Memories of the past

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Mei- age four

Mommy said she had to go meet someone with back pains. To me it sounds like an old man who should go to the hospital. Mommy told me to wait in the hotel room but.... IT WAS SO BORING!

I ended up walking around and walking and walking. I found a playground where a blonde girl was all alone. She looked so sad! Everyone wasn't playing with her! What a bunch of meanies!

I marched up right to the blonde girl and stuck out my hand.

"Hi I'm Mei! What's your name?"

"I'm, I'm Deidara..."

Deidara? What a weird name for a girl. Oh well, that's her name. She wouldn't grab my hand so I decided to take action!
I took her hand into mine. And something wet touched my hand. It was a weird feeling. Opening my hand I see she has mouths on her palms. That's cool!

"That's so cool! With those extra mouths does that mean you can eat more food?!? Or can you taste different foods at the same time?" I gleam up, sparkles in my eyes. What can I say? I'm four!

"No... But I can make art! Art is an explosion!"


We both started to laugh. This is so much fun!

We played on the swings! And Deidara even showed me her clay art! And she made a bang! She made little chicks! They were soooo cute!!!

"Deidara, your a really cool girl!" I did a closed eye smile.



"I'm sooo sorry! It's just you have really long and beautiful hair!! Just before you ask because of my short hair I AM A GIRL."

"It's fine... You can call me Dei!"

Exchanging apologies, we went on with our day until we had to go back home.

Let's just mommy wasn't happy that I ran off... hehe.

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