I turned the corner to see where Christina was, seeing I had to let myself in and Nick couldn't get a hold of her on the phone, it's been a week since we barred Dani and she refuses to talk to anyone, which I can understand, if do it, but I can't cause I have to be strong for our younger siblings, I knocked on her bedroom door which I soon realized was unlocked, "Chris?" I asked walking towards the lump in her bed, it has to be her, "Christina?" I asked pulling her cover off her head "No" she yelled as soon as the light hit her eyes, "When did you last eat?" I asked looking at her small figure, "A week ago" she admitted "No!" I yelled "Come on" I said pulling her up, "I don't think I can" she admitted, "You have too" I sighed "it's too hard" she said her pail eyes staring into mine, "Chrissy" I sighed placing my forehead on hers, "Dani wouldn't want this." I said, "She wanted it for herself." She said as I placed a hand on her shoulder "Chris come on" I sighed "Please" I said taking my hand in hers "Kath I don't want to" she said looking at me with glossy eyes, "Please we have to have a band meeting" I said as she nodded standing up "Okay let's do this." She sighed as I opened the door.(A/N sorry it's a short chapter)

Before October's Gone
FanfictionLittle did we all know we had til October to say bye to Dani Cimorelli, but what happened to the wonderful girl?