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phil pov

     - 2 days later. 

     I sat in math class, staring out the window. I was usually early, and today was just the case. A girl named Laurena and I were the only 2 in class. I seen Dan shuffle in out of the corner of my eye. He smiled at me. I smiled back and mouthed a quick hi. 
      The bell rang. The teacher scribbled out some text onto the board and sat down, shuffling some papers on her desk frantically. It read "Geometry. Flip to page 242 in your books and work quietly with the person next to you. When done, work on something QUIETLY !!" I looked over at Dan. 

     "This is confusing." Dan said, putting his pencil down. "No it's not, it's really simple actually." I said. "Do you know what the Pythagorean Theorem is?" I asked. He shook his head. "It's the theory that A squared plus B squared equals C squared." I explained.

     "So, this question is finding the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle when side A equals 2 and side B equals 3. You'd do 2 squared plus 3 squared equals c squared." I said, writing it down. "4 plus 9 equals C squared, which would be 13. The opposite of 13 squared is the square root of 13, which is 3.6." I said, as I scribbled "C = 3.6" onto the paper. 

     "You're a genius." Dan said, a starstruck look in his eyes. I smiled. "Barely." I said, shaking my head. 
      "Everyone, shut it !" Our teacher, Mrs. Cabello yelled, her phone ringing. The class went silent as she answered her phone. "You don't have to hear this." She murmured, walking out of the class. 
     "What crawled up her ass and died ?" Dan asked, trying to settle the looming tension in the air. "Rumor is, her husband filed for divorce and custody over her 4 kids." One boy said. A girl walked over to her desk and picked up a piece of paper. 
       "Guy's look !" She said, holding the paper up. "Divorce paper. It says 'Petitioner ; Bradley James Cabello. That's her husband, right?" She said. She nervously glanced at the door. "Why is no one covering me?" She yelled angrily. A boy jumped up and ran toward the door. 

      "Give me that!" Said another girl, snatching the paper from her hand and reading it. "Did anyone know Mrs. Cabello's name is Camila?" She said curiously. Everyone looked at each other, shaking their heads. "Here she comes!" Yelled the boy on guard. Everyone scrambled back to their seats, some not soon enough. 

      "Alliyah ? What are you doing at my desk?" Mrs. Cabello demanded. "Uh..um, nothing!" She said, slowly putting the paper down. "What is tha...Alliyah! Why do you have that ?" Mrs. Cabello said angrily, stomping over to the desk. She looked at the paper, then at Alliyah. She sat down in the chair and put her head in her hands. 

     The bell rang shortly after that whole ordeal. The rest of the class was pretty wild, as Mrs. Cabello left midway. The next period was lunch, which Dan and I had together. "Why do you think Cabello's husband is divorcing her?" 
       "Do you remember the time she came to class hungover ? How about that time she was flirting with some other dude over the phone, also during class ? An-" 
     "Wait, wait." Dan interrupted. "How do you know it wasn't her husband she was flirting with?" He asked, as we got in the line for lunch. 
     "The divorce paper said her husband's name was Brad. Well, I vaguely remember her calling that dude on the phone Edward or something like that."  I said, as the lunch lady handed us our trays. 

      Dan nodded. "Not to mention, she's mentally unstable. She yells at us all the time and she's probably just as rude to her kids." He said, taking a bite of his sandwich. I nodded in agreement. 


666 words (im not kidding) 


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