Beautiful Night (Lesbian Story)

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As soon as she walked in I knew she was different. Not...different as in, you know, different. But as in...otherworldy different. She wasn't human. 

But I didn't know that. Not yet.

She walked over to the teacher, held out her schedule. Mrs. Brown took the paper into her old wrinkled hands and studied the paper, while she just stood there, looking like a ghost. I stared at her, her soft pale skin, her brown locks that seemed to curl slightly at the ends, separating and darkening. It struck me as odd, the way her hair was a very light brown on the top of her head, then darkened into a mahogany color towards the tips. Her lips were dark and her cheeks rosy. And then her eyes. A light blue, shifting towards violet. I was mesmerized...and also pretty sure I was drooling.

Mrs. Brown handed back the paper, pointed towards a seat far from me. Which was good because I wouldn't have been able to concentrate if she had been seating close. She walked slowly, gracefully, and sat down on her seat. Everyone seemed to have been bespelled, until then. As soon as she sat everyone went back to what they were doing, and class went on. But I was still entranced, hypnotized by her glamour. She turned at that moment, her clear eyes meeting my light green ones, holding them for what seemed like eternity. I saw a familiarity in her eyes, but I couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was I saw. I felt a kinship, somehow. She turned towards Mrs. Brown at that moment, and she seemed to dim. People acted as if she weren't there for the rest of class. It was then that I realized she didn't want to be seen. She kept stealing glances at me, glances which I met dutifully. I wasn't like this normally. I'm shy, and sit towards the back of every class, my nose eternally wedged between the pages of a book. I keep to myself. Teachers liked me if they were able to remember my existence, and I liked it that way. Always trying not to be noticed, just like she was now. But today she had to see me, just like I had to see her. I felt strange shudders every time our eyes met, but they were pleasurable, and I didn't want them to stop.

The bell rung, signaling that class was over. Everyone got up, except for me. I sat, my things packed, still gazing at her as she stood, gathering her things. She turned, lazily laying her eyes on me. Then silently, left. Only then did I seem to realize I had a mere 3 minutes to get to my next class, which was on another building. 


I got up, grabbing Daughter of the Blood, the book I had been reading when She showed up. I still didn't know her name.


I saw her again at lunch. Everyone seemed to not notice her, but to me she shone like a beacon, her alabaster skin glowing as she stood shock still in the middle of the cafeteria, lunch tray in hand. I closed Daughter of the Blood with a finger inside so I could go back to reading after I was done staring at her. But she just stood there. People were beginning to look at the strange girl that just stood there, unmoving, and I couldn't help it; I had to save her from social suicide, even though it wasn't like me at all. I got up, my messenger bag draped across my shoulder, and made my way to her. As I approached, she turned to look at me in that lazy way, and I just froze. My breathing was even, but my heart was hammering away inside my chest.

"Come." Was all I said, afraid that if I said more she would know how she was making me feel. She nodded, softly. If I hadn't been looking so hard I might not have noticed. I didn't go back to where I had been sitting and instead brought her outside, to the outdoor lunch area that connected to the rest of the school. We walked away from the lunch tables and the groups of laughing teenagers, into the woods. I sat down by a tree, leaning back against it, opening my book. She sat down in front of me, leaning against a tree. For some reason I thought she felt like a tree. I shook the thought—it didn't make sense. I kept on reading, listening, but she didn't make a sound. At the end of the chapter I looked up, our eyes meeting yet again. Her food was gone and she was sitting, still as the tree behind her. I took out my phone and caught my reflection. My orange hair was catching the sunlight, with glinting mellow red streaks dancing with the luminosity. My eyes seemed lost, yet filled with emotion. I looked away from myself and focused instead on the time. 

"Uh...We gotta go back now."

"Okay." Her voice was deep I blushed at the thought. She picked up the tray, and walked back with me. I wanted to ask what classes she had next, but for some reason I didn't. I didn't want to feel desperate, like I had to see her. It would only drive me crazy. The bell rung as soon as we walked back into the cafeteria. I turned, but she was gone. I tried to shake it off as I walked to my next class.


That night, I dreamed of her, hiding by the trees, a silent smile on her lips. Her eyes gleaming and playful. She was wearing an elegant, white celtic dress. She seemed to be there, then somewhere else the next. Violets were all around, their petals scattered on the forest floor. Her lips moved, but no sound was to be heard. I got the sense she wanted me to follow, so I did. But it went nowhere. She played with me, hiding by the trees—hiding from me. I tried my best to find her, but the task was proving difficult. I heard her laughter, trailing closer and then fading, only to come closer again. I stopped where I stood and closed my eyes.  Stretching out my arms, I made as if to catch someone, and wound them out around the open air. I opened my eyes, and saw that I held her in my arms. She looked surprised, the emotion showing clear through her eyes like mirrors. I had her pressed tight against me, and her hands were on my chest. A warm feeling flooded me, and I felt myself blushing. Her eyelids lowered and she met my eyes. She looked away, only to meet my eyes again. She seemed confused and sad as she looked at me, longing plainly written in her eyes. She looked down again, lying her head down on my chest. I felt her warmth, and it wasn't a dream. My real eyes opened at the realization, and I was back in my room, staring at the dark ceiling. I touched my chest, where her face had rested, if only for a moment. I turned in my bed, feeling my heart beat frantically. I closed my eyes again, but didn't dream of her, the scent of violets lingering as I slept.

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