Romano x Shy! Sensetive! Reader

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Requested by: Isabella9307

Hope you'll enjoy!

"Hey Y/N!" you heard your teacher call out to you and your eyes got shot up with fear. "Y-Yes?" you said quietly "How do you solve this?" you teacher asked and pointed to the board. You knew the answer but you mumbled a quiet 'i don't know' and your teacher sighed out. You hated being called on in class because you were a shy person and hated to talk to a classroom full of people.

Your teacher wanted you to participate more in the classroom but you just couldn't. It was to hard and you have tried but often people just complained that you were quiet or that they didn't understood what you said. It was hard to talk to people and interact but they just didn't get it and because of that you often were alone in your school.

You were sometimes with a brown haired boy with a weird curl though but he was rude most of the time to you but you could see through him. You didn't talk to people that much but you did observe them sometimes which made you know that the Italian boy which threw curses everywhere didn't mean them. He was just born that way just like how you were born to be shy.

Even though you knew he didn't mean most of the things he said it still hurt a lot. Every time someone said something negative about you it hurt because you were also a very sensitive person. You were kind of classified as a 'crybaby'. Especially from the brown haired boy. He often would get angry with you if you would cry but after some minutes of you crying he comforted you and muttered that it was okay and that what people said about you wasn't true. Even if you were the one which said those stuff to yourself.

He was very nice to you even though he said insults to you but let's just say that he was the only one which was allowed to say those insults because if someone else said something to you he would often confront them about it angrily. He was really a nice person deep down and most of his intends were good and pure. 

This boy's name is Lovino. Lovino Vargas. 

Today was yet another day of school and you sighed out. You really didn't want to go to school today but you had to so with that you put on your outfit and went out. Your eyes suddenly saw a familiar face when you stepped out from the house. "Lovino...?" you said softly and he looked at you with a grumpy look. "Didn't we say that i would pick you up on monday morning?" he asked you angrily and you searched in your memories if you had agreed to that. You remembered after a while and you sighed out. "I'm sorry..." you muttered out and you heard Lovino sigh out 

"Whatever, we should get to school in time" he said and you nodded. You both walked the usual way to school and you yawned most of the way there which the Italian boy saw but he didn't say anything. Maybe you had a hard time to sleep last night. You both arrived to the school and you both went to your own classes. After some time it was lunch break and he was about to sit down on the usual spot you and him sit on but he saw you were gone. 

'What the hell? Where are they? They always come here before i do' he thought to himself and with that he walked out from the dining room. He walked around the school for a while and suddenly he heard quiet and muffled sobs from one of the bathrooms. He recognized the cries and he knocked  on the door. "Y/N?" he asked softly and he heard that your cries got quieter "Y-Yeah?" you said and he heard that you held back your cries. "Open the door" Lovino ordered. "Why?" you asked and he felt he grew more impatient. "I know you are crying so open the door before i kick it in!" he said a little louder and you did as you were told because you knew he could do it if he really wanted to so with that in mind you opened the door and he saw your eyes was still wet and had a hint of red within them. 

"What happened?" he asked as he entered the bathroom and locked the door. "W-Well... someone in my class said that i-i was stupid... a-and useless because i-i said i didn't w-want to talk i-infront of the c-class..." you muttered out and Lovino looked at you with a emotionless look but after some time you saw a light shade of pink form on his cheeks and he took you in a hug. "It's okay... it's not true..." he mumbled out and your eyes widen softly. He haven't been this nice before. "I-I know this because y-you are a smart p-person with a big heart and don't let  anyone say anything else because t-that's the truth" you heard it was hard for him to say such nice things to you because he stuttered alot but still you were grateful so with that you hugged him back. "Thank you" you mumbled. Lovino felt his blush intense and his heartbeat and with fear of you hearing it you felt him push you away while you saw a blush on his cheeks. "A-Anyways i do this just because i don't like to see people cry, o-okay?" he explained and you nodded. "Okay" you said and you both walked out.

"By the way... who was the person? I want to talk to them by myself..."

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