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THE PAST FEW WEEKS haven't exactly been easy since I was trying to help DeVantè deal with his issues without the medication. Every time I'd hint that he should take it, he'd just give me a look that lets me know to just drop it. I was really starting to question what exactly I had gotten myself into but with knowledge from the psychology class I had taken in high school, I figured I could use it to my advantage and wing it as best as I can. DeVantè, however, wasn't exactly the easiest to get through to but with a few drinks in him or a blunt, he'd talk you to sleep if you let him.

Which brings me to my current situation . . .

He chuckled, smiling brightly to where the corners of his eyes slightly began to wrinkle, flashing his gums in the process, "Man, that shit was embarrassin'. I remember how my mama made us all wear matchin' shit throughout middle school and we'd get teased by all of the kids about it. Once we got to high school, we finally explained to her how ridiculous it was and she still ain't listen so we started to get smart on her ass and pack extra shit in our backpacks. I'll be damned if I kept walkin' around lookin' like my younger brothers. The only time it became beneficial was when I'd get in trouble and say my name was Derek." My jaw dropped as I listened to him and he just allowed his head to fall back, holding the side of his stomach while he laughed even harder, "That nigga used to hate me, yo. Stayed in detention because of my ass."

"That's so mean", I said, trying to sound empathetic though I was smiling.

He just shrugged, placing his hand onto my thigh and caressing gently as he looked at me, "So? He was a snitch. He had it comin'."

"He used to snitch on you?", I inquired, intrigued by all that he was telling me.

His eyes grew wide as he sat up as if he couldn't believe I had just asked if it was true, "Nigga, yes! Man, let me tell you — he used to get mad when we didn't let him go to parties wit' us when we'd sneak out the house and shit so he'd wake my parents up and tell'em — so whenever we got home, we'd get our asses beat. That nigga was a busta'. Still is, if you ask me."

"He is not!", I said in Derek's defense, laughing.

He kissed his teeth, giving me the side-eye, "Yeah, whatever. How about you move in wit' his ass then. You gon' be beggin' me to come back. Derek is one annoyin' mothafucka'." He reached forward to pick his glass of Hennessy up off of the table and hovering it near his lips as he spoke, "Don't believe me? Ask Dalvin." Taking a sip from the glass, he soon placed it back down on the napkin so that it wouldn't mess up the wood, "He gon' tell you the truth, too. Even if he don't like me 90% of the time."

"Dalvin loves you", I replied, wondering why he would say such a thing. All Dalvin did was talk about how great DeVante was, which was the only reason I had agreed to move in with him in the first place.

He released a dry laugh, shaking his head a bit, "Yeah, so you think. That nigga just tolerates me. That ain't love, babygirl. Clearly you got a lot to learn but don't worry... I'll teach you." He smirked, leaning over to plant a gentle kiss onto my cheek and I giggled, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, okay. But seriously, D...", I trailed off as I turned to face him, folding and tucking my right leg underneath me while I wrapped my arms around his neck and gazed into his eyes. "He really does love you", I started to say and he immediately kissed his teeth, averting his attention to the television. "Babe, I'm serious. When we first met, you know what I caught him tellin' women in order to get their attention?", I inquired, though I didn't really expect him to act as if he was interested in the answer so I ended up telling him anyhow, putting on my best Dalvin impression. "What's wrong, girl? Why you trippin'?... You know I was in Jodeci, right? DeVante Swing is my brother... You ain't hear me? I said DeVante is my brother", making my voice slightly raspy and deeper than usual. Suddenly, DeVante had bursts into laughter and I joined him, admiring his facial features. God, he was beautiful.

' THE RAPTURE ' › D. SWING [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now