savior ch 11 and 12

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Selena Pov- It's been months and iv'e been crying so much i've been vommiting tori was not here but iv'e been also worried becuase i been throwing up when im not crying I will get a test I kept the rose that justin and I made love with .I miss him so much I want him back like now I want to kiss him and touch and him to cuddle me at night god I hate we can't be together then  I had to vommit again then i herad a voice it was tori holding my hair back ugh I hate this.

Tori-Selena you ok

Selena- I have not been feeling good since

Tori- since

Selena- Me and justin made love and that night and that I ate wendy's yesterday

Tori- So was the food or are you preganat sel?

Selena- I don't know but it's getting worse

Tori- come on let's go to the doctor


Doc- selena gomez

Selena- yes

Doc-Good new you not preggo but you have a stomach virsus it not bad but you have to eat certain stuff till your stomach is feeling better and if that dose not work then come back k 

Selena- Ok yes mam im so happy im not preggo  tori

Tori- Yay and by the I got tell you something when school over come on we got and hour left

Selena- OK

*To justin*

Justin Pov- It's been days sice I leftwell now it might be months I dont know how it works but all I know I want selena to hold her and to see her smile and kiss her and I love se did not give up on me even though I treated her so bad for many years and it truns out she my mate but my sister miley is back and stuff she was with her bf brad but they broke up he was an ass anyway but and anyway I got to ask my parents can I or We live in the human world they are coming back today there has been war in hell like crazy gosh I saw them coming into the castle.

Miley- Hey bro mom and dad is home 

Justin- I know I saw them come in

Miley- Lisen im sorry for not being here so much and for lieaving you with jermey it was wrong 

Justin- You that right you did'nt have to be beaten down every single god damn day and what im mostly mad about you knew he wasn't are real father

Miley- Im sorry please im begging you

Justin- If you do something that really important to me and dont tell mom and dad the I will

Miley- What is it ?

Justin- First we got to talk mom and dad for uss to live in the human world first(smirks)

Miley- I dont like this but ok lets go 

Miley/Justin- Mom dad we want to ask you something

Pattie- yes what is it?

Justin- Can we live in the human world just me and miley 

Saitain- Oh good cause we were thinking about you lining in the human world

Miley- Really so can we?

Pattie- Yes but when we need you for a meeting or anything you have to come got it now her is 100000000000 billion dollars and we have manchen so here is  address  and miley you start  on moday with justin wich is now today so go go go  yall stuff is already there k bye

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