Chapter 8

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I actually cried in front of Katherine, I mean yeah Dani was annoying sometimes, and yeah I told her this but I loved her, so much she was more than a sister, she was my best friend, it's hard, I basically live in her room now, I don't eat, I can't move, I just lay here, taking it all in, drawings and Dan and Phil pictures every where, posters of her favorite bands every where, along with quotes and little notes, her clothes are in a perfect order, a dress is hung in the corner of the room, the one she wore to prom, and her phone charger, mom did something with her phone but left the charger so the room wouldn't change, which hurt her siblings more than mom, "Chris come eat" Katherine said walking in the room, "I'm okay" I sighed "It's been a week" she smiled "I know" I said "Have you bathed or anything?" She asked "Uh I did Monday" I said "Go shower it'll help, I'll get your cloths you can even shower in Dani's if you want" she smiled sitting beside me, "Ugh Okay" I said standing up walking to the bathroom in her room, I turned on the hot water and jumped in "Chris it's Kath, I left you cloths on her bed" I sighed "Dani's?" I asked "Yeah who else's" she said walking away.

"I'm worried about Chris" I said to Amy who was sat on the couch "Yeah me too" she said looking at me, "How do we help?" Lauren asked "Lets take him out all of us family time" I smiled "I don't know would Christian even come?" Lisa asked "Probably not" I sighed, we all need a break.

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