things get even worse.

That's when I looked up and saw Andrew's light on. I got my phone and texted him.

To Andrew 👽

-I need you to come over

There was no reply. Maybe he wasn't in his room after all.

After a few minutes I hear a tap on my bay window.

It was Andrew. I ran to it and opened it as fast as I could.

Once it was open I pulled him into a hug. Then I realized he was a bit wet, but it wasn't raining or anything like that.

"Hey, hey, hey, are u ok, what happened" he asked as I was crying on his shoulder "I came as fast as I could, I was in the shower when u texted" he chuckled. I giggled and moved away from him.

"There's that smile with those dimples" he smiled. He put his hand under my chin and made he look at him. Then I saw those big brown eyes I fell in love with 6 years ago. I really want to kiss him right now. Maybe that's the emotional part of me talking. I shouldn't listen to that side in this state. 

"What's wrong" he asked.

"I just really need u here" I whispered resting my head in the crook of his neck.

Authors Note:

Another chapter upppp.

This chapter gave a little insight how Casey's life is at home and what she has to go through. There was also a little Andrew and Casey moment at the end, how cute.

You guys should come up with a ship name for them😁. Comment some and I'll pick a few to chose from.

It is more of a filler but it took me a few to figure out what to write about but.....

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Chapter 9 will be up soon ♡.

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