North Italy x Innocent! Child! Reader

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Requested by: Fandom_Trash_Chan

Hope you enjoyed!

(Listened to this while writing)

You had always been this way ever since you could remember. You were quite the naive and innocent child who thought that the world was a pretty and nice place. You often were laughing and smiling through the tough days. It was just who you were as a person and nothing could change that part of you. You were a naive and a innocent child who always saw the good in people. 

He liked that part of you. You were just so nice and kind to anyone you meet, despise how they looked or who they were. He had found you when you were very small with no parents to take care of you. He felt bad and decided that he would take you home.

When he had taken you home he didn't want to send you to the orphanage. He was scared that maybe you wouldn't like it there and plus he had gotten kind of attached to you so he decided to take care of you! He was like a big brother to you and that is what you also got your innocence from.

Some of the other nations didn't like it because they knew that he had to leave you eventually when you grow older because it wasn't allowed that the humans would know that they existed. Also that they didn't want to see Veneziano become heartbroken when you would die. 

He didn't care and decided to keep you with him. He didn't want to leave you and you didn't want him to leave you so the bond between you kept growing and growing each day you two spend time with each other, each time you would laugh with each other, each time you both cooked together and each times you both smiled with each other.

You were naive as i said. You didn't see any change when you grew older but he still remained the same. Maybe you saw it but didn't care.

Today was another day of being with the auburn haired Italian. You both had just eaten breakfast and you were sitting, watching TV while Feliciano or Feli as you called him put the dishes inside the dishwasher.

You soon heard footsteps get closer and you felt him sit beside you. "Feli" you started and he turned his head to you. "I saw they had a festival going on, can we go?" you asked while you held a hopeful look inside your eyes.

The Italian smiled whole heartedly. "Ve~ Of course N/N!" he said and of you both were of. You held his hand softly as you both walked through the crowds of people around you. It intimidated you a little bit and Veneziano felt you squish his hand softly and he in return did the same. You looked up at him and smiled, knowing he was with you.

You both looked around the small shops they had and you saw one which had a lot of jewelry and you let go of his hand, rushing over there quickly. Feliciano got a little bit of panic when he didn't feel your small hand in his but when he saw where you were his panic died out and he walked to the small shop.

The man in the shop smiled when he saw you and Veneziano. You looked at the necklaces they had and Veneziano watched over you, hearing if you found something which you really wanted.

After some time looking you found something! A necklace which had a star on it and it was your F/C! You looked up at Veneziano with hopeful eyes and he just nodded, saying to the man that he wanted the necklace.

After that you both decided to walk home and when you got home you immediately wanted to try it so you walked over to a mirror and put it on when you had put it on you happily walked over to him. "It's looks so pretty on you!" he beamed happily and smiled a sweet smile. " You really think so?"you asked and he nodded. 

You walked over to him and climbed onto his lap, sitting down and he took his arms around you so your wouldn't fall. "Thank you" you said and  looked up to him. He placed his chin onto your head. "Your welcome bambini~" he cooed happily. 

He opened his eyes slightly and looked down to your small form. He wanted to see for himself if you really liked the necklace and he saw that you did so with that he closed them once again and placed his head onto yours, smiling softly and feeling blessed.

(I hope this was to your expectations!)

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