Chapter Six

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We walked out and Taylor said just to smile and wave and that's exactly what I did. Someone on the crew gave me a microphone. What do I say? no one told me how this works.

"Hi!" I squeaked.

"Now that Noelle's here we should play a game! Would you guys like that?" Carter asked the crowd.

Cameron went down to the barrier and went up to a fan and asked her what we should play.

"Uhh what about truth or dare?" She suggested. Of course out of all the things we could do.

"That's a perfect idea!" Cameron shouted excitedly and looked at me.

I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"So we'll ask you guys some questions and will do a hashtag on twitter. So be ready!" Matt said.

After a few minutes over thousands of truths and dares were on twitter. Carter went down to some fans.

"Pick a dare!" Carter said to a girl wearing a blue shirt.

"I dare Noelle to do a grind on me!"

My jaw dropped, I had tried to do one before when I was goofing off with my friends but I had no strength. This was going to be interesting.

"I can't really do one. I always fall." I admitted laughing.

"That's ok well get one off twitter!" Cameron said.

"Puma4eva says I dare Noelle to crowd surf." Cam said looking off his phone.

"okay, don't drop me please." I laughed.

I ran and jumped into the crowd and it was so much fun but the scariest thing of my life. Soon the game was starting to end all the boys had went except I knew Cameron wasn't letting his dare go. Cameron went up to a fan and whispered something in her ear and her face lit up.

"Wait guys we have another dare." Cameron said evilly.

"I dare Taylor to kiss Noelle."

I looked at Taylor who was walking towards me.

"Well ok." He said smiling.

I was freaking out. I didn't want to kiss Taylor in front of everyone. But Taylor came up to me and kissed me cheek.

"There I kissed her." Taylor laughed.

Surely I was bright red by now. All the fans laughed and booed because he didn't really kiss me. The show had continued and soon it was over. I was walking with the boys back to my room to meet up with Emily and finally introduce her until Bart came up to us.

"So Noelle how did you like magcon?" He asked me.

"It was great thank you so much for letting me come on stage today." Not only thanking him but the boys as well.

"So do you think you'd like to do more shows?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"We did a little poll at the end of the show and the fans love you! We would be happy to have you as part of the family! So what do you say?"

I was so surprised of course i'd have to ask my parents but I'm doing it either way.

"Say yes!" all the boys shouted.

"Ok ok Yes I'd love too!" I said excitedly.

"Ok great I'll stop by later and well talk about all the details." He said walking away.

"This is great!" Shawn said.

"GROUP HUG"Nash screamed.

Soon all the boys started hugging me and I was so happy and excited for what the future will bring. After one night with Taylor my life changed completely and I'm so happy.

"Can my friend Emily meet you?" I asked Taylor. "She didn't know I was even going on stage today.

"Sure." he laughed let's go.

We started walking and I checked my phone to see that Emily had blew up my messages and called me a thousand times. Taylor and I walked into my room.

"YOU BITCH WHY WOULDN'T YOU TELL ME!" She said giving me a hug.

"This is Taylor." I said laughing.

Emily's facial expression dropped because she fears that she made the wrong first impression.

"Hi." Taylor said.

"Hi I'm Emily." "But seriously Noelle why didn't you tell me."

"I wanted to surprise you." I laughed.

"But I have even better news." I said.

"What's more exciting then you getting to go up on stage?" she asked.

"Me getting to become a part of it." I said.

"WHAT!" She freaked out and started jumping up and down.

Taylor and I laughed until there was a knock on the door. It was Bart.

"Hey Noelle I just thought we could go over some details and paperwork for the tour."

"Yeah of course" I said smiling.

"Ok well Taylor were having a "family" meeting so can you come too?" He asked.


I said bye to Emily and we started walking to the meeting room in the hotel. I had to call my mom and talk to her about this. I called her and the phone started ringing.



"Yes this is mom what do you need?"

"Well I was offered to be apart of magcon" I said nervously.


"What!" I said on the verge of tears.

"What about school and all of your after school stuff? And your future? I'm

Just looking out for you."

"I'll figure out how to handle this please mom."

"Fine." she sighed. "but I won't support it or come to one." She hung up.

I sighed, I wish I had a good relationship with my mom like I used to but things change.

"Everything ok?" Bart asked as we got into the room.

"Yeah." my voice trailed off.

When we got to the room all the boys were sitting around a long table I was told to sit at the end next to Taylor. Bart told me all the details Magcon and had me fill out some paperwork. Then I signed the official papers saying that I was a permanent performer etc. and they took a picture of me signing it. Next month the shows going to be in New York so that's pretty exciting because it'll be close to my home.

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