Chapter 2

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There was an old lady at her knees with her head low.

Daniel ordered the crew to help the people on the sinking ship onto ours.

The old woman had a hood over her head.

Daniel stood over her.

"Look at me," he insisted.

The old woman raised her head. I saw her face. She was elderly. And her eyes were grey like mine. Her eyes had orange flecks. But Daniel didn't seem to notice.

"Alright. Who are you people?" He asked the survivors.

Before us stood the old woman, a young girl about my age, a guy my age as well, and a scrawny boy who seemed to be 10 years old.

"We were traveling north when our ship hit a rock and we began to sink," the guy said.

"We're traveling North," I said.

"Yes we are. But we don't have enough food for you guys," Daniel brought up.

"Perhaps we can scour our sinking ship. We had cans and food below deck. If you walk below deck the water reaches your waist but it's worth searching," the guy said.

Daniel and the guy who we learned was named Walter went into the sinking ship and scoured for canned food.

The old woman sat on a bench in our ship. I approached her.

"I know what you're going to ask," she said. "And I know that you have grey eyes."

"How come Daniel couldn't see your grey eyes?" I asked.

"Because I put a glamour on them," she said.

"A what? How?" I asked.

"Can't you do them? I'm sure you've heard of them before?" She posed.

"No not at all," I said.

"A glamour can be made by people like us. We have abilities that normal humans don't have. And making glamours is one of them. Some of us have more abilities that are more special," she said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like changing our appearance, creating fire from our hands, controlling others," she said.

My eyes widened.

"We found enough cans to make the trip. And we have enough water," Daniel said as he got back on our ship.

"Great," I said lost in thought.

Daniel called me over to the far end of the deck.

"What's up?" I asked staring at the sea.

"What were you talking about with the old woman? I saw you guys talking," he asked.

"Oh. Um.. nothing," I bit my lip.

"Oh sure," he said not entirely convinced.

I turned to look at him. Daniel had brown eyes and dark hair. His pale complexion looked washed out in the sea. There was fog over us. He noticed my staring and looked at me too. He smiled.

I looked out to the sea.

"Do you think there are fish out there?" I asked.

"There's lots of fish in the ocean," he said sarcastically.

I nodded.

"But in all seriousness. I don't think so. The waters are black," he said.

"Hmm..." I mumbled.

"But there is a place..." he started. "No, it's a myth."

"Tell me," I said.

He got all quiet.

"There's a place where the water is blue. A place where there are lots of fish and marine life. An island where there's lots of plants and flowers. But no one has ever found it. Some call it Nirvana. Others call it Elysium," he said.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"North," he said.

"Can we go?" I asked.

"I don't know if we could find it," he said.

Something about this place was familiar. Myth or not I wanted to go...

The Girl with the grey eyesWhere stories live. Discover now