Chapter 8 : The Dance

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"Okay so this is for the chorus. Let's practice it again." hoseok said. He, Jimin and Lisa were teaching the rest of them the full choreography. "and five,six,seven,eight!" Hoseok counted. The three of them stood at the front to watch while Jungkook and Jisoo, who already knew the dance, demonstrated it for them. "Joonie, be careful!" Hoseok yelled when he saw that Namjoon had danced too close to Jin. "Oh sorry hyung." Namjoon muttered as he avoided hiting Jin. Jin nodded in response and continued to dance. "Okay good. Now for Lisa's rap part." Hoseok said. "For the actual it's like the girls backing up Lisa so we'll do the same. Kookie and Lisa will be in the center while the rest of us form like a flower thing behind them." Jimin explained. The rest looked at him, confused. 'Flower thing' didn't really explain much. "Argh, I'll just show you." Jimin huffed as he, Hoseok and Lisa walked into the center of the room. Jungkook went to stand next to Lisa while Jisoo, Jimin and Hoseok demonstrated the flower. It looked like a peacock's feather spread out behind it. If Lisa and Jungkook were the peacock, the rest would be the feathers. (Do y'all get it? I'm sorry idk how to describe it.) "Ohh okay." Namjoon said and went to stand in position at the back. Yoongi stood next to Jimin at the side, ready to rap his part which was after Lisa's. "Okay then we'll just do some poses as she raps. Then next will be my rap then Yoongi hyung's. So same thing, just make some space for the girls okay?" Hoseok said. They nodded in response and Hoseok started the music. The chorus ended and then Lisa started her rap. It did remind Chaeyoung of their original dance. It was cool how the dancers could choreograph this in he short time they had. "Nice nice." Taehyung said happily as he wrapped him arm around Jennie. "Let's take a break." Lisa suggested, tired from dancing almost the day.

She and Jungkook sat on the studio floor together, cuddled up in the corner. Jungkook was scrolling through his SNS while Lisa was humming to their new song. "Lisa, when's your comeback?" Jungkook asked all of a sudden. "In June I think. Sajang-nim hasn't confirmed anything yet." Lisa replied. "Oh, I'll still be on tour then." Jungkook said sadly. Lisa knew it was going to be hard for them all, especially since both groups were going to be very busy this few months. She cupped Jungkook's cheeks and assured him, "Hey, it's okay. I'll support you all the way okay? Just focus on your tour and don't worry about me. Remember, I'm always here if you need me." Jungkook smiled and pecked her cheek. "Thanks Lisa, I'll support you too. I love you." "Me too, Kookie." Lisa replied. "Yah, maknaes. Cut it with the PDA. I wanna sleep." Yoongi scolded from his spot on the cozy chairs they had in the room. "It's so cute though." Namjoon admitted. "IT'S ADORABLE LIKE I SHIP YOU TWO SO BADLY." Hoseok yelled in defense. "Yah Hobi! Shut the fuck up!" Yoongi yelled. "MIN YOONGI! YOU'RE DOING CHORES THIS WEEK I DON'T CARE IF IT'S ONLY YOUR FOURTH PIECE IN THE SWEAR JAR." (Book 1 reference anyone?) Jin scolded from across the studio. The maknae line watched in amusement as the two oldest fought. It was so childish. Yoongi would argue back about it being unfair and Jin would sass him back. It came to a point where Yoongi was going to spit pure fire in his arguments. Luckily, a knock on the door interrupted them. It was the YG. "Hello!" They all greeted, Yoongi rubbing his neck in embarrassment from almost getting caught cursing. "How's the dance coming along? I came to get some stuff but since you guys are here, I'll watch abit." YG said, taking a seat on the chair nearby. "Okay. We're done till the second chorus since it's the same as the first." Jimin informed him as he walked into position. "Good good." YG said. The music started and he bobbed his head in that weird way as he observed their dance. He liked the flow of it and the chemistry between both groups a lot. He clapped loudly when they finished. "Good job. What are you guys planning to do for the last part?" He asked as he got up. "After the couple dances, I think we'll do freestyle." Hoseok suggested. "Since the stage is quite big, we can walk around to get closer to the fans." Jimin said. "That's good. The fans want to see both groups interact more, so freestyle like dancing with each other or something is good." YG said. Jimin smiled his cute eyesmile and thanked him. "Well, I must go now. I need to meet Hanbin and Bobby for their comeback title track. See you all soon." YG waved before he left. Namjoon checked his watch. 6:49. "Come on, let's finish the whole thing then go back for dinner and movie night. We'll order some noodles or something." He said. "Okay hyung. Hwaiting everybody!" Taehyung cheered enthusiastically. Jennie should have gotten used to it by now, but Taehyung's energy was never ending. The whole dance went by quite smoothly, only a few minor mistakes like Jisoo forgetting to run to the side in Jimin and Chaeyoung's couple dance or Jungkook almost hitting Jimin's face when he danced with Lisa. He got a scolding after that. They went back to Blackpink's dorm after that.

