Chapter 6 : The Conflict

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"Lisa ah, wake up!" Jennie called as she tapped Lisa shoulder. "Mmm, five more minutes." Lisa mumbled sleepily. That was until she remembered what she had to do that day. Keep Jennie busy. She shot up in bed and almost knocked her head against Jennie's. "Yah, slow down. You almost killed me there." Jennie said, laughing. "Hehe sorry Unnie. Come on, let's go eat breakfast or something. I'm hungry." Lisa said, throwing off the covers. "What about five more minutes?" Jennie imitated Lisa's sleepy voice. "I'm hungryyyy. I'll go wash up then meet you outside okay?" Lisa said, ushering the both of them out her room. Jennie laughed and went to the kitchen. Lisa smiled and went to the bathroom to wash up. She emerged a few minutes later, feeling fresh and awake. "Morning Unnies!" She called as she walked to the kitchen. "Hey Lisa. Help me make coffee please." Jisoo said. Lisa nodded and got to work. "How many pancakes Chaeyoung?" Jisoo asked. "Umm, two. I'll go set the table." Chaeyoung replied. "Oh yeah Jennie ah, BTS is coming over later." Jisoo said. "Oh is Jimin Oppa coming?" Chaeyoung asked, her head poking into the kitchen. Lisa shot Jisoo a look that asked "Should we tell her? It's only fair." Jisoo nodded and replied, "Nope, Tae, Jungkookie and Hoseok aren't coming too. They have some things to attend to, according to Jinnie." Jennie visibly deflated next to Lisa. "It's fine Unnie, I'm sure we'll meet them next time." Lisa said, patting her back. "Come on, let's go eat." Jisoo said.

"Hyung! Hold up." Jimin called, running after Hoseok. "Oh sorry Jimin. I think I'm just excited." Hoseok said, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Where's Kookie?" Jimin asked, looking around for the maknae. "Oh he went to get some macaroons for Lisa. He felt bad about missing today." Hoseok explained. "Ah, our little maknae has grown up already." Jimin said fatherly. "Who are you calling little hyung?" Jungkook asked as he appeared next to Hoseok. "Yah, respect me. Two years is a lot okay." Jimin said, scowling. "Come on, let's focus on the mission." Hoseok chided, peering through the café's window to look at Tae and Irene. Thy were talking calmly, even thought Tae looked slightly annoyed. Irene probably made some threat against Jennie again. "Any news yet hyung?" Jungkook asked. "Nope, all good so far." Hoseok relied. Suddenly his phone buzzed.

From : TaeTae
Hyung, we're finishing up soon. I settled the problem, I'll be done soon.

From : Hobi hyung
Okay, good job. We'll be waiting in the alleyway. Come find us when you're done. (I know it sounds shady but they needa hide for the spy mission.)

From : TaeTae
You guys sound like thugs I'm not even kidding.

Hoseok laughed as he read that. "What's up hyung? Was it Tae?" Jimin asked. "Yeah, he's almost done. He said we sound like thugs since we're hiding here." Hoseok said. Jimin grinned along, happy that it was solved. Awhile later, Taehyung emerged from the café with Irene. They parted ways after a quick goodbye and hug as friends. "Hey guys, I'm here. Let's go back, I miss Jennie." Taehyung said, looping an arm around Jungkook. "How was it hyung?" Jungkook asked. "Good I guess. She said she didn't mean it and apologised. I forgave her of course, just warned her a little. All good." Taehyung replied. "That's good. Come on then, let's go. I'll call the driver." Jimin said, whipping out his phone. Little did they know, someone was watching.

"Chaeyoung ah, come here for a sec." jisoo called. "Yeah Unnie?" Chaeyoung asked, walking into Jisoo's room. "Okay so don't tell anyone, but Jennie's being threatened by Irene from Red Velvet for being Tae's girlfriend. He went with the others to settle it that's why they aren't here." Jisoo said. Chaeyoung's eyes widened and she asked, "Is it settled though?" Chaeyoung asked. "I'm not sure, but I hope so." Jisoo said. "Me too." Chaeyoung agreed. "Umm, Unnie? Come look at this for awhile." Lisa said from just outside her room. "What's that?" Chaeyoung asked, taking te phone from Lisa. "Oh my god." Chaeyoung exclaimed, face palming immediately. "Why?" Jisoo asked worriedly. She read the article and sighed dramatically. "Had Jennie read this?" Jisoo asked. "Yeah she did. She's freaking out and getting depressed about it right now.Namjoon Oppa and Yoongi Oppa are trying to calm her down. " Lisa stated. "Let's go help." Jisoo said, padding into the living room. Jennie was curled up on the couch, Namjoon patting her back soothingly and Yoongi texting away on his phone furiously. Jin looked like he could murder someone right about now as he stared at the article on his phone. "Jennie ah, it's going to be fine. I'm sure there's an explanation for this." Jisoo said, wrapping her arms around Jennie. (JENSOO <3) "But Unnie, he hugged her. In public. He doesn't hug me in public. They're obviously dating and so many fans ship them already." Jennie mumbled sadly. Jisoo tried not to spill the whole secret because she wanted Taehyung to be the one to explain. But seeing Jennie so sad hurt her. "They'll be back soon, so let him explain then okay?" Jisoo comforted. "I don't want to see him again. You know how much it hurts Unnie?" Jennie asked, her head raising slightly. They could now see her red and puffy eyes. Lisa grimaced seeing her Unnie cry. It was a rare sight for them. The room was silent for a few minutes, Jennie's silent sobbing and Yoongi's cursing being heard only. And then finally, praise-God-and-thank-the-fucking-heavens finally, the rest of them returned home. Lisa went to open the door for them. "It's not good right now. Good luck Oppa." Lisa whispered to Taehyung. "Thanks Lisa ah." Taehyung replied before he walked into the living room. Chaeyoung shot him a pitying look. They must've told her, he thought. Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin looked just about ready to murder him with the way they glared at him, like he could disappear if they glared hard enough. "I can explain. Irene is just a friend okay? There's nothing between us. We just met for some tea and talked, then we hugged when we parted ways." Taehyung said. Yoongi stood up to say something but Jennie beat him. "Why did you guys have to meet? I thought you had some matter to attend to?" Jennie asked. Jisoo gave Lisa a look. Shit was about to go down and they knew it. "I would like to tell you, but I'm afraid you'll get hurt." Taehyung replied and then internally face palmed when he realised how badly phrased that sentence was. Jimin did, in fact face palm and Jungkook even had to stifle a laugh at that. Namjoon shot them weird looks and gestured for them to follow him to the kitchen. They sighed and followed along. "So you are dating then? I can't believe you Taehyung!" Jennie yelled. "I'm so done with this. I don't ever want to see you again."she grabbed her phone and went to her room. "Wait I can explain! Jennie ah!" Taehyung pleaded, tugging on her arm but she broke free of his grip. "No you can't." Jennie muttered before slamming the door shut. The faint sound of a lock could be heard after that. "Argh I should have just told her!" Taehyung yelled, frustrated. "Tae, you tried to protect her. It isn't your fault." Hoseok said. "Just give her some time to calm down, then explain to her everything." Namjoon said, emerging from the kitchen. "Wait I'm lost. I'm missing something right?" Jin asked Jisoo. She sighed and sat on the couch. "Tae, I think it's time for you to explain everything." Jisoo said.

