Chapter 20 The War And Sick Akio?

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I woke up it was a nice day so far as I went to cook something for akio and kakashi and started to think why did stuff happened I wish I was little again or atleast a anbu but that time ended I wish that people that died never did wish they were alive I wish people dint have to die *knock knock* I went to see who was at the door it was team 7 and ino there here thank me I know I know I opened it everyone hugged me strange "Hey sister" "huh better mood sasuke want food here all of yall if you excuse me I need to wake up kakashi and akio" and walked up stairs "kakashi....akio...wake up"I whispered to them they would not so I shaked kakashi he woked up now akio but he felt warm today why? "Akio come on time to get up!"he woke up "mommy me dont fweel well today" *achoo* im guessing he catched a cold "come akio ill make you something" "no carwy me" I carried him downstairs everyone was downstairs I had made something for akio but im not sure if will get rid of the sickness quick im worried for him but he will be fine I went to go shopping for akio while I left them home oops I know not suppose to leave guest alone but kakashi there so dont matter akio matters to me alot then went home I told kakashi to give him all that then something summoned me and saw lady tsunade I bowed "you summoned me lady tsunade" "yes I was here to let you know 4th shinobi war gonna start and also akatsuki may be included in it also bring akio to me im gonna teleport him somewhere safe with more kids from 18 below and guards will be there to protect them but they will be far away from here make sure you tell them you are dismissed" "thank you lady tsunade" and summoned me back home "ok I need akio come with me soon as possible and there gonna be 4th shinobi war so he ready please lets go akio" went to hokages office "lady tsunade he is here akio she gonna send you somewhere safe when its over ill see you no worries" "okay mommy"and he got teleported away "can you send all the kids here please" "yes mi'lady" and left to get many kids as possible and let alot parents about it and also other shinobi's about war to get ready then all I see in adults no kids wow so empty then went teleported home and got many weapons as I could and went to war wait I see the akatsuki what do they want haven't they had enough already we all began to fight I was somewhere with sakura and helping her heal people but I over hear that kakashi and choji dad are introuble I went to go see I peek a little I could not believe what I was seeing kakashi....what did he do to you which got me mad I summoned a wolf so it could go heal choji's dad and kakashi I do not want to deal with pain and went to get naruto "naruto come with me quick but dont sound loud please" when we came back pain stabbed a screw in kakashi head oh no "HEY Y-"I cover naruto mouth I told him to not be loud and he does it "shut up would ya"I whisper to naruto but he dint lisen and went to fight him when I summoned more wolfs so they can get kakashi and choji's dad and they followed me as they carried them and brought them to the hospital sakura saw but I told her not to worry alot I know they are both strong and they will survive and healed them both even if im using too much chakra does not matter to me I need to save lifes they were alive now they just need rest and went to find sasuke but sasuke and naruto were fighting pain so I decided to join "you think you were going to fight alone?" "oh yuki-sensei" "lets fight shall we!!!" "WE SHALL!!!"naruto and sasuke said same time and started to fight and got lots of people to safety we tried to defeat pain but he escaped dang it why always do they have to escape I need to get stronger to protect people I love im not gonna let them die infront of me anymore im not that little girl that I was scared that little girl is gone now im brave and ill sacrifice my life to anyone who needs their life more than me I will win and save konoha ok now I need go save people from dying and got many people to the hospital with lots of medical ninja healing some ninja and people our village no longer attacked tomorrow we need to repair this we cant have it looking like this this konoha this place is beautiful and then I see lots of children with their parents and went to get akio "how was it akio?" "boring mommy I was sleepy" *achoo* "still sick?" "yes now were is daddy?" how do I tell him do I just take him I dont know it could hurt him alot seeing him like this the same way it hurts me "come akio but please dont cry" "okay mommy" I took him to hospital and saw him and he ran hugged him I know he is ok he will make it alive "me want to see uncle sasuke" "ill take you to him but you behave" "okay mommy" I took him to sasuke and he ran hugged him "how is my nephew?"he smiled which made me happy seeing him like this "take care of him while I stay hospital and sleep there and take care of others bye" I walked to the hospital and healed them again and slept on a chair
Me:wow war must been hard
Yuki:You put kakashi in the hospital and also sasuke is good uncle right
Me:I never told him to go fight ya know and also he is
Sasuke:I heard my name
Me:Wow not everything is about you
Sasuke:Oh come on
Akio:Uncle Sasuke your gonna get grounded again but I cant because you helped village alot
Yuki:Thats right akio
Me:Ok sasuke go with sakura and have a family would ya
Me:Try to kill me ya cant nice try tho
Sakura:Lets go sasuke since you dont know how to have respect
Akio:Hey pinkie give my uncle back
Sakura:Sorry he is mine now
Akio:Mommy can I ground her
Yuki:Yes you may
Me:Anyway while akio goes and find sakura vote comment and follow bye💞
Akio:Pinkie your dead bye

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