Chapter 26

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"Ella darling" I was reading my notes at breakfast and my mother kept on distracting me.

"Yes" I groan looking up before quickly going back to the notes.

"I don't think you should work yourself so hard" she frowns and I shake my head.

"I need to" I sigh. I know I needed to, I'd become so distracted with my love life I was barely giving time to school. I was a high achiever however with my lack of revision I knew I wouldn't get the grades I wanted.

"Ok" she says unwillingly. "Oh the hospital called by the way"

"Why? I've been discharged"

"No I think you left one of your belongings and they've tried to call you but couldn't get through"

"My belongings? I thought you and dad took everything"

"I thought so too"

"Fine, I'll pop over after breakfast"

I was glad with this agreement harry and I came on to, of course I love him and would be happy to see him every day of my life but I think things were becoming a little overwhelming with his 'friends' coming to light. He was hiding something and I was going to find out, we were both avoiding situations and I think we needed some time to space it out.

The hospital felt like forever to get to, but I made it up to the ward I was treated on and walked over to the receptionist.

"Hi, I've come because I got a call asking me to collect my belongings" I tell the man who nods.

"Can I have your name please?"

"Ella Riley"

"Patient number?" He asks.

"Sorry, I was discharged about two three weeks ago"

"Erm, ok I'll see what I can find" he searches in his computer for gods know what and then walks over to one of the practicing rooms.

"Ah yes, I did treat miss Ella" the doctor who treated me comes out with the receptionist and places a small smile. The receptionist walks behind the desk again and starts to scurry for my lost item I think.

"How've you been Ella?" The doctor asks and I shrug. "I've guess I've gotten a lot better but I don't know, it's just sometimes like I get scared or if I suddenly remember it, other times I forget it happened" I scratch my arm and the doctor smiles.

"That's completely normal, it'll take some time to get over it fully, no one blames you" he pats my shoulder before reaching into his pocket. "This is some information about talking to someone, getting anything off your chest" he hands me the card and I smile placing it in my pocket.

"Miss Riley" the receptionist calls and I look over to him.

"Does this happen to be yours?" He asks, he hands me a silver ring with a snake wrapped around it. I analyse the ring, it seemed so familiar like I'd seen it before.

"Hmm" I take the ring in my hand and fiddle around it with it before quickly noticing the receptionist and doctor. "It's definitely not mine"

"It's been here since your incident" the receptionist shrugs and as I was about to hand the ring back over the doctor pushes my hand down gently.

"I don't think anyone is ever going to come and take it and it just causes junk, rather than throwing it away I guess you should keep it" the doctor smiles and I look over to the receptionist who nods in agreement. "Don't tell anyone I did that though" he chirps and waved goodbye before walking back to his practice.

"It's so big" I chuckle adjusting the ring and the receptionist smiles, "better than nothing" I shrug and thank him and quickly leave the hospital.


This whole week Harry and I have barely communicated apart from the odd text here and there, even during school, we kept our distance for the sake of exams and today was finally it, last day of exams and then I'd be on early leave.

I was rushing up to Harry's room as this was it. I just finished my last exam which meant summer which basically meant harry, I could finally devout all my time and energy into him without an ounce of guilt, well minus my parents and every other person that would judge us.

"Harry" I squeal running into his room, he was stood near the shelves and I dropped my bag running to him, my arms clung around his neck and my legs wrapped around his body.

"Easy tiger" Harry laughs and I kiss him everywhere, I don't leave a patch of his skin untouched by my lips and he guides us over to his chair. "What's this for" he kisses my nose it I could barely speak, I just wanted to kiss him so much and god he looked so beautiful and suddenly I had the urge to cry, what was wrong with me?

"I've missed you much" I smile and a tear escapes my eye, he takes his pale finger on my face and smooths the drop away. "Harry, I've finally got you to myself, no more thinking of this shitty school" I smile in relief and we plaster our lips together, it was a nice soft kiss, it was passionate and full and harry was so tender with me.

"I've missed you so much Ella" he leaned his forehead on mine and I let out a sigh.

"Let's not do the whole no communication thing" I frown and Harry chuckles. "It was your idea" he raises his brow.

"A stupid one. I thought we needed a bit of space but I didn't realise how much I needed you" I kiss his cheek.

"I'm proud of you angel" he praises me. "I know you're going to smash these exams"

"Thanks" I blush.

"How was it anyways?"

"It was ok, nothing I couldn't answer but I'm still worried"

"I bet you did more than fine" he pushes my head slightly to rest in the crook of his neck and I do so.

"You always smell so good" I groan into his neck and feel his body heave a little from laughter.

"Are you still up for tomorrow night?" Harry asks and I groan again.

"Ugh I wanted to spend time with you"

"We can cancel?" Harry says in a suggestive tone.

"No no, it'll look bad and after all they're your friends" I don't know why I was expecting him to say something truthful back.

"Ok" he simply answers and I kiss his neck. "I need to be inside of you, right fucking now" Harry says in a low chilling voice and I clench around him.

"Mmm not here, as much as I'd love to I'm not in the mood, how about we get something to eat"

"And then fuck?"

"God" I shake my head with laughter.

"What, you've kept a man waiting for too long" Harry shrugs.

"Well since you've waited so long you can wait a little longer, I'm starving"

"Eat me" Harry raises his brows and I hold back my laughter.

"You don't eat desert before the main course" I kiss his lips and he smiles into the kiss.

Harry's album is giving me life I can't.

He's been looking so happy, glowy and healthy I can't ahshshwjejsj. I'm just so happy for him.

Comment ur fave songs off the album, on the top of my head mine are: Carolina, woman, ever since ny, kiwi, only angel and from the dining table ❤️

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