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It was the following morning of the whole incident and honestly, I was dreading to even get out of the bed just to avoid him. I groaned as I stretched my arms out, turning over on the mattress to see that the was door still open as I had left it the night before. I could hear the muffled voices of Dalvin and DeVante as they spoke to each other, sounding as if they were in the kitchen. I sat up and threw my legs over the edge of the bed, staying there for a moment while I listened, trying to make out what they were saying.

"She's really cool, man. She's just too curious for her own good but I promise you, it won't happen again. Just...give her a chance, D", Dalvin said as he tried to reason with his brother, which I doubted would make any difference.

DeVante sighed heavily, not speaking for a while before he decided to give what seemed to be his final answer, "Aight, Dal. But only 'cause you tearin' up about it."

Hm. I slid down from the bed, walking around it to make my way toward the doorway.

"Nigga, I ain't tearin' up!", Dalvin said in defensive tone. Knowing Dalvin, he probably was.

I could hear DeVante kiss his teeth as a form of liquid was being poured into a glass of some sort, "Yeah, whatever. But the moment she start tryna' play Inspector Gadget, she's gettin' the boot. Preferably up her ass. I ain't got the patience for any bullshit. If she's here to work, she needs to respect my fuckin' house. Regardless. Abide by my rules. If she can't then, she can carry that thrift store suitcase back out to yo' car and take that stiff ass wig she rockin' wit' her."

"T-That's her hair, D...", Dalvin replied awkwardly.

This nigga has the nerve to talk about my hair when he's walking around looking like a whole ass onion. I rolled my eyes, deciding to just ignore him, brushing my teeth and taking a shower instead. Once I had gotten out, I slipped on my black sweatpants with my Nike sports-bra and slides then headed out of the bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen to see they were no longer there. Oh well. I shrugged, opening up the fridge to see what foods I could throw together to make myself something to eat. All I saw were leftovers from last night and a bunch of water bottles. I groaned and decided to just grab one then closed the door back, jumping and placing my hand over my chest once I saw DeVante standing there with his nose scrunched up and eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me. Oh boy. Here we go.

With a nervous laugh, I smiled and spoke, "You scared me. I didn't hear you walking in."

"And you also didn't hear me say you could go into my damn fridge", he spat, reaching toward me and snatching the water bottle from my hand.

It took everything in me not to go off on him, taking a deep breath and making sure the smile remained on my face although it wasn't as sincere as before, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were h—I mean, it won't happen again."

"I know it won't", he said, still staring at me with annoyance prior to him pushing the bottle into my chest. "Here, before I change my mind."

Rude ass.

I took it, giving him a tight grin before walking around him and he caught my arm to stop me, "Where you goin'?"

"Well, I was gonna' go look for Da—", I started to say.

He shook his head, pulling back to where I was once standing so that I was standing directly in front of him, "Nah, we need to lay down some ground rules before I just let you roam around my house."

I nodded my head, eager to see what kind of ridiculous rules he would come up with, "All ears."

"Aight. First off, let me just say that last night you was outta' line for invadin' my privacy the way you di—", he began to say but I quickly interrupted him in attempt to make amends.

' THE RAPTURE ' › D. SWING [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now