Chapter 12

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I stared at myself in the mirror a little while longer before turning to open my closet. I pulled out a crimson long-sleeve and grabbed a grey jacket. I slipped the jeans from yesterday on, still feeling numb. I felt around in my pocket and pulled out the note.


The guy dressed in black approached me. He smiled and passed me the note.

Just in case you want to see Meaghan

346 Pine Hills



I sighed and stuffed the note back in my pocket. I grabbed my hair drier and plugged it in to dry my hair. I really shouldn't be playing around with hypothermia. I sighed again and grabbed a beanie and pulled it on along with some cut-off gloves. I slipped on some boots and gave the mirror a fake smile. Okay, good to go. I was about to walk out the front door when Camilla grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry sis, I didn't mean any of that." She said, looking me in the eye. She'd been crying.

"It's okay."

I slipped out the door.


I stood in front of the apartment door, not quite knowing what to do. I knocked on the door before I could chicken out. I waited for about three seconds before I turned on my heel to go, but just then the door opened.

"Rowan." I could feel surprise in her voice. I turned back around and couldn't help but smile once I saw her. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, closing the door as soon as I crossed the threshold. Still not letting go of my hand, she came close to me and gave me a sweet, short kiss. As she pulled away I let my eyes remain closed.

"I need you." I whispered. I felt her rest her head on my chest.

"And I need you."

"I feel like...I don't know who I am." I said, holding her close and beginning to cry. She broke away from my embrace, looking at me with a frown.

She shushed me, grabbing my face gently with her hands and resting her forehead against mine. "You know who you are."

"I can't stop it. It's just there, that feeling. And my sister she..." I started sobbing.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay." She said, hugging me. She pulled back and holding my hand led me to her bedroom. The blinds were closed and the room was dark. She led me to her bed and kissed me. I felt that sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach and kissed her back. "Just lie down okay?"

I nodded and lay down, pulling up the covers. She got in too behind me and slipped her arm around me, pulling me in close and kissing my neck. A sense of calm flooded me and I felt at peace.

"How come you can make me feel like this?" I asked, turning around to face her.

"I'm guessing it's because you like me." She whispered. She was looking at me with lust and her eyes shone. I stared into them and got lost.

"I don't just like you." I said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She closed her eyes.

"Rowan...I'm good as you think I am. I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of and a lot of things I regret deeply."

"No one's perfect."

"No, Rowan you don't get it." She said. When she opened her eyes they looked sad.

"What is it I don't get?" I said, touching her lips gently with the tips of my fingers. It felt so warm.

"I have...certain duties that I...don't," She hesitated a bit before she continued. "want you to think that I like or...enjoy."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm Del's concubine." She said, then closed her eyes again, like a child expecting punishment.

"...What?" I asked, softly. She didn't open her eyes but I saw a tear escape them.

"I'm his...mistress." She whispered. My heart clenched and I remembered the way she spoke about him. I felt hopeless.

"Why didn't you tell me this when I asked you who he was?"

"Because I wasn't ready. I didn't want to hurt you. I need you to know that what he and I do means nothing to me."

"That's not how it sounded to me when you were talking about him." I said, looking away. I wanted to turn my back to her and cry, silently. I grabbed her arm and gently took it off me.

"Please." She said. There was a strain in her voice.

"You said you wanted to be free of the sex and the games but what exactly are you doing now? You're no better off than you were before." I said, looking at the ceiling.

"Yes I am. You're here, with me." Her hand found mine and she squeezed it. I turned to look at her once more. 

"Rowan...Can we just try and make this work?" She asked me as she stroked my cheek. I grabbed her hand, placing a kiss on the back of it. How could I say no?

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