"Wait so it's all Irene's fault then? I'm so sorry for wanting to kill you Tae." Yoongi said. "She's so childish, making threats like that. I can't even." Jin said. (No offence to Red Velvet fans.) "Well, when will she calm down?" Jimin asked. "She usually calms down quite quickly, but this time it seems quite bad." Chaeyoung replied, looking at Jennie's room. The crying had stopped awhile ago. "Maybe I should go break the lock or something." Taehyung said, and he looked like he actually might. "No no no. Just no. We'll coax her our for you. Just plan what you're gonna say." Jisoo said. "Come on girls." She called. "Unnie, open up. It's us." Lisa said, knocking on the door softly. "Go away. I'm not in the mood." Jennie replied. "Yah, open up. Or Namjoon's gonna break the lock for us." Jisoo said. A click could be heard and the door opened. "Taehyung Oppa didn't mean what he said okay? He wants to explain and apologise, so can we please go listen to him?" Chaeyoung asked. Jennie pouted and replied, "No. he can go talk to Irene." Lisa resisted the urge to laugh at her Unnie's cuteness. "Come on Unnie. I promise, it will be okay." Lisa said, pulling Jennie up. "Nooooo." Jennie whined, walking out unwillingly. "Jennie ah." Taehyung said when he saw her. "Go. Away." Jennie said curtly. "Look, the only reason I met with Irene is because she threatened to hurt you because she was jealous of us. I went to settle the problem with her. I'm sorry." Taehyung said. Jennie was surprised when she heard that. She sure hadn't expected that. "Wait, really?" Jennie asked. "Yeah, I would never cheat on you. I'll clear up the rumours with my manager tomorrow, so please, will you forgive me?" Taehyung asked, grabbing her hands and clutched them to his chest, just like the first time he did in the practice room. (Book 1 reference anyone?) "Okay. I'm sorry for getting angry." Jennie said sheepishly. Taehyung smiled his box smiled and hugged her tightly, everyone else cheering happily for them. "Yay you guys are good now. So now that that's over, wanna watch a show? We finally have time to hang out." Jungkook asked. "Sure. But I'll pick this time." Namjoon said. He ended up picking those inspirational, life-story kind of movie that the maknaes quickly got bored of. "Here you go. I bought these for you." Jungkook whispered, handing the box of macaroons to Lisa. Her eyes brightened at the sight and she smiled. "Thanks Kookie! I love you." Lisa said before she ate one. "You want one?"
She asked between chews. "Nope. Seeing you eat is good enough." Jungkook replied. She smiled and hugged him before watching the movie even though she didn't know what was going on. She could see Jennie and Taehyung cuddled up together on the bean bag, Jimin and Chaeyoung chatting softly at the side while Jisoo was resting her head on Jin's shoulder, both focused on the show. She never would have guessed they would end up with BTS. It made her happy to see everyone happy.

Jin leaned next to Jisoo and asked softly, "You wanna go on another date tomorrow? We can just take a quiet stroll in the park. It would be nice." Jisoo smiled up at him and replied, "Okay. Let's go in the morning. There'll be lesser people then." Jin nodded his head before watching the movie again. His heart fluttered at the thought of another date with Jisoo. He couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.

Hello! Okay the angst is over, told ya it was minor. Next up, Jin and Jisoo's second date and the preview of the final mash up product. I'm trying to think of how they're gonna present it to the public, maybe at BTS first concert for the tour? Anyways, if anyone remembers, I promised a Jinsoo first kiss in this book, so yeah, look forward to that next chapter :)) Btw, I feel like this is the longest I've ever wrote for a chaptered book I'm so happy.

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