Savior chapter 3 and 4

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Selena- I dont really know how to explain it but I felt like something was wrong and something told to run and when I did I did not stop and when I saw you and saw what your dad was doing to you it hurt me alot.

justin- ...... thank you

selena- your welcome 

justin- I dont have nowhere to stay 

selena- You can stay with me 

Justin- What about you mom and dad they hate and your sister

selena- my parents are going to Malibu to take care of my grandmother so there gone from raven's cove and my sister is staying with Avan sice his parents are gone.

Justin- Thanks

Selena- No problem

Justin- Hey im really sorry for what I done to you for the past years I---(GETS CUT OFF)

Selena-It's ok

NO ONE'S POV- Justin pulls into selena drive selena feel happy and nervous that justin is staying with her Selena the know what she has to do.

Selena- may I see you Brusie

Justin- ok (takes off his shirt)

Justin- What are you going to do?

Selena- When I got bullied alot at school back in Malibu my grandma use to kiss my brusies do you mind

Justin- I dont know selena I mean  I have a girlfriend

Selena- Trust me it's not like that ( smiles)

Justin- O-OK I gusse

Selena POV- It was my plan but this is what my grandma did to me though I went over to justin and I kissed every single brusie and scares sometimes I herd a little moan from justin as I kissed everywhere where brusie and scarse was.

Just Pov- As selena kiss some of my brusie and scares that she could possiable find I let out a few moans  she had kiss my stomach ,cheek, eye, neck, almost everywhere I have to admit It felt good I just want to grab her right now as she was doing this than I looked in the mirrior I saw they was turnig full black like my whole eyes where then to red oh no I forgot it almost time.

Savior Chapter 4

Justin- Sel lisen im sorry right now but i forgot to do something but I be back k

*leaves quickly*

Sel- OK 

Sel Pov-  H e left so quick i did not even see his face o-well the suddently my body was hurting oh no it can't be time it suppose to happen when I trun 16.

NO ONE'S POV- Selena screams form her pain her eys start to trun prue gold and her body starts to heal fast she beggings to hear vocies speak to her in a diffrent kind of lauge she start having these visions aboutt cleopatra and on the other side a then she sees a symols

 then selena herd a voice a women voice saying  you have been awaken my child  selna was screaming and scared the she saw more visions then selena saw a vision she was in the middle of cleopatra and a demon like thing a all of a sudden they both potied at her and power but she thought lighting came out  of them and hit her  and then it was over.

Selena- WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ( breathing hevey)

Selena POV- It was 8:00 what but it was just nevermind i went outside and looked in the mail box it was a letter from gradmother the letter said that I know that your power might come a year early so I sent you this lisen selena the is a whole diffrent story about you. you are special girl now your power's are important use goodly and carfully I taught you to do the right thing and follow your heart and always do that now your power are going to be a little out of control ok so here is a necklece to control them and always were it even when you are sleeping ok love grandma.

  I put the neckless on right away as gandma told me and kept my prosmise to.

To justin

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