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Addy's POV

Maybe leaving isn't the best thing, I know Dad didn't mean what he said but I'm still on this plane flying back to LA.

I've had closure for a number of years, even before she died. Truthfully, I don't need to go to a funeral to say goodbye when I said it years ago.

Right now, I just want to land in LA and get back to my apartment and see Daniel.

Daniel's POV

"Daniel" someone said softly

"Daniel, wake up" Ronnie said, his voice becoming clearer as I started to open my eyes.

"Arghhh..." I groaned as the light shone into my eyes

"Here" Ronnie said passing me a glass of water and two pain-killers

"Thanks" I croaked out before swallowing the pills and sculling the water.

"How much of last night do you remember?" Ronnie asked

"Not much. What time is it?" I asked

"It's just after 6pm." Ronnie replied

"What happened last night?" I asked

"Go have a shower, you'll feel better and then come downstairs and get some food" Ronnie said as he walked out, shutting the door.

I put the glass on my bedside table and checked my phone, seeing Addy had text me and letting me know she was on the plane.

I put my phone down and got out of bed and going to shower, which made me feel a bit better.

Ronnie's POV

I walked downstairs, leaving Skip to shower and get organised even though he looked like death warmed up.

"Did you get Skip to wake up?" James asked

"Yeah, he's pretty hungover though." I replied

"Well he was completely wasted last night" Jai said

Daniel's POV

I walked downstairs slowly, my head still pounding and I feel like absolute crap.

I sat on one of the stools by the bench, and put my head in my hands, groaning.

"You were pretty fun last night Skip" Jacob said chuckling

"I don't even remember most of last night" I mumbled out

"What's the last thing you do remember?" Luke asked

"Umm...doing a round of shots with a few people." I replied

"That was pretty early on then" Luke replied

"Please tell me I didn't fuck anything up last night..." I trailed off as I tried to remember the nights events

"No Skip you didn't. You just were really drunk and were really funny." Ronnie replied seriously, putting my mind at ease

"Although you did take a dip in the pool" Jai added on

"And once we convinced you to get out, you had a good chunder." Luke finished

"Oh. I really was a mess. Sorry and thanks boys." I said

"Here" Ronnie said putting a cup of coffee in front of me

"Thanks" I replied before taking a mouthful.

Sorry for the short chapter, this is just a filler. Vote and Comment anyway :)

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