"Ahh, I'm so tired. Chichu, come here. I wanna hug." Jin whined as he boiled the ramyun. Jisoo, who was pouring some drinks for them, laughed and went over to help her boyfriend. She wrapped her arms around his waist from the back and rested her head on his broad shoulders. "Much better." Jin sighed contentedly. "You guys are so domestic." Jennie said from the doorway of the kitchen. "Just get married already,hyung." Taehyung teased. "Kids these days. Help me bring out the food." Jin said as he turned off the stove and handed the pot to Taehyung. "Jennie ah help me set the table." Jisoo said. Jimin and Chaeyoung had gine to get snacks for the movie while the rest of them were setting up the living room for the movie and sleepover. "Namjoon hyung, pass me the pillows please." Jungkook said, laying the blankets on the floor with Lisa. They had pushed the couch against the wall and the beanbag to one side so there was a huge empty space in the center for them all to sit. They had taken all the blankets, extra bed covers and even towels they could find to lay on the floor. "Here you go Jungkookie." Namjoon handed a few purple and pink pillows to Jungkook who then placed them in a neat stack on top of the covers. They belonged to Jennie, judging by the colors. "Shouldn't we wake up Yoongi Oppa?" Jennie asked. "Jungkook ah." Hoseok called. Jungkook sighed and went to the sleeping Yoongi on the couch. "Hyung. Hyung, get up. It's dinner time." Jungkook muttered, shaking him slightly. And when that didn't work, he yelled, "Min Holly!" and Yoongi woke up like a zombie rising from its grave. "WHERE?" Yoongi asked excitedly, walking around the apartment in search for his beloved dog. "I'm kidding hyung. I just wanted you to get up. You can play with Kuma and Dalgom instead." Jungkook said, petting the two dogs that lay at Lisa's feet. "Fine, they're cute too." Yoongi grumbled but he still picked up Kuma and gently hugged the brown dog to his chest. "Ah, hyung's cuddling dogs again." Jimin appeared into the living room with a bag in his hand, Chaeyoung soon following. Jimin recalled the last time he had gone to Yoongi's house during the holidays and had walked in on his hyung cooing at Holly. Min Yoongi didn't coo at babies or literally anyone or anything. Except for Min Holly it seems. Namjoon laughed and said, "Come on, let's have dinner." They ate happily, finishing off the ramyun and vegetables and fish Jin had cooked in half an hour. "Movie time!" Taehyung exclaimed as he jumped onto the bean bag.

"Eww, no no no no no! Don't go inside! Stop!" Chaeyoung squealed as she peeked through her fingers. They had decided to watch a horror film, wonder which smart person decided to do that. (Read : A to the G to the U to the S T D, who was asleep though this nightmare of a movie.) "Omo!" Lisa exclaimed as she hugged Jungkook's arm tightly. "Don't wworry, I'm here." Jungkook said. Namjoon and Hoseok cringed at their maknae but Hoseok quickly became afraid as the killer approached the girl. Blood splattered everywhere and the girl's head rolled on the floor. "It's so fake." Namjoon pointed out. Another hour or so, a few more of Hoseok's random screaming and the movie ended. It was considerably early, 11:17 pm. "Go to sleep, we have practice tomorrow again." Namjoon instructed as he attempted to move Yoongi without waking him. He didn't need a cursing rapper at 11pm. Especially when it was Yoongi. "It's our last practice tomorrow right?" Chaeyoung asked Jimin as they cuddled. "Yup, I'm so excited to our tour to start." Jimin said. "Me too. I hope we have time to meet after that though." Chaeyoung replied. "I;m sure we will, don't worry okay? Let's go to sleep." Jimin whispered as he felt the drowsiness taking over his body. This reminded him a lot of the sleepovers they had before they started getting busier. When they actually had time to rest and have fun like the 20 year-olds they were. Sometimes Jimin would wonder if moving to Seoul to become an idol was a good choice. He would have his doubts about everything. But then he would remember his members, brothers really, his job, the fans, and now Chaeyoung. And life wouldn't be as bad as it seems to be.

Hi everyone, yes I'm not dead if you thought I was. I'm so so so sorry for not updating for the last week. I'll try to update again tomorrow, hopefully my brain will function after exams. Thanks for the reads, sadly this book is coming to an end soon
:(( I hope y'all enjoy the remainder chapters! 💕

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