Chapter 21 Making Kakashi A Party And Mad Akio

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Kakashi still in the hospital and akio with sasuke to keep him busy alot people were fixing the village I went to build also they said they dint want me to help but I continued to paint houses and build them to make konoha look beautiful again when are we gonna be done with wars cant we ever have peace in life well we cant always get what we want right anyway wait dint they tell me kakashi can only leave with a wheelchair well we can do something for him um let me ask akio since he always funny I forgot he at sasuke house great I have to walk all the way there great
~Minute's Later At Sasuke House~
*knock knock*sauske opens the door and I hear akio screaming at sakura how do I know he calls sakura pinkie "PINKIE SASUKE MINE BECAUSE HE IS MY UNCLE HE IS NOT YOURS MINE!!!!" "no sorry akio but he is mine now" "excuse me he is neither of yours he is mine since he is my brother after all"they stay silent and akio runs to me "mommy hi!!" "hi how was staying with your uncle?" "good but pinkie has to go now she stealing uncle sasuke from me its not fair I love him he is my family!" "oh akio understand that sasuke trying to have kids then you will have cousins thats why he stays with sakura alot understood" "oh I understand then were do baby's come fwrom?" everyone sweatdrops "ill tell you when you get older"I laugh nervously well then I dint expect him to ask these questions at this age he is only 1 and he asks me this oh great "sasuke!!!!!!" "WHAT!!" "you dint tell him to ask me that did you?!!" "of course not"he sweatdropped he did then "why you sweatdropping"
"o-oh n-nothing" "why you stuttering?!" "fine fine I did" "I DONT WANT TO HEAR HIM ASK ME A QUESTION EVER LIKE THAT AGAIN OK!!!!"I turn on my sharingan to make it clear "oh also yall need to help me make kakashi a party please?" "oohhhh mommy me help" "same here"sakura says "no pinkie he my dad" oh great "I know I want to help" "OK THEN ALL OF YALL HELPING NO ARGUING AND SAKURA CAN YOU GET THE REST PLEASE ALL TEAMS AND ALSO SENSEI'S THANK YOU BYE!"I got akio and carried him went to see kakashi at the hospital we entered his room he was awake really why he needs his rest "hi daddy" "how you been?" "terrible pinkie gets me mad she thinks everything hers she claimed you hers even uncle sasuke not fair yall are mine!" "aww akio of course im yours" I stare at him with my sharingan he sweatdrops thats right he is only mine "yeah anyway how are you feeling?" "alright but I can leave but you choose to leave me here you know I hate hospitals!" "yeah im just making sure where taking you somewhere later in a wheelchair and later coming back here!" "hell no take me with you dont leave me here" "oh come on behave or else ill make you stay here for a year" "you cant do that" "I can and I will right akio" "yes mommy we can get him grounded and make him stay here" "nooo your also against me akio!!" "thats right daddy" I laughed at what he said "ok well be back later to take you we have to go to sasuke's house again!" we left hospital and went to the place were we planning it I see everyone working hard well I guess I shall work also all day until night time we started with decorations I needed help sometimes since I could not reach few things but it was fine anyway because I know we will finish in time with this teamwork we have going on right now akio going crazy he wants sweets but kakashi not a huge fan of sweets he likes some of them but he can be picky "ME WANT SWEETS NOW MOMMY!!!!"akio said mad "I said no now please stop behaving like this!" "NO MOMMY GET ME WHAT I WANT!!!!!!" "go with uncle sasuke will talk about this later" "okay mommy UNCLE SASUKE MOMMY BEING BAD WITH ME"akio starts to cry oh no in sorry but too much candy bad for him "what happened sis?" "take care of him get him what he wants I need a break so be right back" ugh I should have lisened to akio but he can get always what he wants you know what ill get someone to babysit him while I have my alone time sasuke can do it he loves his nephew anyway not because I dont love akio its just that he also needs to understand that I have to work to get what he wants I guess I should head back I went back and there done "thank you for helping even if I did leave" "its fine"sasuke says "sowwy mommy for asking many things I have to understwand too" "sasuke from this day on your his babysitter" "WHAT!!!" "me and kakashi were looking for babysitter and your perfect for the job and yes ill pay you" "yay uncle sasuke" "I guess"sasuke says "well ill go get kakashi now" I left to go get him at the hospital "kakashi time to go"I got the wheelchair out "finally I felt lonely and also please dont bring me back here again" "fine I wont" I helped him on the wheelchair and went to the place were we planned it and I had blind fold him I gave them the signal and took off blind fold "SURPRISE!!!" "why did you do this for?"kakashi asked "well since your were mosly protecting everyone we decided to do this and we invited your friends even your rival" "THATS RIGHT KAKASHI NOW LETS GO ENJOY THIS YOUTHFUL PARTY MY RIVAL"guy said oh my this gonna be fun as I thought it would be "oh kakashi good news sasuke the babysitter we can have a break from him sometimes now" "oh thats good"he gets up from wheelchair "you cant be off" "yes I can they told me when you had left now come on" "no I want to go visit the grave I haven't in a long time and I need to" "oh alright be back safe" "yeah I know and will do bye" I ran to the grave but not only I had same thought sasuke did wow he finally shows his emotions but anyway "hey sasuke saying hi to mom dad and itachi I am too" "well look at yall finally get to see you two"they say "yeah now ill make sure that I come once in a while" "same here" "we miss you I wish you could be alive with us and live our life together and meet my family but you cant not in person just by spirit"I say sad "but were still there you know" "yeah but its not the same" "I agree its not the same just seeing from above its better in person than in spirit"sasuke said "oh no worries yall see us once you get there not too soon though" "yeah I guess well we should get back family hug!!" we all hug like if we were kids again with our parents arms around us like when were kids me and sauske got up and left and ran all the way over there we looked like little kids running and racing we made it back we see them dancing but im not a person who dances but I see sakura dancing with akio wow they ended up getting along "hey how was it?" "it was great" *slow dance music on* "shall we?"kakashi asked "we shall" we danced all night now I have a happy life now I need nephews and also other things in life
Me:Who loved this chapter I know I did
Akio:I got my candy mommy so haha
Yuki:Akio thats the reason why I dint want to buy you one
Akio:Uncle sasuke bought it for me
Sauske:Oh great im introuble I was being a good babysitter
Yuki:Yeah right im gonna kill you in the nice way not painful
Kakashi:Behave then yes
Yuki:Ugh ill kill you sasuke just wait next chapter
Me:Your crazy
Sakura:Dont kill sasuke
Itachi:oh thats my sister
Kakashi:You need sleep
Yuki:No I don-
Me:Good you knocked her out she will wake up tomorrow
Itachi:Wow kakashi my poor sister
Everyone(except yuki):well I guess since yuki knocked out for today go vote comment and follow and thank you for 300 views on this story bye guys love yall and take care be safe on the internet also💞

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