Bang Bang

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Weeks went by and Tord and Tom had bonded...a lot... "Tom! I'm here to pick up-" As Edd walked into Tom's apartment he saw them both covered in whipped cream with the cans in their hands. "Do I want to know?.." Edd said, pacepalming. "EDD! We was having a whipped cream fight! Wanna join!" Tord yelled running up to Edd and spraying him, leaving a streak of cream on the bottom of his hoodie. "Aw I'm got whipped cream on me jeez..." Edd said trying to get the cream off. Tom handed him a napkin then started trying to get it off of himself and Tord. "I'm giving you a bath when we get home..." "Awww! But I wanna stay here for a bit longer! Tom and me was gonna make brownies!" Edd sighed and kneeled down "Come on Tord it's late and i'm tired..." "Uh...I can keep him for the night!" Tom said giving Edd a nervous smile. Edd looked up kind of surprised. "PLEEEAAASE!" Tord yelled, giving Edd puppy eyes. "Well...I guess s-" "YAAAY!" Tord ran over and hugged Tom's leg which almost made Tom fall over.

Edd sighed and gave Tom some of Tord's clothes. "Now he needs to wake up before ten or he'll be cranky...and don't give him too much sugar or he won't even go to sleep and if you give him a drink before bed make sure it isn't much or he tends to wet the bed...a-and um..." "Edd calm down...I got this...I'm...not like I used to be anymore..." "I-I know but-" "Wake up before ten, feed him breakfast when he wakes up or he won't eat it, keep him entertained, macaroni and cheese is his favorite, sometimes you have to ask him if he needs to go to the bathroom if he's making a certain face, don't keep him up too late, don't let him drink too much before bed, not too much sugar, Edd...I got this!" Tom had just recited pretty much everything Edd had said. Edd sighed in relief and hugged Tom before leaving. Tom and Tord were pretty much the best of friends and it became a regular thing again to have Tord go from Edd and Tom to stay the night. Sometimes he would even stay with Matt but he honestly just came to play with him at Edd or Tom's.

Everything was going great since it was September when all this happened they got to dress Tord up for halloween. He dressed up as a bunny cause of course. It was going great! Until the beginning of november. It was a bit chilly and Tom decided to take Tord out for a while. They went to eat at a seafood place then got ice cream. By the time they were walking home it was dark. Tord had been acting weird the past few days and was extremely weird tonight. He wasn't really talking. They were walking home and Tord was staying really close to Tom and was holding his hand really tightly. "'ve been acting really weird lately...are you ok?" Tom asked stopping in front of an ally with nobody around. "...I love you..." Tord said really quietly. "I love you too buddy but I can tell somethings wrong..." They just stood there for a second before Tom's hand started burning really badly. He tugged it away from Tord and saw he had burned his hand. His robot arm was glowing and he looked up to show his eyes were red. Both of them. One was normal and his eye color was just red but the other eye was...completely black...except for a red dot in the middle. But...Tord had legit lost that eye in the explosion...where is the dot coming from?

Tord held up his hand and started walking towards Tom. Tom backed up into the ally which is a stupid decision. "T-Tordie? Why did you burn my hand?" Tord continued to say nothing and move closer to Tom. "Tord?" Tord's hand glowed brighter as he was about to shoot some kind of lazer out of it but then Tom heard a gunshot. He looked up and saw Tord on the ground holding his leg and crying. Tom gasped and sat beside him seeing someone had shot him in the leg. "T-Tom I sorry! P-Please don't shoot me..." "I-I didn't shoot you..." Tom looked up and saw someone standing there. He was dressed in all black or grey and half his hair was down the side of his face like an emo. He had red eyes and a necklace with a square on it with an X through it. He was holding a gun. Tom held Tord close as the guy held his gun up again. "STOP SHOOTING HIM!" Tom yelled, tears appearing in his eyes. Tom felt a burning on his chest and screamed. He saw Tord's eyes were the same as they were and his hand was glowing again. "Let me shoot him...he's just going to keep doing this..." the guy said. He had this...accent wasn't anything Tom had ever heard before. It sounded like someone trying to do a british accent but failing.

"Tom..." Tord said looking up with those weird red eyes. Tom had tears rolling down his cheeks as he stood up and backed up. "Tom?!" Tord yelled trying to get up but falling. " hurts..." Tord said with tears rolling down his face too. "I-I know Tordie...just...look away'll be over soon..." Tom's voice went high pitched as he tired not to start bawling. He heard a gunshot. He looked over and saw Tord laying on the ground with a bullet hole in his head. His blood was still blue. Tom didn't know or care why. He started screaming and got on his knees, picking up Tord and hugging him. "Why...why did I let him do this to you?..." Tom whimpered. "Its going to be fine trust me..." The guy said. Tom looked up and his face turned to anger as he stood up and walked towards the guy. "Ok...NOW WHAT?!" Tom shouted. "Jet? You shoot that kid yet?" Another guy walked up that you could tell was American. He had his hair up in a low ponytail and he had the same color eyes as 'Jet'. He was wearing mostly light grey clothes with a black shirt pretty much the opposite from the other guy.

When he saw Tom he stopped and hit Jet in the back of the head. "You idiot! You weren't supposed to do it in front of him!" "Sorry Gray but he was burning him and-" "I DON'T CARE!" Gray calmed down and smiled at Tom walking over to him. " name is Gray and this here is my friend Jet. You may have heard of me from Paul?" Tom stepped back a bit kind of shocked. "But...Tord-" "Shot me? Yes, I know...I never said I was alive..." Tom looked confused " guys are angels?" Tom asked walking a bit closer to the two. "Demon actually! And its just me. Jet here is alive still. " Jet was looking down. He looked like someone who wasreally sensitive. Kind of like if 2-D and Murdoc from the Gorillaz were mixed together.

"What are you doing here?" Tom asked. Gray smiled and looked over at Jet. He chuckled a little bit before looking back at Tom. "To make a deal..."

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