first assignment

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Zadock ran back to the jedi temple, due to Vara's apartment not being that far from it. She reached a room where Liza and Tel Dovar were waiting. "Look who finally arrived." Liza said. "Yeah, yeah, so what are we doing here." Zadock asked. "We are going to the planet of Ryloth, to help master Di. He has stopped reporting in and no one knows where he is." Tel Dovar said.

The trio got on Zadock's ship, Smuggler's dream. The ship had taken off and flew to Rylothean space. "Droid cruisers, taking evasive action." Zadock said. Several cruisers fired at the ship. "Liza, switch power to forward deflector shields." Zadock said. Liza did her best and the shields had taken a hit or 2. The ship flew past the cruisers and landed in a large cave. 

The trio left the cave with captain Snapper, Hanson, Nearen, Dust and Hype, the 198th commanders now. Snapper had 2 blaster pistols, and a visor. Hanson used a blaster rifle. Dust used a rotary cannon.Hype carried a quad cannon. Nearen used a sniper rifle and carried a pistol. They all wore painted camouflage armor. 

"I don't like this, the LAAT were suppose to be here, this is the fall back point if they lost the defense point." Snapper said. "I don't think they had a chance to fall back, there wasn't a battle here, no blaster marks." Zadock explained, and the LAATs aren't here so its likely they were shot down, lastly, the lack of republic cruisers, we can assume they lost the space battles, meaning, they are most likely dead." Hype said. "Alright, we'll try and find the old base, secure a comm channel and find master Di." Tel said. "Ok, I think I have a hand full of speeder bike loaded in the loading dock." Dust said

"Good, ok, pair up teams of 2, we'll have to move fast and carefully to avoid separatist scanners." Snapper said. Zadock and Liza got on a speeder, Tel and snapper, Hanson and Dust, Nearen and Hype rode on the speeders, which had a driver seat and gunner seat, on the side.

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