Vampire! Romania x Detector! Reader

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(listened to this while writing ^^ ((Mostly the first part))

((Basically in this story you can detect supernatural stuff))

It was a normal day to say the least. You were just walking back from the grocery store and you were in your own thoughts. You had summer vacation and you didn't have anything to do. You were kind of bored to be honest. Having to work and such nonstop to out of nowhere doing nothing is actually a little bit hard to get used to.

You were used to work most of the time but now you just didn't have anything to do which made you a little bored. You sighed out and wiped away some sweat which had appeared on your forehead. It sure was hot right now. You looked down slightly to avoid the burning sun's rays as you walked a little bit faster so you could just come home to your house which hopefully was not as warm as outside.

Suddenly you stopped in your tracks as you felt a slight feeling of oddness go through your whole body. 

Did i mention you weren't like most humans? You could detect supernatural beings such as fairies, demons, angels e.c.t. You have had this ability ever since you were a child. You looked up from the ground as you felt the oddness grow more within you. You eyes were locked on a man which had blonde hair and strawberry red eyes walking your way.

He had a very strange aura emit from him and you could recognize this aura immediately. 

This man is a vampire.

He looked at you when he felt two pair of eyes stare at him. He looked at your eyes which was slightly widen and he tilted his head by this.

You realized that you had been staring so you quickly looked down, walking as fast as you could. You didn't want to make someone angry and especially a vampire. He saw you were about to walk past him but before you could you felt a hand being placed on your shoulder and the feeling only grew worse. 

"Is there something wrong?" he asked with a smile on his lips, showing his sharp fangs slightly. "N-No not at all" you said nervously as you saw him stare into your eyes for a while, seeing if you told the truth or not. The feeling you had only grew worse and you just wanted to get out from the situation as soon as possible. 

You have heard about vampires and you had meet maybe two or three of them and let's just say that those meetings didn't end up good. So of course you just wanted to walk away from the red eyed man.

"Are you sure? You look kind of nervous" he said as he saw right through you. He actually looked concerned but you didn't know if it was just a part of his act or not. "I-I'm fine" you said and you saw a chuckle escape his lips, making you see that he indeed had very sharp fangs. "You know about me, right?" he asked. You nodded slightly, knowing what the vampire was referring to. 

He let go of your shoulder as he still held eye contact. "You don't have to be so nervous, i won't bite" he said, smiling mischievously. "Anyways my name is Vlad Lupei" he introduced. "What's yours?" he asked curiously.  "Y-Y/N L/N" you said, still feeling your oddness and nervousness within. "What a nice name~ Anyways how did you know about me?" he asked you. 

"Well... i can just feel these kind of things..." you mumbled out, playing with your hands softly. "Feel?" he asked. "Y-Yeah, whenever something supernatural is close i get a... feeling? I don't know how to describe it but i get an odd feeling all over and when i get closer to the being the feeling gets stronger" you explained, feeling a little bit safe with the vampire as he seemed nice.

"Hmm... hey can i get your number?" he asked bluntly as he saw you blush slightly. He laughed happily. "I want to research a little bit so can i get back to you when i know a little bit more?" he asked and you thought about it for some seconds. 

He did seem like a good person and he haven't tried to do anything to you. You nodded as you told him your number. "Thank you! Well then i have to go home so i message you as soon as i can, alright?" he asked and you nodded as you saw him walk away, waving his hand to you and you waved back slightly.

Maybe not all of them is bad. 

(I'm so sorry for being inactive again!! ;W; i just haven't had good ideas and i just uuuggghhhhh...) (I'm sorry if Romania is a lil ooc i actually don't know so much about him buuuttt i do like him ^^)

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