Chapter 4

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'On October 39th 2009'
'Danielle there is no October 39th!'
'Yes Christina there is'
'Alright keep going'
'On October 39th 3000'
'Oh right! On October 39th 2009 3 girls named Lauren Kath and Dani went to the local SubWay, Kath got her favorite and so did the other 2, they sat at their favorite table and began to talk, when some random woman walks over and Shea like that's my table, so I look at her and I am like lies and then I get kidnapped'
'So didn't!'
'Lauren yes I did'
'Dani 1 there isn't even 39 day in October-'
'Right cause there's 40'
'Ugh! 2 you wouldn't 've here if you got kidnapped cause it's the last day in October- wait this is 2010!'
End of flashback
"Christina?" Nick sighed, we was in the car half way to the church where her funeral was at, I was living in a flashback from 2010 mid October, a year of crazy stores from Dani, "I'm good" I sighed "Are you sure?" Katherine asked "Positive" I said taking her hand, we pulled into the church.
"Okay this is all from the heart I had no idea what to write so here we go" Katherine sighed looking out into the crowd, "Danielle Cimorelli, she was a kind hearted girl, she would give the shirt off her back if she had too, she was full of hope, and believed in everything, and even though we fought she always made you smile, I remember one time we was telling stories, they was supposed to be true but as soon as we got to her she started with on October 39th 2009, and the Christina told her there was no 39 days in October, Dani refused to admit defeat, and I remember when we was filming our cover to Perfect by One Direction she was joking around and almost gave Lauren a black eye, and even though we lost her way too soon I'm proud to say I was this girls older sister for 16 years, and yes we have to grieve but at least we knew her that long, at least we got that." She smiled "And I think God everyday for those 16 years and I honestly don't think Dan would want us to be sad she'd want us to be happy" she smiled "So I'll carry her in my heart, I'll hold on to the memories, and I'll remember the love, but I'll look to the future." She sighed "And I hope you all do the same" she walked off as Dani's friend got up and hugged her, I let out a long sigh then let everything out, causing my older brother Alex to react by pulling my into a long hug, my sobs could be heard all around, and I wish I never said those words that night I broke the picture frame, "I'm sorry Dani I really love you, I could never hate you" I whispered, "Sis it's fine" Alex smiled, "it's s alright" Kath said she'd made it back to her seat, as everyone got up to talk to us.

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