Chapter One: Clara

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Chapter One: Clara

My name is the Doctor, just the Doctor. I'm not human, let's clear that up right now. I'm a timelord, an ancient race from a far away planet called Gallifrey- which has now burnt, more on that later. We timelords have this way of cheating death, it's called regeneration, and well we've only got 13 goes, and you see I'm on my tenth life already. Yep that's me the good old tenth Doctor, the 903 year old lone surviving timelord.

I've got this police box that's bigger on the inside and can travel anywhere in time and space. It's called the TARDIS- that's time and relative dimensions in space. I don't travel alone, I've got companions. Recently I lost one that I cared about dearly, her name was Rose. It's lonely here without her, but I know she's safe in the parallel world. It's better than having her trapped in the void (which is pretty much hell).

It was a normal day for me, I decided to visit Earth because I was on the look out for a new companion. And there she stood, and for once I felt as all the confidence inside me was being drawn out of me. I didn't know what to say, or how to approach her. She was just so- what's the word- beautiful. There are no words to even start to explain what was going through my mind that one fateful day. I couldn't help but to stare. I think she noticed because soon enough there she was, walking up to me.

"Can I help you?" the wonderful stranger asked. It was weird because when I went to respond, no words came out. What was this? I, the Doctor, speechless! Impossible! But then again nothing is truly impossible.

"What? Sorry I was thinking...." I say letting my voice trail off hoping that it would cover my mistake. She smiled and laughed a little. I smiled back. After all how could one not smile back to someone so perfect? I looked into her eyes and I felt as if I had known her all of my lives, but then again that was impossible. She seemed to be making everything impossible happen.

"I'm Clara by the way. Clara Oswald." Smiled finally introducing herself. This time I didn't hesitate to reply, "I'm the Doctor." She gave me a puzzled look.

"The Doctor? Doctor who?"

I smiled, "Just the Doctor."

"Well then just the Doctor, nice to meet you" She extended her arm. I remember it as if it were yesterday. That hand shake felt magical, utterly magical.

It truly did feel like I had known her all my life, but that was impossible. She seemed to be an impossible girl. I think that's what made me fall for her so quickly. Yes I did love Rose, but not like this. Clara and I, we just clicked. She was brilliant, not as brilliant as me. It came to the point where I had to ask her to come away with me, and she said yes.

When we entered the TARDIS she seemed to be fine with the entire "bigger on the inside" part. She seemed used to it even. It made me wonder if I had known her all that time. Her face just seemed so familiar, but I think I would have remembered a face like that.

Our adventures were many, and none more magical than the others. Few I feared I would lose her, but she always came back. Still I felt like I had known her for so much longer. I never asked her though because time can be wobbly, and she may not have lived through something I have. After a while I worked up enough courage to tell her how I felt. I was relieved when I heard what I had been hoping. Those three words that were finally coming from the right girl. She finally took my mind off of how dark the universe can be.

I lost sight of how everything ends, because it seemed like she would never go. Then again I thought the same with Rose Tyler. Looking back, our adventures were few but I wouldn't have traded them for Gallifrey itself. I remember standing on Orion's Belt, doing the moonwalk on one of Jupiter's moons, I remember dancing with her at a ball in 1767 France, and I remember the day I lost her.

After losing Gallifrey and then Rose, I thought nothing could devastate me more. I was wrong. Loosing Clara hit me the worst. It was the Daleks that finally took her, but that didn't matter to me.

We weren't meant to encounter the Daleks that night, we were simply just out for a stroll along the Appian Way in 243 AD and we heard screaming. Naturally I yelled "Allons-y!", grabbed her hand, and ran. This is what we did. The two of us protecting the universe side by side.

We arrived at country house within the next 5 minutes, and there we found two Daleks exterminating the residents. Clara and I never fought the Daleks together up until now. I told her to be careful and her response was simply, "I always am."

I trusted her more than anyone in existence. She rushed off to help the few still alive escape. And there I was standing face to face with a Dalek. I wasn't scared because I knew it feared me.

Before I could get a single word out the Daleks had an emergency temporal shift, escaping my grasp.

I went to look for Clara, but I couldn't find her. "Clara!" I shouted, but it was no use. I finally found her in a field a little less than a mile behind the house. There she was, my Clara, on the ground next to the almost survivors. I was wrong, it wasn't just two Daleks. It was three. And there it stood towering above them like a god. At first I just wanted to break down crying, but I couldn't. I knew that meant the Daleks had finally won. I stepped closer to it.

"Do you know who I am!?" I shouted at the Dalek.

"You are the Doctor" it responded in it's somewhat robotic voice.

"And what does Dalek folklore say about the Doctor?" I ask holding back rage and sadness.

"He is the oncoming storm, the bringer of darkness," it replies.

With that I take another step closer and ask another question, "And do you know who that is?"

It paused, "Just another useless human"

I clench my teeth, "Her name is Clara! And you should know something, Dalek. You should know that I love her, and that nothing is going to stop me from killing you right here, right now!" I scream trying to contain myself as much as possible.

No response came from the metal shell, and before I knew the beast was gone.

I cowered over Clara's motionless body. I wanted to use regeneration energy and save her, but she was too long gone at this point.

So I sat there and held her hand. Tears came pouring out of me with no control. She was gone, she was gone. My Clara.

I'll never forget that awful day. And although our adventures seem to have happened so long ago, I have never lost that burning passion inside, that love that I posses, for my Clara Oswald.

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