Chapter 4 Memories

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~Yuki Pov~
We have a break today and kakashi wanted to talk about memories but we going K.I.A stone then talk about it there we made it there then I just saw names "Obito......Rin........"I felt someone hug me from behind I hugged back "I remember obito he was a crazy kid and rin she was the best friend I could ever have ya know? and also rin had a major crush on you but you never payed attetion" they both died I never got to say goodbye..... Minato sensei you did great to protect us you were like a dad to us and you are never gonna stop since you took care of us too much I wanna go to the past and fix everything so they can be alive not dead mom.... Dad same thing goes to yall I will find itachi will be a happy family no matter what suddenly there was bomb right behind us kakashi got me and jumped it was the akatsuki I saw Itachi it cant be him it just cant I began to cry he heard and came "Hey oneesan I should have killed you when I had my chance and I have it right know but I wont be easy on you" I was gonna hug itachi but I dont know what he is capable of "I-Itachi....W-W-Why.....Did you do this..."I thought you love us I guess I was wrong suddenly one if his teammate's name kisame got me "LET ME GO!!!!" I was scared Kakashi....... Dont leave me then I was knocked out

I woke up "W-Where am I HELLO?!" Itachi came wait am I in their base wait... KAKASHI!!!! "Oh your awake glad that you are because we are gonna erase your memory"Itachi said he grabbed my wrist "LET ME GO ITACHI NO NO NO YOU ARE NOT ERASING MY MEMORY ILL REMEMBER NO MATTER WHAT LET ME GO!"I said "SIT DOWN ON THIS CHAIR NOW!" itachi said "NO!" I said "If you wont ill force you KISAME!"itachi said kisame entered "put he down in that seat now" he pushed me and chained my hands down no no please I cant let this happen mom.... sorry I could not be a daughter and older sister im sorry..... Then everything went black
~Next day~
"Good morning"itachi said I was confused who is he "who are you who am I were am I?" I said "you are yuki and you part of akatsuki and you in the base you are here because you went crazy so we had to lock you up"Itachi said "oh ok can you let me go then im going on a walk and ALONE "I said he let me go and I left walking I saw ninjas one had silver hair,blond hair,pink hair,and the last one had the same hair color as me who are they I ran they heard my footsteps and ran "STOP RUNNING SHOW YOURSELF"said kakashi I stopped and turned around "yuki your ok!" kakashi said "WHO ARE YOU I DONT KNOW YOU AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!!!" I said "YOUR WEARING AKATSUKI CAPE WHY..... WHY YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE WITH US IN LEAF VILLAGE NOT IN AKATSUKI" Kakashi said "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS IS MY TEAM AND I DONT KNOW YOU NONE OF YALL EITHER"I said then sasuke came and hug me and said"Oneesan dont leave me ever not with that team you promised" im confused did he just called me oneesan whats going on I dont know them I fall on my knees I cant breathe whats going on help me someone please I fainted
~Kakashi Pov~
I got yuki and im taking her back to leaf village itachi must had done something but what.What did he do to my yuki wait did I just say my yuki whats going on with me my mind maybe I do like her but right know is not the time to say my feelings I need fix yuki first because I love her... We all went back we made it to leaf village she in leaf village hospital resting and im wating for her to wake up im her room I whispered to her "please yuki wake up I need you" I got a few tears
~Yuki Pov~
I slowly began to open my eyes "who are you I really dont know you please take me back home" I said then nurse came "the results are in it seems she lost her memory but not just because she hit herself someone did it to her"
~Kakashi Pov~
Why itachi why did you do this you taking the ones I love just stop I have to get her memory back "Hey yuki come with me I got to show you something"I said

~Yuki Pov~
"O-Ok ill go" I said he blind fold me why did he do that he never told me his name that not nice he took it off we were in a forest with beautiful flowers and there was a waterfall "Its beautiful but I dont know your name you never told me?" I said "Its Kakashi" kakashi said I thought to myself theres something that I know but it connects me to him but what is it what is it wait flashbacks came to my mind I began to cry and hugged kakashi "hey Yuki whats wrong?"Kakashi said "KAKASHI IM SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU ITACHI TOOK ME ERASED MY MEMORY DONT LEAVE ME AGAIN PLEASE I BEG YOU DONT I-I L-L-Love Y-You"I said "Hey yuki its fine dont worry and I love you too" kakashi said "by the way why am I here?"I said "I brought you here to get your memory back"kakashi said "WELL MISSION ACCOMPLISH"I ran to him and jumped on him and hugged him kakashi lowered his mask he kissed me of course I kissed back and we stayed there for awhile "I LOVE YOU KAKASHI HATAKE FOREVER AND ILL NEVER STOP!!!!"I said "I LOVE YOU TOO YUKI UCHIHA!!!"kakashi said then I heard the team spying on us why are they even this is called stalking "GUYS YOU CAN COME OUT"I said they came out sasuke was with mouth open "HEY KIDDO ARE YOU ALRIGHT"I said "You just kissed my sensei"Sasuke said
"Are you mad?"I said "no I just cant imagine im happy for you too plus im 12 ill get someone that will love me"sasuke said I laughed "we arnt together sasuke we need time"I said but im happy everything back to normal again I can wait for more missions I love you kakashi so much all of team 7 hanged out together then left home thought to myself ik that I love him now but will I really sacrifice everything for him I know I love him but would I really well I need sleep

~Authors Note~

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